Sergei Pashakhin
Contact: +499518632790
Office: FMA/01.14
E-Mail: sergei.pashakhin(at)uni-bamberg.de
Pillar 4: Governance, Institutional Change and Political Behaviour
Field: Political Science
Research Interests: Platformization, Autocratization, Computational Methods
Digital Influence and Political Transformation: A study of social media companies in autocratizing contexts
My project focuses on the behavior of social media companies operating in autocratizing countries. The project studies the association between actions these companies can take, and the dynamics of regime change directed towards autocracy. My work aims to enhance our understanding of this relationship, and of how social media companies can shape political communication online.
Doctoral School of Sociology – HSE University.
MA in Sociology (Modern Social Analysis) – HSE University.
Specialist degreein Social Work (Information Technologies in Social Work) – TUSUR University.
Awards / Academic Achievements and Scholarships
Research grant - Otto A. Malm Foundation
Guest scientist - University of Potsdam
Top Paper Award from the Political Communication Division of the International Communication Association. Paper title: “What Drives Perceptions of Foreign News Coverage Credibility? A Cross-National Experiment Including Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine”.
Top Paper Award from the Political Communication Division of the International Communication Association. Paper title: “Agenda divergence in a developing conflict: Quantitative evidence from Ukrainian and Russian TV newsfeeds”.
Advanced Doctoral Programme Scholarship of the HSE University.
HSE University Scholarship for Young Research Fellows
Bryanov, K., Kliegl, R., Koltsova, O., Miltsov, A., Pashakhin, S., Porshnev, A., Sinyavskaya, Y., Terpilovskii, M., and Vziatysheva, V. (2023): "What Drives Perceptions of Foreign News Coverage Credibility? A Cross-National Experiment Including Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine". Political Communication, 40(2), 115–146.
Prytkova, A., Pashakhin, S., and Koltcov, S. (2022): "Following the Lead When Nothing is Certain? Exploring the Image of Russia in Kazakhstani and Ukrainian Digital News Media". In D. A. Alexandrov, A. V. Boukhanovsky, A. V. Chugunov, Y. Kabanov, O. Koltsova, I. Musabirov, & S. Pashakhin (Eds.), Digital Transformation and Global Society (Vol. 1503, pp. 375–388). Springer International Publishing.
Pashakhin, S. (2021): "Public agenda fragmentation beyond established democracies: The case of Russian online publics in 2017". Russian Journal of Communication, 13(3), 305–324.
Moroz, A., Pashakhin, S., and Koltsov, S. (2021): "Modeling Cascade Growth: Predicting Content Diffusion on V188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网e". In A. Antonyuk & N. Basov (Eds.), Networks in the Global World V (Vol. 181, pp. 180–195). Springer International Publishing.
Koltsova, O. and Pashakhin, S. (2020): "Agenda divergence in a developing conflict: Quantitative evidence from Ukrainian and Russian TV newsfeeds". Media, War & Conflict, 13(3), 237–257.
Koltsova, O., Alexeeva, S., Pashakhin, S., and Koltsov, S. (2020): "PolSentiLex: Sentiment Detection in Socio-Political Discussions on Russian Social Media". In A. Filchenkov, J. Kauttonen, & L. Pivovarova (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language (Vol. 1292, pp. 1–16). Springer International Publishing.
Koltsov, S., Pashakhin, S., and Dokuka, S. (2018): "A Full-Cycle Methodology for News Topic Modeling and User Feedback Research". In S. Staab, O. Koltsova, & D. I. Ignatov (Eds.), Social Informatics (Vol. 11185, pp. 308–321). Springer International Publishing.
International Conference on Social Media & Society. Presentation: “Content Moderation Does not Respond to Autocratization: Quantitative Evidence From Transparency Reports of Twitter, Alphabet and Meta.” London, UK. July 16-18, 2024.
ICA regional conference Computational Communication Research in Central and Eastern Europe. Presentation: “Public agenda fragmentation beyond established democracies: the case of Russian online publics in 2017.” Helsinki, Finland. June 27–29, 2022.
Academy of International Affairs Workshop “Social Media Impact on International Affairs.” Talk: “Authoritarian Publics: Agenda Fragmentation.” Bonn, Germany. May 22–25, 2022.
Digital Transformation & Global Society (DTGS). Presentation: “Following the Lead when Nothing is Certain? Exploring the Image of Russia in Kazakhstani and Ukrainian Digital News Media.” Online. 2021.
Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language (AINL). Presentation: “PolSentiLex: Sentiment Detection in Socio-political Discussions on Russian Social Media.” Online. 2020.
19th Annual Aleksanteri Conference “Technology, Culture, and Society in the Eurasian Space". Presentation: “Media Diets and News Agendas Online: A Case of the 2017 Protests in Russia.” Helsinki, Finland. 2019.
10th International Conference on Social Informatics. Presentation: “A Full-Cycle Methodology for News Topic Modelling and User Feedback Research 10th International Conference on Social Informatics.” Saint Petersburg, Russia. 2018.
68th Annual ICA Conference: Voices. Presentation: “Agenda Divergence in a Developing Conflict: A Quantitative Evidence from a Ukrainian and a Russian TV Newsfeeds.” Prague, Czech Republic. 2018.
5th International Conference Comparative Media Studies in Today’s World: Media Transformations in Times of Technological Boom and Political Polarization. Presentation: “The Representation of Ukrainian Crisis in News: Frame Analysis with Topic Modelling.” Saint Petersburg, Russia. 2017.
Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language (AINL). Presentation: “Topic Modelling for Frame Analysis of News Media.” Saint Petersburg, Russia. 2016.
PhD Researcher with the Chair for Political Science, especially Digital Transformation, University of Bamberg.
Member of International Communication Association. Divisions: Computational Methods, Political Communication.
Senior Lecturer with Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences, HSE University.
Junior Research Fellow with Social and Cognitive Informatics Laboratory (SCILA), HSE University.
Journals: PLOS ONE, Media and Communication, Post-Soviet Affairs.
Conferences: ICA, Social Informatics, Internet Science, CMSTW, DTGS, AIST.
? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences
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