News 02/24/2025 Best Paper Award 01/30/2025 AISE group member speak at Elixir Conference 11/25/2024 New Special Issue of KI-Künstliche Intelligenz: "Non-Classical Reasoning for Contemporary AI Applications'' 09/24/2024 Successful dissertation defence by Rosae Martin Pe?a 09/24/2024 Three new book articles by Prof Dr Benzmüller published 07/22/2024 Veronika Solopova defended PhD in NLP with highest grade at FU Berlin: Hybrid AI Systems in Automated Content Moderation and Analysis 07/04/2024 Two new Book Volumes on “Automated Reasoning” by Benzmüller 06/24/2024 Benzmüller is co-editor of a 2-volume work on "Automated Reasoning" in the renowned series "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence" by Springer. These two open access volumes contains the papers of the 12th International Joint Conference on Automated R 03/27/2024 Benzmüller continues cooperation with BITS Pilani Dubai 03/06/2024 Benzmüller contributes to the "Jung und Alt bewegt" workshop series organised by the Association of German Scientists (VDW). 12/23/2023 Benzmüller selected as High-End Foreign Expert at Zhejiang University, China 11/13/2023 Outreach: Prof. Dr. Vestrucci scientific advisor on AI and ethics. 11/13/2023 Prof. Dr. Vestrucci member of the scientific committee "BLESS - Bridges between Logic, Ethics, and Social Sciences" 11/08/2023 Benzmüller Visiting Professor at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus 10/13/2023 Benzmüller Keynote Speaker at CINS 2023 in Dubai Benzmüller is keynote speaker at CINS 2023 conference in Dubai 09/12/2023 Best Paper Award at CLAR 2023 07/03/2023 AISE team members get papers accepted at various conferences and Journals: KI, CLAR, J.IGPL 06/07/2023 Prof. Dr. Andrea Vestrucci Guestprofessor at the university Torun in PolandAISE-PLM: Computational Metaphysics - Mechanizing Principia Logico-Metaphysica with Edward Zalta (Stanford U, Philosophy) funded by the Bavarian BaCaTeC Initiative Begin: 06/01/2023 13:15 End: 06/03/2023 17:45 Location: An der Universit?t 5 - Sitzungszimmer - U5/03.27 05/24/2023 Benzmüller appointed as Co-Chair of IJCAR 2024 05/22/2023 AISE team members get papers accepted at various conferences: CADE, CICM, CAV 05/11/2023 International block course by TU Berlin and U Bamberg on “Ethics & Epistemology of AI” 04/17/2023 Benzmüller‘s works presented in TerraX 03/13/2023 New book: On G?del and the Nonexistence of Time 01/27/2023 Dr. Daniel Kirchner (AISE Team) nominiert als KI-Newcomer 2023 11/28/2022 "Who Finds the Short Proof?" just appeared in Logic Journal of the IGPL 11/28/2022 AISE-Team receives two BaCaTeC-VSAI Grants 11/16/2022 Talk by Chad Brow (Czech Technical University in Prague): Formalization of Mathematics in Higher Order Set Theory (Wed, Nov 16, 14:15-15:45) 10/27/2022 Public Outreach: Benzmüller wins Bamberger Science Slam jointly with Rapper ,,Bamb?gga'' 10/14/2022 Goethe-Institute AI & Ethics Summer School 2022 at U Bamberg. 10/13/2022 Benzmüller's work on the Ontological Argument is mentioned/discussed in Scientific American and Spektrum der Wissenschaft 08/24/2022 Benzmüller will be keynote speaker of FLAIRS-36 08/15/2022 Forthcoming book with Springer: What follows from the non-existence of time? Selected contributions to the Kurt-G?del essay competition 2021. 08/10/2022 Forthcoming book chapter: A Simplified Variant of G?del's Ontological Argument 08/08/2022 New preprint: Who Finds the Short Proof? 08/03/2022 New article in Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science The Article "Introduction: Five Steps Toward a Religion–AI Dialogue" just appeared in Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science. 05/23/2022 Workshop and Tutorial on Computational Metaphysics and Intensionality: May 31 and June 1 05/23/2022 New Article in JLC The Article "Automating Public Announcement Logic with Relativized Common Knowledge as a Fragment of HOL in LogiKEy" just appeared in the Journal of… 05/23/2022 Daniel Kirchner defends his PhD thesis in mathematics at FU Berlin with a summa cum laude 05/23/2022 Benzmüller is jury member of the Kurt G?del Award 2023 03/21/2022 New Article Der Artikel "A Simplified Variant of G?del's Ontological Argument." wird in Kürze in erscheinen.