Since 2021: Member of the Steering Committee of the Forschungsnetzwerk : Research Network of the Working Group Research Support ("AK Forschung") of the Non-professorial Academic Staff Council
Since 2019: Deputy Women's Representative of the faculty of Humanities (Stellvertretende Frauenbeauftragte der Fakul?t GuK)
Past Academic Service in Professional Organizations
peer reviews for Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung (ZFF), Crime Fiction Studies, AmLit – American Literature, gender forum, Journal for the Austrian Association for American Studies (JAAAS)
Professional Affiliations
Bavarian America Academy (since 2023)
Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung, e.V. [Association for Research in the Fantastic] (since 2020)
Popualr Culture/American Culture Association (since 2018)
German Popular Culture Studies Association (since 2018; founding and board member)
Universit?tsbund, e.V. (since 2018)
German Association of American Studies (since 2015)