Subject Advisory Service

Christine Brunner
Room F21/03.59
Feldkirchenstr. 21
96052 Bamberg
Telephone: +49 951 863-3013
E-Mail: studienberatung.bwl[at]

Studying Business Administraton in Bamberg

Today's markets are highly interconnected, and many companies operate both nationally and internationally. The rapid changes in the economy require continuous adaptability and further development. To handle these challenges, employees are needed who have acquired not only comprehensive business administration knowledge during their studies but also essential soft skills to successfully and effectively manage these tasks.

The specific career fields in which graduates can work depend on their chosen specializations. In general, the Bachelor's degree in Business Administration qualifies graduates for advanced specialist roles in various industries, such as industrial companies, banks, insurance firms, market research institutions, as well as in the public sector and various international organizations.

The specialization geared towards the job market opens up interesting fields of activity in various functional business areas, such as controlling, finance, sales and marketing, human resources, but of course also in organization, logistics, accounting, tax consulting, supply chain management and innovation management.

Structure of the Bachelor's Degree

The Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration comprises compulsory and compulsory elective modules, whereby the modules are grouped together. The programme starts with the acquisition of basic business knowledge as well as legal, economic and quantitative-methodological fundamentals. In addition, you choose 2 specializations in which the basics of business administration are deepened. You will acquire practical experinence during the mandatory intership. In the Bachelor's thesis, you will work independently on a selected business issue.

Study structureECTS credits
Business administration60
Business administration specialization24
Law, economics and methods54
Business Language (English, French, Italian, Spanish)12
Profile building12
Bachelor Thesis12

Good Reasons to Study with Us

Living internationality in Bamberg

In Bamberg, we strike a balance between a sound academic business studies programme and the development of comprehensive international skills, particularly as part of our integrated study abroad programme. Our graduates are able to operate in an international environment in a goal-orientated manner and successfully deal with specific challenges in multinational companies. With a large number of Erasmus students, a lively student life and visitors from all over the world, Bamberg is an excellent starting point for building your own international network.

The world heritage site is our campus

Thanks to its historic city centre, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bamberg is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. With around 80,000 inhabitants and around 11,000 students, Bamberg offers an ideal setting for successful studies with flair.

The attractive location on the edge of Franconian Switzerland also offers a wide range of opportunities for sports and leisure activities to balance out the intensive academic work during your studies. The general advantages of a smaller city should also not be neglected - such as the relatively low cost of living or simply the high level of public safety.

Not least because of the advantages mentioned above, the University of Bamberg is also very popular with foreign students.

Your Qualifications

In addition to the necessary general university entrance qualification, you should also have knowledge of statistics and an interest in economic contexts. You will also have a secure knowledge of English or another modern language for successful studies.

Prospective students who have a foreign nationality and a foreign university entrance qualification must apply to the International Office for a Bachelor's degree programme at the University of Bamberg. There, it is checked whether the required higher education entrance qualification and the required German language skills are available.

Master's programmes after your Bachelor

After finishing your Bachelor's programme, the University of Bamberg offers the opportunity to complete one of the following Master's programmes:

The University of Bamberg also offers various double degree programmes with partner universities, allowing you to obtain two degrees.