B. Sc. International Information Systems Management
possible in both summer
and winter semesters
6 semesters for
180 ECTS in total
of Studies
full-time and
part-time possible
Bachelor of Science

The six-semester Bachelor's programme "International Information Systems Management" has been supplementing the existing study programs of the Faculty Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences (WIAI) since the winter semester 2010/2011.
It aims to provide an international and management-oriented education for students who want to qualify for the operation of IT and information systems in an international context. Knowledge and skills in the area of management of internal and cross-company information systems are taught, as well as project management skills, foreign languages, cultural management skills and social skills (soft skills). Students also gain practical experience in an international and intercultural context in a university and business environment through semesters abroad and/or internships abroad. The academic teaching portfolio is supplemented by a module group consisting of courses offered by external lecturers from the company's own practice in order to establish a stronger transfer of practical experience into the later phases of the study program.
Degree Programme Representative

Prof. Dr. Tim Weitzel
Room WE5/04.040
An der Weberei 5
96047 Bamberg
Phone: +49 951 863-2871
Subject Advisor

(content-related questions about the study programme)
Ferdinand Mittermeier
Room WE5/01.025
An der Weberei 5
96047 Bamberg
Phone: +49 951 863-2511
Subject Advisor
Servicedesk WI

Service Desk staff
Room WE5/01.078
An der Weberei 5
96047 Bamberg
Phone: +49 951 863-2778
Servicedesk WI