BaCAI Members
Core AI Professorships and Members

Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller
Chair for AI Systems Engineering
Representative of ZIAI

Prof. Dr. Roman Klinger
Chair for Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing

Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig
Chair of Explainable Machine Learning

Prof. Dr. Milad Mirbabaie
Chair for AI Engineering in Companies

Prof. Dr. Markus Rickert
Chair of Multimodal Intelligent Interaction

Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid
Chair of Cognitive Systems

Prof. Dr. Stefan Ultes
Natural Language Generation and Dialogue Systems Group

Chair of Computational Social Science & AI

Bettina Finzel
Chair of Cognitive Systems

Ines Rieger
Chair of Explainable Machine Learning

Prof. Dr. Andrea Vestrucci
Chair for AI Systems Engineering

Nicolas Wagner
Natural Language Generation and Dialogue Systems Group

Dr. Sabine Weber
Chair for Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing
AI-related Foundations and Applications of Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Isolde Adler
Professorship of Algorithms and Complexity Theory

Prof. Dr. Fabian Beck
Chair of Information Visualization

Prof. Dr. Patrick Tobias Fischer
Junior Professorship for User Experience and Design

Prof. Dr. Tom Gross
Human-Computer Interaction Group

Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich
Chair of Media Informatics

Dr. Konstantin Hopf
Chair of Information Systems and Energy Efficient Systems

Prof. Dr. Sophie J?rg
Chair of Computer Graphics and its Foundations

Jacob Justice
Chair of Computer Graphics and its Foundations

Prof. Dr. Daniela Nicklas
Chair of Mobile Softwaresysteme/Mobilit?t
Representative of the Smart City Research Lab

Prof. Dr. Oliver Posegga
Chair of Information Systems and Social Networks

Prof. Dr. Christoph Schlieder
Chair of Computing in the Cultural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Maximilian E. Schüle
Junior Professorship for Data Engineering

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Staake
Chair of Information Systems and Energy Efficient Systems
Interdisciplinary AI Research

Prof. Dr. Claus-Christian Carbon
Department of General Psychology and Methodology

Prof. Dr. Andreas Jungherr
Chair of Political Science, especially Digital Transformation

Dr. Alexander Pastukhov
Department of General Psychology and Methodology

Prof. Dr. Alexander Pflaum
Chair of Supply Chain Management

Dr. Jessica R?hner
Chair of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment

Prof. Dr. Werner Scheltjens
Professorship of Digital History

Prof. Dr. Astrid Schütz
Chair of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment
Representative of ZIAI