Application with Funding

General Information
Grant Writing Stipend


The Bamberg Graduate School welcomes applications from postdoctoral researchers who:

  • hold a doctoral degree in the fields of Sociology, Psychology, Education, Political Science, Labour and Educational Economics and Demography. Qualified postdoctoral researchers of related subjects with a strong Social Science background are also encouraged to apply;
  • work on research projects that fit to the research profile of at least one of our School's four Pillars. Projects cutting across two (or more) Pillars are equally welcomed. We also may take into account projects that do not exactly fit to our Pillar profiles, but are very closely related.
  • have proven their academic excellence through publications in international peer-reviewed journals and/or high-impact conference presentations;
  • have an excellent command of English.


The selection procedure for the Grant Writing Stipend - and therefore an admission to the Graduate School - is a highly competitive process with appropriate consideration for diversity and equal opportunities. The two main criteria are the candidate's proven record of academic excellence on the one hand, and the substantive fit to research at BAGSS, on the other hand.

Candidates must name one potential mentor who is a member of the BAGSS faculty. This person serves as local contact and supports the candidates during their time at BAGSS. An overview of our faculty and their research topics can be found here(699.9 KB, 8 pages)(699.9 KB, 8 pages).

The following criteria are used to award the Grant Writing Stipend:

  • A complete, formally correct application has been submitted by the advertised deadline and in the required fashion.
  • The research topic for the project, as proposed in the application, matches the academic profile of the Graduate School (the Four Pillars).
  • One faculty member of the Graduate School agrees to act as a local mentor.
  • The candidate's proven record of academic excellence

Should one of the above-mentioned criteria not be met due to a disability eligible under the provision of the relevant German legislation (the IX. Sozialgesetzbuch), candidates may apply to have their special circumstances considered.
Should you require advice on the statutory rules, please contact
admissions.bagss(at) In your email, please include the reference – ‘Statutory rules – disabilities’ in the subject line







? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences