Exploring Teacher Education Attrition: Insights from a Study on Predictors of Dropout

Name: Sebastian Franz
Field: Educational Research
Dissertation: Abbrüche in der Lehrkr?ftebildung. Erkl?rungsfaktoren des Studienabbruchs im Lehramtsstudium und
des Nichtantritts des Vorbereitungsdienstes
Our doctoral member Sebastian Franz has successfully completed his dissertation. In his Graduation Interview, he gives insights into the topic and findings of his dissertation, talks about his time at the BAGSS, and shares the next step in his career.
// What drew you to your dissertation topic and what interests you most about it?
S.F. This research trajectory commenced with my master's thesis, which investigated factors correlated with the decision to initiate a teacher education program. When prompted to consider future research directions, it appeared logical to examine which students, having initially decided to pursue a teaching career, do not complete their studies. Consequently, I selected my dissertation project to focus on predictors that could elucidate why teacher education students discontinue their programs. This topic addresses the significant and contemporary issue of teacher shortages in Germany, thereby holding relevance not only for scientific inquiry but also for educational policy.
// Can you give us a small sneak peek about the findings of your thesis?
S.F. This study utilized data from the teacher education panel study to investigate the research questions. This comprehensive dataset, unique to the German context of teacher education, encompasses a large sample of teacher education students and tracks their career pathways over a decade. The findings indicate that lack of achievement is the primary factor contributing to attrition in teacher education. This encompasses both the competencies and grades prior to entering higher education, as well as the perceived academic performance during the course of study. Notably, the predictors for attrition in teacher education appear to not differ substantially from those in other academic programs.
// What did you enjoy most about your time at the Graduate School?
S.F. The exchange with fellow doctoral students from diverse fields and, notably, from various cultures and countries was intellectually stimulating. The multifaceted offerings of workshops, lectures, and colloquia contributed significantly to the development of my professional competencies and enhanced my knowledge base. Furthermore, I am deeply appreciative of the monetary support received through travel grants, which facilitated my attendance at several conferences.
// What is the next step in your career?
S.F. I continue working as a research assistant in the projects ‘DiSo’ and ‘Di?S’ at the University of Bamberg and aim to apply for a DFG project in order to secure my own position.