lnfluences of migrant parents ethnic resources on competencies of their primary school children




Name: Teresa Haller
Dissertation: lnfluences of migrant parents ethnic resources on competencies of their primary school children


Our doctoral member Teresa Haller has successfully completed her dissertation. In her Graduation Interview, she gives insights into the topic and findings of her dissertation, talks about her time at the BAGSS, and shares the next step in her career.

// What drew you to your dissertation topic and what interests you most about it?

T.H.: In my dissertation I investigated effects of ethnic links in parental cultural and social resources (e.g. ethnic related skills, educational level attained in the country of origin, educational and ethnic composition of the social network) on their children?s German language and math competencies. To me, investigating the meaning of ethnic links for educational outcomes in Germany is interesting because I want to contribute to strengthening a more differentiated view of the significance of ethnic orientations in families with a migration background in Germany. In societal discussions (and in many research articles without migration-specific focus), migrants are often seen as a homogeneous group and a negative view of ethnic links prevails. By taking a detailed look at the significance of ethnic links, I hope that my research contributes to a less generalised view.

// Can you give us a small sneak peek about the findings of your thesis?

T.H.: Empirically I investigated my research question with two data sets (data from Starting Cohort 2 of the German National Educational Panel study and data from the ESKOM-Project). Overall, the results in both studies show similar effects which are the following: After controlling for social background characteristics, ethnic links in parental resources remain relevant and negatively connected to children's German vocabulary skills. They are not - or much less - relevant for the children?s math skills. Parental cultural capital with and without ethnic links is more significant for children?s competencies than parental social capital.

// What did you enjoy most about your time at the Graduate School?

T.H.: I enjoyed the exchange and the training opportunities organised by the BAGSS. I was also very lucky and grateful to have received financial support for the finalisation of my doctorate in the form of a completion scholarship, which allowed me to concentrate fully on finishing my dissertation.

// What is the next step in your career?

T.H.: I will be working as a research assistant at the German Youth Institute in Munich. There I can continue to work in the scientific field and at the same time focus more on practical and policy advice. I'm looking forward to this combination.