Felix Bittmann
Office: Wilhelmsplatz 3, Room WP3/02.14A, 96047 Bamberg
E-Mail: felix.bittmann(at)lifbi.de
Phone: +49 951 863-3794
Pillar 2: Educational and Social Inequality Across the Entire Life Course
Field: Sociology
Research Interests: Study satisfaction, education in course of life, scientific theory
Visit Felix's website at LIfBi
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Alternative Routes to Higher Education Eligibility
Official statistical data shows that the interest in entering tertiary education correlates with the path (type of school) that leads to higher education eligibility. Until now it is unclear whether this effect is caused by the different school forms, as they might have an independent influence on the ability and interests of pupils. Self-selection might be another factor, as pupils and their parents are free to choose a path. Possibly, there is no interest in entering higher education to begin with and the path has no influence on this decision. To answer this important question, NEPS data will be used to track students in various paths and assess development of interests and abilities over time. It is hoped that the NEPS offers the possibility to identify causal effects for the first time, which would be highly relevant for policy makers and the development of the educational system as a whole.
M. A. "Sociology", University of Bamberg
B. A. "Sociology" and "History", University of Freiburg.
- Bittmann, F. (2020): Python 3 for Science and Engineering Applications, Elektor.
- Bittmann, F. (2020): Praxishandbuch Python 3: Konzepte der Programmierung verstehen und anwenden, BoD.
- Bittmann, F. (2019): Stata: A Really Short Introduction, De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
- Bittmann, F. (2014): Soziologie der Zukunft: Intelligente Maschinen und ihr Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft, Epubli.
Journal Articles (Peer-review)
- Bittmann, F.; Zorn, V. (2021): Analyse des Nutzens von Praktika für ?sterreichische Hochschulabsolventen unter Einbezug relevanter Mediationspfade. ?sterreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 46(2).
- Bittmann, F. (2020): The relationship between height and leadership: Evidence from across Europe. Economics & Human Biology 36(1).
- Bittmann, F.; Zorn, V. (2020): When Choice excels Obligation. About the Effects of mandatory and voluntary Internships on Labour Market Outcomes for University Graduates. Higher Education 80(1): 75-93.
- Bittmann, F. (2018): ?ber den Nutzen von Pflichtpraktika. Eine Replikation der Studie von Klein & Weiss (2011) mit Daten des Bayerischen Absolventenpanels. Beitr?ge zur Hochschulforschung 40(3): 78-95.
Working Papers
- Bittmann, F.; Schindler, S. (2020). Alternative Wege zur Hochschulreife und soziale Disparit?ten beim Hochschulabschluss (LIfBi Working Paper No. 88). Bamberg, Deutschland: Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverl?ufe. doi:10.5157/NEPS:WP88:1.0
- Bittmann, F. (2019): Explaining the Mechanisms linking Field of Study and labour Market Out-comes: Focus on STEM. OPUS Bamberg.
Bittmann, Felix (2020): dbs: Statacommandtocomputedoublebootstrapconfidenceintervals. Github
07/2020 - Today
Doctoral researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, department of Educational Decisions and Processes, Migration, Returns to Education
10/2017 - 06/2020
Doctoral student and research fellow at the Chair of Sociology with Focus on Education and Work in the Life Course as part of the ARtHEE Project (2018-2020), University of Bamberg
? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences