Louise Ohlig
Office: Feldkirchenstr. 21, Room: FG1/00.19, 96052 Bamberg, Germany
E-Mail: louise.ohlig(at)uni-bamberg.de
Phone: +49 951 863 1827
Pillar 1: Education, Personal Development and Learning from Early Childhood to Adulthood
Field: Educational Science
Research Interests: Education in developing countries, education and development, political education, peace education, migration
External Democracy promotion through Education: Approaches in International development cooperation and foreign policies in the field of education.
There have been numerous efforts to systematise methods of external democracy promotion (EDP). It is widely agreed that (civic) education is a particularly effective means of fostering pro-democratic attitudes and behaviour based on cooperation and local ownership, and is therefore often seen as a particularly effective instrument of EDP as opposed to more coercive means. Nonetheless, the precise theoretical role and practical use and implementation of (civic) education for EDP remains unclear in many respects. Therefore, my doctoral research aims to address this gap through several case studies that focus on various German development actors in Tanzania.
2019 - 2022
M.A. Internationale Studien/Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Goethe University Frankfurt
2014 - 2019
B.A. Political Science, Goethe University Frankfurt
2014 - 2018
1. State Exam Education Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt
Awards / Academic Achievements and Scholarships
Since 2022 Scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
Ohlig, L. (under review). German political foundations’ Democracy Assistance in De-democratizing Tanzania: Opening spaces for Civil Society Support and (Transnational) Learning.
Ohlig, L. (under review). Education for Democracy in Autocratic Settings: An Exploration of Tanzanian School Actors’ Understandings. Krisen und Transformationen. Beitr?ge zum 28. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (Schriften der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE)). Opladen/Berlin/Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Ohlig, L. (Accepted). Coping with protracted crises in education systems: Empirical findings from studies in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Kurdistan Region.
Ohlig, L. (Accepted). The Power of Knowledge in Development Cooperation: Allowing or limiting equal partnerships? German democracy promotion in Tanzania. Tertium Comparationis.
Ohlig, L. (2024). Voneinander und Miteinander lernen: Perspektiven tansanischer Lehrkr?fte auf Nord-Süd-Schulpartnerschaften. Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungsp?dagogik 42(2), p. 18-25. DOI: 10.31244/zep.2024.02.04
Ohlig, L. & Timm, S. (2024). Crisis mode in fragile state and its implications for the human right to education: A governance-analytical perspective on the DRC’s education sector. International Journal of Educational Development (107). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2024.103056
Ohlig, L. (2023a). Promoting education and development through Handball-Gorillas in Kigali. IMPEQ Newsletter 10. Summer Issue June 2023, p. 34. Online: /ma-educationalquality/news/.
Timm, S. & Ohlig, L. (2023b). Insight into research: Governance in the DRC’s education sector in face of the COVID-19 pandemic - crisis mode in a fragile state. IMPEQ Newsletter 10. Summer Issue June 2023, p. 35. Online: /ma-educationalquality/news/.
Ohlig, L. (2022a). Wahlkurs Politikwissenschaften, Internationale Beziehungen. 10. Hessische Schülerakademie, Mittelstufe. 18. Juli bis 27. Juli 2021, Dokumentation, p. 36-38. Online: https://www.hsaka.de/wp-content/uploads/2021-Mittelstufe-Dokumentation.pdf.
Ohlig, L. (2020a). Nachhaltigkeit. 9. Hessische Schülerakademie, Mittelstufe -Jahrgangsstufen 7 bis 9, 30. Juni bis 09. Juli 2019, Dokumentation, p. 68-71. Online: https://www.hsaka.de/wp-content/uploads/2019-Mittelstufe-Dokumentation.pdf.
Ohlig, L. (2020b). Gerechtigkeit. 9. Hessische Schülerakademie, Mittelstufe - Jahrgangsstufen 7 bis 9, 30. Juni bis 09. Juli 2019, Dokumentation, p. 72-76. Online: https://www.hsaka.de/wp-content/uploads/2019-Mittelstufe-Dokumentation.pdf.
Ohlig, L. (2019). Gemeinsame Asylpolitik der EU: Der Weg zu einem menschenrechtskonformen, praktikablen und einheitlichen Asylverfahren in Europa. C?A?P Working Paper 2019. Online: www.cap-lmu.de/download/2019/CAP-Workingpaper_GEAS_Ohlig.pdf.
Ohlig, L. (2024, August 27). Democracy and Civic Education in Non-Democratic Contexts: A Quantitative Study of Tanzanian School Actors. European Educational Research Association. European Conference of Educational Research, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Ohlig, L. & Timm, S. (2024, March 24). Education in the DR Congo – Factors of vulnerability and robustness in times of crisis. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaften (DGfE), Halle, Germany.
Ohlig, L. & Timm, S. (2023d, November 22). North-South school-partnerships as spaces for democracy learning. Webinar Series “Global learning as a dimension of education for democracy,” organized by Academic Network on Global Education & Learning (ANGEL). Online.
Ohlig, L. & Timm, S. (2023c, September 7). Governance in the DRC’s education sector in face of the COVID-19 pandemic – Non-state actors as guarantors of the right to education. The Education and Development Forum (UKFIET). Conference on International Education and Development, Online/Oxford, UK.
Ohlig, L. (2023d, August 23). German Schools Abroad as Places of Democracy Education: The Case of the German School in Nairobi. European Educational Research Association. European Conference of Educational Research, Glasgow, UK.
Ohlig, L. (2022b, July 20). Civic Education in Democracy Promotion by German Political Foundations in Tanzania. Global Peace Studies for Sustainable Development in Africa, Online.
Ohlig, L. (2022c, September 2). A Qualitative Study on the Educational Work of Political Foundations in the Context of External Democracy Promotion in Tanzania. European Educational Research Association. Emerging Researchers' Conference, Online
2021 - today
Pedagogue and Project Management, PROBONO Schulpartnerschaften für Eine Welt e.V.
03/2021 - 09/2021
Scientific Researcher, Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine P?dagogik, Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg
? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences
Image Credits: ? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences