Populist Attitudes in Comparative Perspective
13 June 2018, University of Bamberg.

____Workshop concept
Recent elections in Germany but also elsewhere have shown that populist parties are on the rise. No more are they mere outsiders at the edge of the political spectrum, but they even gained foothold within government coalitions. In recent years scholars increasingly devoted their intention to describing and analyzing populist attitudes, voters and parties. Yet, in many instances these insights remained specific to the distinctive fields of research. The workshop was designed to integrate ideas and explanations from various fields, i.e. political science, sociology, social psychology and communication science. In doing so, scholars discussed and put together combined approaches for analyzing and combatting populism. ?
___ Guests
Andrej Zaslove, Radbound University
Anne Schulz, University of Zurich
Bart Bonikowski, Harvard University, USA
Bruno Castanho Silva, University of Cologne
Christopher Wratil, University of Cologne
Heiko Giebler, WZB Berlin
Saskia Ruth, GIGA Hamburg
Susanne Veit, WZB Berlin
___ Program Booklet
For more information take a look at the program booklet(594.6 KB, 14 pages), which was also provided during the workshop.
The workshop was organized by members of the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences:
Marc Helbling, Political Science
Sebastian Jungkunz, Political Science
? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences
Image Credits: ? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences