Elif Schlieter, Political Science
"The Instrumentalization of the Syrian Refugee Crisis and Conflictual Cooperation Between the EU and Turkey"
//Disputation: 30 January 2025
Sunyong Park, Political Science
"Migrants' Identity and Sense of Belonging in the Digital Age: Sociopolitical Challenges Encountered in Social Integration Today"
//Disputation: 30 January 2025
Hannah Steinberg, Sociology
"Soziale Ungleichheiten in der frühkindlichen Betreuung: Eine Analyse von Betreuungsentscheidungen und -verl?ufen"
//Disputation: 11 November 2024
Sebastian Franz, Educational Research
"Abbrüche in der Lehrkr?ftebildung. Erkl?rungsfaktoren des Studienabbruchs im Lehramtsstudium und des Nichtantritts des Vorbereitungsdienstes"
//Disputation: 30 October 2024
Carina Sch?nmoser,Sociology
"The multi-informant perspective put to the test. Comparison of external assessments of the social-emotional competence of kindergarten children"
//Disputation: 24 October 2024
Carmen Friedrich, Sociology and Demography
"Women's agency and fertility in the Middle East and North Africa"
//Disputation: 16 October 2024
Stephan Simon, Political Science
"Immigrant Integration, Social Trust and Political Support: The Role of Immigration Policies"
//Disputation: 7 October 2024
Levan Kakhishvili, Political Science
"The Nature of Party Competition in Hybrid Regimes: The Case Study of Georgia"
//Disputation: 24 July 2024
Anh Nguyen, Human Resource Management & Organizational Behaviors
"Home Sweet Home Abroad: Enhancing and Harnessing Job Embeddedness among The Internationally Relocated Workers"
//Disputation: 22 July 2024
Paul L?we, Sociology
"What are the Consequences of Structural Differences? Career Dynamics of the Public Sector in Germany and Europe"
//Disputation: 11 June 2024
Teresa Haller, Sociology
"lnfluences of migrant parents ethnic resources on competencies of their primary school children"
//Disputation: 28 May 2024
Chen-Hao Hsu, Sociology
"Uncertainty, Family Formation, and Motherhood Penalties: A Cross-National Comparison of Women's Work-Family Decisions"
//Disputation: 23 April 2024
Linda Maria Spielmann, Political Science
“When Multilateral Environmental Agreements Take on a Life of their Own? Authority Expansion Beyond State Control in Global Enviromental Governance: The Cases of Ozone and Climate Protection“
//Disputation: 14 March 2024
Christopher Kearney, Political Science
"The American Media Discourse on Private Military and Security Companies After the Iraq War’s Nisour Square Incident"
//Disputation: 8 March 2024
Emmanuel Niyibizi, Educational Science
“Teacher Educators’ Subjective Theories about Quality Teaching: A Contribution to Educational Quality by an Empirical Case Study of Rwanda“
//Disputation: 30 January 2024
Stephan Bischof, Sociology
“Skill Mismatch: Measurement, Determinants and Consequences“
//Disputation: 24 January 2024
Lukas Hohendorf, Political Science
“Strategic Gathering Around the Party: Position-taking by German Bundestag District Candidates in their Local Election Campaigns, 2009-2017“
//Disputation: 09 January 2024
Anike Schild,Psychology
“Selbsteinsch?tzungen sprachlicher Kompetenzen im Deutschen jugendlicher Flüchtlinge“
//Disputation: 01 December 2023
Felix Bittmann, Sociology
"Educational Aspirations as a Key Element in the Genesis of Early Social Inequality in German Primary and Secondary Education"
//Disputation: 29 November 2023
Friederike Schlücker, Sociology
“Soziale Herkunft und Studiennoten. Eine quantitative Studie zu Theorien sozialer Ungleichheit an der Hochschule“
//Disputation: 31 July 2023
Wei Huang, Early Child Development
“Young Children's Language and Socioemotional Development:The Role of Family Background“
//Disputation: 12 July 2023
J?rg Welker, Sociology
"Recent refugees' educational selectivity and its role for their children's education and language competencies in Germany"
//Disputation: 15 May 2023
Simone Goppert, Psychology
"Strategisches Lernen in der Studieneingangsphase, eine Herausforderung für Studierende? - Eine Untersuchung im Fachbereich der Erziehungswissenschaften"
//Disputation: 11 May 2023
Sophia Fauser, Sociology
"Investigating the wage and wealth consequences of temporary employment in and outside of Europe"
//Disputation: 08 March 2023
Anna Berthold, Sociology
"Einstellungen zur Akkulturation von Eingewanderten Einstellungsunterschiede von Jugendlichen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund"
//Disputation: 21 February 2023
Verena Benoit, Sociology
"Bridge or Barrier? Religious Identification’s Role in Shaping Attitudes toward Immigrants and Immigration in the European Context"
//Disputation: 21 February 2023
Oana Georgiana Buta, Political Science
"Manipulation and Threat: The non-representation of Roma candidates at the local elections in Romania"
//Disputation: 21 February 2023
Janina Heaphy, Political Science
"The development of extraterritorial human rights safeguards as astrategictool in foreign policy-making–American, German, and Britishapproaches towards the international prohibition of torture since 9/11"
//Disputation: 10 February 2023
Martin Acheampong, Political Science
"Democratic consolidation at a halt? Examining the effects of electoral malpractices on Ghana’s 4th Republic."
//Disputation: 13 January 2023
Maye Ehab Samy, Economics
"Labor market inequalities in Egypt: Some causes and consequences for youth and women"
//Disputation: 21 December 2022
Thomas Bollwein, Sociology
"The Impact of Welfare Institutions on Right-Wing Extremist Attitudes - a Multilevel Analysis"
//Disputation: 14 September 2022
Daniel Mayerhoffer, Political Science
“One Model, Multiple Stories? Using Agent-Based Models to Unveil Structural Similarities in a Complex World.“
//Disputation: 31 August 2022
Theresa Rohm, Educational Research
"Analyzing the context of large-scale educational assessments using multilevel latent variable modeling."
//Disputation: 28 July 2022
Hishyar Mihssun Hassun, Education
"Private Schools in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq - an Evidence Based Approach on their Functions."
//Disputation: 27 July 2022
Margret Hornsteiner, Political Science
"Die Entstehung von Wahlpogrammen – Innerparteiliche Delegation und Partizipation in Deutschland."
//Disputation: 22 July 2022
Leonard Geyer, Political Sciences and Political Economy
"The Political Economy of Active Labour Market Policy in Europe"
//Disputation: 23 May 2022
Claudia Traini,Education
"Stratification of education systems and social mobility. Empirical analyses of the moderating role of the stratification of education systems on the associations of the mobility triangle"
//Disputation: 08 April 2022
Fabio Bothner, Political Science
"Reduzieren! Aber wie? - Eine politikwissenschaftliche Betrachtung von Anreizsystemen zur Reduktion von Treibhausgasen"
//Disputation: 06 April 2022
Zahra Kamal, Economics
"Gender Agenda in Classroom and Student Educational Outcomes."
//Disputation: 22 December 2021
Daniela Araujo, Economics
"The Impact of Teacher and School Quality on Student Learning."
//Disputation: 17 December 2021
Max Nachbauer, Educational Science
"Die Effekte von Schule auf Bildungsungleichheiten nach sozialer Herkunft"
//Disputation: 10 December 2021
Nadja Wehl, Political Science
"Unemployment and Labor Market Policy Attitudes: Political Predispositions, Economic Self-Interest, and Questions of Causality."
//Disputation: 08 November 2021
Claudia Karwath, Sociology
"The Effect of Siblings on Educational Attainment in a Longitudinal Perspective."
//Disputation: 28 October 2021
Dorothea Taube, Educational Science
"Teaching in the Field of Global Education – An explorative study on the implicit knowledge and orientations of teachers in dealing with complex global issues."
//Disputation: 09 July 2021
Sara Kretschmer, Sociology
"Wege in die Bildungsarmut und Folgen – eine sequenzanalytische Untersuchung typischer Lebensl?ufe bildungsarmer Erwachsener."
Lisa Ehrtmann, Psychology
"Contextual and Intra-Individual Impact Factors of Gender Stereotyped Differences in Students' Competences."
//Disputation: 07 July 2021
Doreen Müller, Educational Science
"Familienalltag: ein systematisches Review zur Entwicklung eines konzeptionellen Modells."
//Disputation: 06 May 2021
Frank Go?mann, Sociology
"The Acquisition of Cultural Capital and Habitus and their Impact on the Academic Achievement – a revised theory."
//Disputation: 20 April 2021
Kathrin Thums, Educational Science
"Entwicklung und Determinanten von Geschlechtsunterschieden in der Lesekompetenz bei Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen."
//Disputation: 15 April 2021
Nicola Groh, Educational Science
"Multiprofessionelle Kooperation und adaptiver Unterricht im inklusiven Setting."
Pia Akkaya, Sociology
"Private Schools in Germany."
Daniel H?hmann, Political Science
"Political Institutions and the Substantive Representation of Women’s Interests."
Javier Martínez Cantó, Political Science
"Party soldiers: The selection of electoral leaders in parliamentary democracies."
//Disputation: 22 January 2021
Caroline Schultz, Political Science
"Policy Dilemmas of Migration Control: Liberal Democracies and Migrants with Precarious Legal Status."
Miriam Schmaus, Sociology
"Language-based discrimination and its role for ethnic inequalities in the educational system and the labor market."
Lucas Geese, Political Science
"Institutionelle Mechanismen politischer Repr?sentation in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft."
Franziska Ganesch, Sociology
"R?umliche Mobilit?t am Arbeitsmarkt -Einfluss- und Erfolgsfaktoren überbetrieblicher und überregionaler Mobilit?tsprozesse."
Franziska Locher, Educational Science
"Lesen k?nnen – Lesen wollen. ?ber die Entwicklung von Lesekompetenz, Lesemotivation und Leseverhalten."
Diana Steger, Psychology
"Technology-Based Assessment: A Theoretical Framework, Psychometric Modeling, and Substantial Issues in the Assessment of Cognitive Abilities."
Elisabeth Rose, Psychology
"Zusammenh?nge zwischen sprachlichen und sozial-emotionalen Kompetenzen – L?ngsschnittliche Analysen im Entwicklungsverlauf von der frühen Kindheit bis zur Sekundarstufe."
Yi-Jhen Wu, Educational Psychology
"The Application of Latent Class analysis on Western and Eastern Students’ Math Performance in the 2012 PISA"
//Disputation: 13 November 2019
Carsten Schwemmer, Poltical Science
"Computional Methods for the Social Science - Applications to the Study of Ethnic Minorities"
//Disputation: 30 September 2019
Daniel Sewasew, Psychology
"The Developmental Interplay of Academic Self-Concept and Achievement and the Role of Potential Moderators"
//Disputation: 10 July 2019
Ansgar Hudde, Sociology and Demography
"Germany?s High Childlessness in an International Context: Studies on Gender Role Attitudes and the Transition to Parenthood"
//Disputation: 24 June 2019
Johanna Sophie Quis, Economics
"From K through 12 (or 13?) Students ? Health, Well-Being, and Performance from Preschool to Graduation"
//Disputation: 14 May 2019
Daniel Odinius, Political Science
"Promoting and Limiting Change: The Role of Institutionalised Summits in International Governance"
//Disputation: 19 March 2019
Christine Heimann, Sociology
"Inner-European Mobility in Times of Crisis"
//Disputation: 27 February 2019
Kevin Urbanski, Political Science
"The European Union as an Actor in the Field of International Sanctions - An Investigation of the Conceptual Principles and Mechanisms of Emerging Actorness."
Jan-David Freund, Psychology
"Temperament and Interaction Quality in the First Years of Life - The Longitudinal Interplay of Eraly Temperament and Maternal Interaction Quality in the Context of Unequal Psychosocial Resources"
//Disputation: 09 November 2018
Diana Schacht, Sociology
"Soziale Netzwerke von Migranten und deren Nachkommen - Beitr?ge zu Determinanten und Konsequenzen."
//Disputation: 10 September 2018
Ashenafi Kassahun Edossa, Psychology
"Developmental Interplay between Self-Regulation and Academic Achievement. Emotional Regulation, Behavioral Regulation, and Metacognition."
//Disputation: 10 July 2018
Isabel Winnwa, Political Science and European Politics
"Staging Policy Fiascoes: Unveiling the EU‘s Strategic Game with Policy-Making Failure"
//Disputation: 04 May 2018
Ai Miyamoto, Psychology
"Disentangling the Motivation-Achievement Paradox of Immigrant Students"
//Disputation: 24 April 2018
Gundula Zoch, Sociology
"Expanding Public Childcare Services for Under-threes – An Empirical Investigation of Maternal Employment and Gender Ideologies in East and West Germany"
//Disputation: 09 April 2018
Saikat Gosh, Economics
"Unequal Opportunities in Early Childhood Education in India: A Demand Side Perspective"
//Disputation: 13 February 2018
John-Paul Safunu Banchani, International Relations
"The Role of Functional Differentiation in the Governance of the Decision - Making Process of the African Peer Review Mechanism"
//Disputation: 20 December 2017
Irina Hondralis, Sociology
"What to Expect after you are Expecting? An Analysis of Mothers’ Interruption Duration Return-to-Work Behaviour after Childbirth"
//Disputation: 18 December 2017
Simon Scheller, Political Science
"Democratic Decision Making - A Theoretical Analysis"
//Disputation: 06 December 2017
Sebastian E. Wenz, Sociology
"Discrimination in Education - Methodology, Theory, and Empirics of Teacher's Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discriminatory Behavior"
//Disputation: 23 November 2017
Anja Linberg, Educational Science
"Interaktion zwischen Mutter und Kind. Dimensionen und Bedingungen sensitiven Verhaltens in der frühen Kindheit"
//Disputation: 29 September 2017
Malte Lübker, Political Science
"Redistribution: How Values, Voters and Institutions Shape the Secondary Distribution of Income"
//Disputation: 20 September 2017
Angelika Rüb, Educational Science
"Legibility of Literacy Learner's Handwriting – An Empirical Study on Acquisition and Relevance of Legibility"
//Disputation: 28 July 2017
Sonja Orth, Educational Science and Art Education
"Reflexion plastischer Schülerarbeiten im Kunstunterricht der Grundschule. Eine videobasierte Studie zu Reflexionsphasen im Kunstunterricht der Grundschule"
//Disputation: 25 July 2017
Melanie Olczyk, Sociology
"Ethnische Einbettung und schulischer Erfolg von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Zuwanderungshintergrund"
//Disputation: 20 July 2017
Anna Dechant, Sociology
"You – Me – Both of us? Insights into German Couples’ Plans and Practices of Dividing Paid Work, Housework, and Childcare at the Transition to Parenthood"
//Disputation: 03 July 2017
Benjamin Taylor Rayder, Political Science
"Calculated Competitors or Ideological Bedfellows? A Comparative Analysis of the Policy Similarities and Differences between the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) and Die Linke in the Saxon State Parliament during the 5th Legislative Period, 2009-2014."
//Disputation: 13 June 2017
Tobias Rausch, Educational Research
"Maximising Realism or Isolating Causal Influences? Two Approaches to Teacher Judgement Accuracy Research"
//Disputation: 22 May 2017
Jasper Dag Tjaden, Sociology
"Migrant's Educational Choices: Evidence from Upper Secondary Education in Germany and Switzerland"
//Disputation: 08 May 2017
Martin Wirtz, Political Science
"Immune to National Interests? Potential and Limitations of Strategic Framing in the European Parliament"
//Disputation: 28 March 2017
Anja Kürzinger, Political Science
"Unterrichtliche Determinanten der Schreibkompetenz in der Primarstufe - Wie wirken sich Aufgabenstellungen und individuelle Lernunterstützungen auf die Textqualit?t im Anfangsunterricht aus?"
//Disputation: 20 January 2017
Uta Brehm, Sociology of the Family
"A Life Course Perspective on Woman's Reconsiliation of Family and Employment"
//Disputation: 18 January 2017
Irene Haller, Political Science
"Die Integrationsdynamik des Europ?ischen Emissionshandelssystems"
//Disputation: 18 January 2017
Marion Fischer-Neumann, Sociology
"Social Identities of Immigrants - Bridges or Barriers for their Attitudinal Integration into Politics in Germany?"
//Disputation: 09 January 2017
Georg Lorenz, Sociology
"Self-fulfilling Prophecies in the Context of Ethnic Educational Inequalities"
//Disputation: 09 January 2017
Tobias Linberg, Educational Science
"Kind und Kontext. H?usliche Lernumwelt und soziale Ungleichheiten im vorschulischen Sprachstand"
//Disputation: 29 November 2016
Saba Hanif (Mehran), Psychology
"Distal and Proximal Indicators of Teacher Effectiveness as Predictors of Students' Mathematics Competence in Germany (Grade 5-7)"
//Disputation: 10 November 2016
Frank Schr?der, Sociology
"Distal and Proximal Indicators of Teacher Effectiveness as Predictors of Students' Mathematics Competence in Germany (Grade 5-7)"
//Disputation: 04 November 2016
Daniel Schamburek, Comparative Politics
"Die Ansiedlung von Aufgaben in der Aufbauorganisation deutscher Landesministerialverwaltungen - Eine handlungsorientierte Erkl?rung von Organisationsentscheidungen über aufbauorganisatorische Arrangements am Beispiel der Migrations- und Integrationspolitik"
//Disputation: 06 October 2016
Bernadette Strobel, Sociology
"Sprachgebrauch im Migrationskontext: Muster und Bedingungendes Spracherhalts und seine Folgenfür den Bildungserfolg"
//Disputation: 29 September 2016
Stefanie Herber, Economics
"Students' Performance and Behavior in Elementary and Higher Education: Three Essays in the Economics of Education"
//Disputation: 08 August 2016
Thomas D?rfler, Political Science
"Security Council Sanctions Committees: From Power-Based to Rule-Based Decision-Making?"
//Disputation: 13 July 2016
Christoph Homuth, Sociology
"Die Einführung des achtj?hrigen Gymnasiums und die Auswirkungen auf Bildungsungleichheit in Deutschland"
//Disputation: 20 April 2016
Anita Tisch, Sociology
"Besch?ftigungsf?higkeit in h?herem Erwerbsalter"
//Disputation: 23 March 2016
Matthias Mader, Political Science
"German Public Attitudes toward the Use of the German Military (Bundeswehr) Abroad"
//Disputation: 11 March 2016
Julia Dinkel, Political Science
"Die Proliferation regionaler Integrationsabkommen in Südamerika - Die Entstehung des institutionellen Komplexes und seine Konsequenzen"
//Disputation: 17 December 2015
Doreen Zillmann, Sociology
"Von kleinen Lügen und kurzen Beinen: Selbstdarstellung bei der Partnersuche im Internet"
//Disputation: 25 September 2015
Nora Müller (Skopek), Sociology
"Wealth as a Distinct Dimension of Social Inequality"
//Disputation: 30 April 2015
Lisa Suckert, Sociology
"Die Dynamik ?kologischer M?rkte - Eine feldanalystische Betrachtung am Beispiel des Marktes für Bio-Molkereiprodukte"
//Disputation: 02 April 2015
Raphael Heiko Heiberger, Sociology
"Die soziale Konstruktion von Preisen. Wie Kultur, Netzwerke und institutionelle Regeln Aktienkurse beeinflussen"
//Disputation: 10 November 2014
Christopher Schmidt, Sociology
"Betriebliche Faktoren der Besch?ftigung ?lterer - Theoretische ?berlegungen und empirische Analysen zu Bestand, Eintritten und Austritten"
//Disputation: 27 October 2014
Matthias Dütsch, Sociology
"Mobilitat auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Theoretische Konzepte und empirische Befunde zu Chancen- und Risikostrukturen im Erwerbsverlauf"
//Disputation: 22 July 2014
Mariana Nold, Statistics
"Behavior of Convergence in Logistic Regression Needs"
//Disputation: 14 April 2014
Daniela Hochfellner, Sociology
"Labour Participation of Older Workers: Employment beyond Retirement and Old Age Poverty"
//Disputation: 18 October 2013
Axel Obermeier, Political Science
"Mechanismen institutioneller Dynamiken: Eine vergleichende Prozessanalyse der Entwicklung des ASEAN-Handelsregimes"
//Disputation: 18 July 2013
Eunike Wetzel, Psychology
"Investigating Response Styles and Item Homogeneity Using Item Response Models"
//Disputation: 27 May 2013
? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences