「Best Poster Award 2018」

__ In light of the Scientific Advisory Council Meeting, the Graduate School organised a poster competition for its students. A group of our doctoral fellows participated in the competition and presented posters depicting their respective research topic and progress to a jury. The posters illustrate the highly diverse spectrum of projects that our doctoral fellows are researching and reflect the multidisciplinary spirit and atmosphere of the Graduate School. Our students truly encompass the School's staple manifests. Their empirical, theory-driven research projects focus on real-world problems of knowledge-based societies and surmount traditional boundaries.
The majority of students supervise and conduct their own data collection but some of our students also work in collaboration with major data collection institutes and centres. For example, data derived from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) forms the basis for several research projects. The study is carried out by the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) at the University of Bamberg. It is run by an interdisciplinary network led by Prof. Dr. Sabine Weinert, one of our supervisors. The target activity of the NEPS is to collect longitudinal data on the development of competencies, educational processes, educational decisions, and returns to education in formal, nonformal, and informal contexts throughout the life span. In addition, the Federal Statistical Office provides data collected during the annual microcensus. The microcensus offers not only hard data on the population level, but also aids population projections. For international information, the European Social Survey (ESS) makes its data available to our doctoral fellows. The ESS is a biennial cross-national survey of attitudes and behaviour and uses cross-sectional, probability samples which are representative of all persons aged 15 and over resident within private households in each country.
Congratulations to the three winners of the competition, namely:
Christopher Kearney, Regine Schmidt, David Schmuck
Katrin Bernsdorff, Managing Director
Frank Bandau, Faculty Member, Department of Political Science, University of Bamberg
Monika Heupel, Assistant Professor for International and European Politics, University of Bamberg
Florian Meinfelder, Academical Senior Councillor, University of Bamberg
Martin Acheampong
Acting in Whose Interest? Legislative Representation in Emerging Democracies in Africa.
Verena Benoit
Opposing Muslim Immigrants in Europe: The Role of Religion and Values.
Valentin Berger
Illuminating a "Black Hole". The Indirect Policy Effect of Radical Right Parties on immigration Policies.
Felix Bittmann
Off the Beaten Track? Alternative Routes to Higher Education Eligibility.
Simon Christoph
The Influence of (close) Friends on Individual Educational Achievement in the Later Course of Life.
Ansgar Hudde
Having Power, having Babies? Fertility Patterns among German Elite Politicians.
Christopher Kearney
The Emotive Side of Private Military. Fantasies of Disdain and Respect during the Iraq War.
Pia Akkaya
The Upper Secondary Private School Market In Germany. Social and Regional Inequalities.
Agata Maria Kraj
The Role of Social Identity Dynamics in Maintenance of Individual and Structural Gender Discrimination in Political Parties.
Franziska Locher
Examining Mechanisms Mediating the Relation between Reading Self-Concept and Reading Competence.
Javier Martinez Canto
Are Professional Politicians better Electoral Candidates?
Johanna Sophie Quis
Health Effects of Instruction Intensity: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in German High-Schools.
Friederike Schlücker
Social Origin and Grades at University: Primary Effects in German Higher Education.
Regine Schmidt
Educational Selectivity of Immigrants' in Germany.
David Schmuck
Legislative Career Endings of Native And Immigrant Origin Members of the German Bundestag, 1990-2017.
Carsten Schwemmer
Ride With Me. Ethnic Discrimination in Social Markets.
Dorothea Taube
Teaching in a World Society. Insights into Teachers' Beliefs and Values.
Claudia Traini
Stratification of Education Systems. Social Background Inequality of Educational Opportunity.
? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences
Image Credits: ? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences