Past Events

Second Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop

  • Second Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop: Heterogeneity and Expectations in Macroeconomics and Finance, 14.-15.06.2019.
    For more information see here.

First Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop

  • First Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop: New Approaches to Macro-Financial Instability and Inequality, 15.-16.06.2018.
    For more information see here.

BaGBeM und BaGraLCM Conference

  • The interdisciplinary colloquium on the topic ?Realit?t und Wahrnehmung von Finanzm?rkten in der Gegenwart", 28.-30.11.2018.
    For more information see here.

Past BaGBeM Research Workshops

  • "Behavioral Principles of Decision Making in Complex Intertemporal Problems”, 20-22.11.2019.
    Instructors: Martin Hohnisch and Sabine Pittnauer
    For more information see here.
  • "Microeconomic Foundations for Classical and Post-Keynesian Economics", 17-18.06.2019.
    Instructor: Daniele Tavani
    For more information see here.
  • "Bounded Rationality in Macroeconomic Models", 08-10.05.2019.
    Instructor: Domenico Massaro
    For more information see here.
  • "Structural Vector Autoregressive Analysis (SVAR)", 05-
    Instructorin: Britta Gehrke (FAU)
    For more information see here.
  • "Agent-based Modeling", 17.10.2018-19.10.2018.
    Instructor: Alberto Russo (Marche Polytechnic University)
    For more information see here.
  • "Insights into Markets Dynamics and Agents' Behaviors using Lab Experiments", 19.02.2018-20.02.2018.
    Instructor: Isabelle L. Salle, PhD (Utrecht University)
    For more information see here.
  • "The Distributional Approach in Economics and its Applications", 07.11.2017-08.11.2017.
    Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Simone Alfarano (University Jaume I of Castellón)
    For more information see here.
  • "Agent Based Modelling: Numerical Solution and Stochastic Aggregate Dynamics", 25.09.2017-26.09.2017.
    Instructor: Dr. Corrado Di Guilmi (University of Technology Sydney).
    For more information see here.
  • "Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Methods and Estimation Techniques", 11.07.2017-13.07.2017.
    Instructor: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Reiner Franke (Kiel University).
    For more information see here.

Past BaGBeM Brownbag Seminars

  • Alexander Hempfing and Jan Schulz presented their current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title "Disentangling Growth: A Structural Decomposition Analysis Identifying Economic Drivers in Value Added Change" took place on Jan. 15, 2020.
  • Ivonne Schwartz presented her current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title "Estimation of agent-based models: Testing and applying a simulated joint moment approach" took place on Dec. 11, 2019.
  • Tim Hagenhoff presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title "A New Keynesian model with heterogeneous household expectations and labor market frictions" took place on Nov. 27, 2019.
  • Dr. Tomasz Makarewicz presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag seminar. The presentation with the title "Macroeconomic stability of price level targeting in a model of heterogeneous expectations" took place on Sep. 10, 2019.
  • Martha Düker presented her current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag seminar. The presentation with the title "Medium-term Effects of the Financial Crisis on the National Unemployment Benefit Schemes in the Euro Area" took place on April 2, 2019.
  • Dr. Joep Lustenhouwer and Tim Hagenhoff presented their current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation took place on 29.01.2019.
  • Prof. Pedro Romero, PhD (Universidad San Francisco de Quito) presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title "Experiments on Kinship, Culture and Favoritism"  took place on 15.10.2018.
  • Alexander Hempfing and Jan Schulz, from the BaGBeM, presented their current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation took place on 02.10.2018.
  • Aleksei Chernulich (University of Technology Sydney) presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title “Self-Tuning Adaptive Binary Choice Model: Introduction, Model Contest and Applications” took place on 11.09.2018.
  • Ivonne Blaurock from the BaGBeM presented her current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title "On the power-law tail of financial returns: The role of coordinated trading behaviour of heterogeneous speculators" took place on 18.07.2018.
  • Corrado Di Guilmi (University of Technology Sydney) presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title "Growth and Distribution with Endogenous Political Preferences"took place on 12.07.2018.
  • Carolin Martin from the BaGBeM presented her current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title “Regulating speculative housing markets via public housing construction programs: Insights from a heterogeneous agent model.” took place on 06.06.2018.
  • Artur Tarassow (University of Hamburg) presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title “Bootstrap-Based Probabilistic Analysis of Spillover Scenarios in Macrofinancial Networks” took place on 23.05.2018.
  • Juan Carlos Pe?a from the BaGBeM presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title “Inequality, Macroeconomic Performance and Political Polarization: An Empirical Analysis” took place on 19.04.2018.
  • Ilhan Kilic (Vistula University) presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title “Geopolitical Uncertainty and Its Macroeconomic Effects: The Case of Turkey, 2006-2016” took place on 13.04.2018.
  • Tim Hagenhoff from the BaGBeM presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title “Optimal interest rate rules under heterogeneous expectations and model-consistent welfare” took place on 28.03.2018.
  • Tomasz Makarewicz from the BaGBeM presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title “Simple Forecasting Heuristics that Make us Smart: Evidence from Different Market Experiments” took place on 14.11.2017.
  • Naira Kotb from the BaGBeM presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title “Mixed Frequency Data and Bounded Rationality” took place on 02.10.2018.
  • Joep Lustenhouwer from the BaGBeM presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title “Fiscal Stimulus and Liquidity Traps under Heterogeneous Expectations” took place on 12.09.2017.
  • Benjamin Lojak from the BaGBeM presented his current research at the BaGBeM Brownbag Seminar. The presentation with the title “Modeling Credit Market Interactions with Securitization in an Agent Based-Stock Flow Consistent Approach” took place on 26.07.2017.

Inaugural Event on 06.11.2017

  • Inaugural Event, 06.11.2017.
    For more information see here.