BFC-M-03: Fixed Income Instruments

Summer Term 2025

Course Description

The module introduces issues of international money and bond markets. To begin with, fundamentals of bond markets and bond risk management are discussed. In this context, the most common instruments of interest rate risk management as well as their application in corporate risk management are introduced. Special emphasis is put on the analysis of interest rate options and their valuation using financial market models.

Course and exam language: German

The Module in the Study Program

  • Module: BFC-M-03
  • Course level: Master
  • Recommended semester: 3-4
  • ECTS-Credits: 6
  • For information on the status of the course in the study program please refer to the website of the examining board ("Prüfungsausschuss")

Bibliography & Course Material

The corresponding bibliography and further information on the course can be found in the course catalogue ("Modulhandbuch", German only).

Course material as well as information on organisational details will be provided on the Virtual Campus. The access code will be communicated in the course of the first lecture and may be requested by email.

Registration & Scheduling

Registration and deregistration for the exam online through FlexNow! during the official registration period of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration.


BFC-M-03: Fixed Income Instruments
2,00 SWS
Matthias Muck


BFC-M-03: Fixed Income Instruments, ?bung
Julia Lang