BFC-B-01: Introduction to Banking and Financial Control
Summer Term 2025
Course Description
The course is an introduction to the field of banking and financial control. First, students learn the fundamental theories on the role and importance of financial markets. The course then deals with financial decision making under certainty and uncertainty, establishes a link to business accounting and discusses financial analysis. Further, financial instruments as well as the capital structure are covered.
Course and exam language: German
The Module in the Study Program
- Module: BFC-B-01
- Course level: Bachelor
- Recommended semester: 1-2
- ECTS-Credits: 6
- For information on the status of the course in the study program please refer to the website of the examining board ("Prüfungsausschuss")
Bibliography & Course Material
The corresponding bibliography and further information on the course can be found in the course catalogue ("Modulhandbuch", German only).
Course material as well as a detailed course syllabus will be provided on the Virtual Campus. The access code will be communicated in the course of the first lecture and may be requested by e-mail.
Registration & Scheduling
Registration and deregistration for the exam online through FlexNow! during the official registration period of the Faculty for Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration.
- BFC-B-01: Einführung in das Banking und Finanzcontrolling
- 2,00 SWS
- Matthias Muck
- Details in UnivISzur Lehrveranstaltung BFC-B-01: Einführung in das Banking und Finanzcontrolling
- BFC-B-01: Einführung in das Banking und Finanzcontrolling, ?bung (Gruppe A)
- Julia Lang
- Details in UnivISzur Lehrveranstaltung BFC-B-01: Einführung in das Banking und Finanzcontrolling, ?bung (Gruppe A)
- BFC-B-01: Einführung in das Banking und Finanzcontrolling, ?bung (Gruppe B)
- Julia Lang
- Details in UnivISzur Lehrveranstaltung BFC-B-01: Einführung in das Banking und Finanzcontrolling, ?bung (Gruppe B)