Dr. Christoph Homuth

Curriculum Vitae:
Since 01/2014: Researcher in the project "Effects of social origin, interests, personality traits, and competences on educational decisions and educational attainment (BiKSplus[8-18])"
11/2012 - 10/2015: Research fellow of the Bavarian Elite Network
01/2012 - 12/2013: Research assistant and project coordinator at the BiKS research group (“Education Processes, Competence Development, and Selection Decisions in Preschool and School Age”) at the University of Bamberg.
10/2009 – 03/2012: Research assistant at the Chair for Sociology with a Special Focus on Longitudinal Educational Research (Prof. Dr. Volker Stocké), Univer-sity of Bamberg
01/2011 – 02/2011: Research assistant at Pillar 3 ?Educational Decisions“ of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) at the Institute for Longitudinal Educational Research (INBIL), University of Bamberg
05/2007 – 09/2009: Student assistant at the European Forum for Migrationsstudies (efms), University of Bamberg
10/2005 – 05/2006: Participation in the ERASMUS study programme at the University of Kuopio, Finland
10/2003 – 09/2009: Diploma studies in Soziologie at the University of Bamberg
Field of Activity
Project coordination of BiKSplus[8-18]
Data management of BiKS-3-10 and BiKS-8-14
Current research projects
- The Introduction of the Eight-Year Higher Secondary School (Gymnasium) and its Effects on Educational Inequality in Germany
E-Appointment in the empirical field research (together with Christian Lorenz, Claudia Karwath, Hanna Ackermann, Monja Schmitt, Daniel Mann)
- Determinants of Passive Non-Response in Longitudinal Studies and its Relevance for Survey Economics (together with Monja Schmitt, Daniel Mann, Christian Lorenz, Claudia Karwath)
- Statistical Discrimination or Social Capital as a Mechanism for Positive Effects of Parental Involvement on School Success (with Prof. Dr. Volker Stocké)
- International Evidence of the Effects of Private Schooling on Educational Outcomes in Longitudinal Perspective
Dr. Christoph Homuth, Dipl.-Soz.
BiKS research group
Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
Street address:
An der Weberei 5, Room 04.087
96052 Bamberg
Postal address:
96045 Bamberg
Tel: (+49)-(0)951-863-2747
Fax: (+49)-(0)951-863-1198
E-Mail: christoph.homuth@uni-bamberg.de
Institute for Longitudinal Educational Research Bamberg (INBIL)
Society for longitudinal and life course studies (SLLS)
Bayerisches Elitenetzwerk
Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS)
International Sociological Associaton - Research Committee on Social Stratification RC28
Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung [Journal for Euducational Research]
Homuth, C. (2013). Der Einfluss der Einführung des achtj?hrigen Gymnasiums auf die Kompetenzentwicklung. (submitted).
Lorenz, C., Homuth, C., Karwath, C., Ackermann, H., Schmitt, M. & Mann, D. (2013). E-Appointments in Empirical Field Research. (submitted).
Homuth, C., Karwath, C. (2013). Das Ergebnis von acht Jahren Bildungsforschung: Die BiKS-Studie in der Rückschau. In: KiTa aktuell spezial 01.2013, 6-9.
Homuth, C. (2011). L?nger Arbeiten dank Brüssel? Der Einfluss der EU auf den Erwerbsverlauf. Saarbrücken: VDM.
Baier, C., Gei?ler, L., Hansel, M., Homuth, C. & Riebling, J. (2007). Europ?ische Verwaltungseliten. Die Reproduktion der europ?ischen Verwaltungselite im Spannungsfeld von nationalstaatlichem Einfluss und institutioneller Schlie?ung. In Oldenburger Beitr?ge zur international vergleichenden Sozialstrukturanalyse 17, Oldenburg.
Scientific Presentations
Maurice, J. v., Lorenz, C., Homuth, C. (2013). Introduction to BiKS Longitudinal Study 1 - Children Between Age 3 and 10. Presentation at the BiKS International Conference, Bamberg, 22.-24. July,2013.
Homuth, C., Schmitt, M., Mann, D., Lorenz, C., Karwath, C. (2013). Determinants of Passive Non-Resonse in Longitudinal Studies and their Relevance for Survey Economics. Paper presentation at the symposium on 'Longitudinal surveys – Special challenges and innovative solutions in panel studies' at the Fifth Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Ljubljana, 16.-19. July, 2013.
Homuth, C. (2013). Evaluating the reform of the higher secondary school in Germany: Do more school hours per week lead to cognitive overload or additional competence gains? Paper presentation at the ISA RC28 Spring Meeting, Trento, 16.-18. May 2013.
Homuth, C. (2013). Die Bedeutung der Einführung des achtj?hrigen Gymnasiums für Kompetenzerwerb und Bildungsungleichheit. Paper presentation at the 1st meeting of the Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Kiel, 11.-13.03.2013.
Lorenz, C., Homuth, C., Karwath, C. & Ackermann, H. (2013). Online-Terminvereinbarungen in der empirischen Feldforschung. Poster presentation at the 1st meeting of the Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Kiel, 11.-13.03.2013.
Homuth, c. (2012). Effects of private schooling on educational (related) outcomes in longitudinal perspective: Evidence from Northern Europe. Paper presentation at the EUCCONET/Society for longitudinal and life course studies international conference, Paris, 29th - 31st October 2012.
Homuth, C. (2012). Die Einführung des achtj?hrigen Gymnasiums und deren
Auswirkung auf den Kompetenzerwerb in Deutschland. Paper presentation at the Congress of the Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung, Bern, 2.-4.7.2012.
Lorenz, C., Homuth, C., Karwath, C. & Ackermann, H. (2012). Online-Terminvereinbarungen in der empirischen Feldforschung. Paper presentation at the 77. meeting of the Arbeitsgruppe für empirische P?dagogische Forschung (AEPF), Bielefeld, 10.-12.09.2012.
Homuth, C. (2010). Educational inequality and the role of institutional configurations. Poster presentation at the 3rd International Bamberg Summer School in Empirical Education Research, Bamberg, September.