Self-regulated learning at the university – conditions, consequences, promotion (Self)

Under the motto ?Teaching is learning” (proverb of japan) stands the project “Self” which aims to gain knowledge about university teaching and learning behaviour of students. In our project, we consider learning as a goal-directed and active process in which the learners set their own self-determined learning goals. The learners regularly monitor and control whether they are approaching or have already achieved their learning goals. If learners recognize that the accessibility of their self- determined learning goals are at risk, they will use regulatory actions (e.g. use of new learning strategies) in order to be able to achieve still their learning goals. Thus, for self-regulated learning and the associated acquisition of competencies, the learners' metacognitive abilities are of particular importance.

For this reason the project “Self” focuses on students’ learnings in terms of self-assessment (e.g. metacognition), goals in learning (e.g. learning and performance goals) and psychosocial adjustment (e.g. stress experience). Furthermore, we want to gain information about planning processes (e.g. planned learning time) as well as the perception of educational teaching by students. Therefore, students will be asked several times in relation on the various topics during the semester. The aim of “SeLF” is, to better understand students? learning behaviour and to gain insights in variable that affect the competence development and psychosocial adjustment of students. In the long run, these findings are intended to improve the university teaching, to identify facilitation opportunities and derive support opportunities for students.

Project focus:

  • Use of learning strategies, metacognitive strategy knowledge and procedural metacognition
  • Relationship between metacognition, learning strategies, learning goals, self-efficacy and psychosocial adjustment
  • Competence development and study success


Own funds


Goppert, S. A., Neuenhaus, N. & Pfost, M. (accepted for printing). Ein Werkstattbericht und erste deskriptive Befunde: Das Forschungsprojekt SeLF – Selbstreguliertes Lernen an der Hochschule [An introduction into the research project SeLF and first findings]. die hochschullehre.

Goppert, S. A. & Pfost, M. (2021). Undergraduate students’ perceived stress levels in summer term 2020 – A comparison to preceding academic terms. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:672783. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.672783

Support measures for students:

03/2022: Open-VHB-Course (E-Learning): Self-regulated learning as a precursor for studying (Course language: German; Click here for the course:



M. Sc. Simone Goppert

Dr. Nora Neuenhaus

Prof. Dr. Maximilian Pfost