
  • Vanessa Felch:
    Customized Preventive Returns Management: Socio-Demographic Factors and Their Influence on Return Behavior
    Presentation at the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Ho-Chi-Minh-City (Vietnam), 07/04/2024

  • Christian Straubert:
    Rundle in the Jungle! Why Do People Subscribe to Amazon Prime? Analyzing the Combination of Flat Rate and Bundle Pricing within a Loyalty Program

    Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii (USA), 01/06/2024
  • Caterina Rauh:
    Promoting Sustainable Consumer Behavior in E-commerce: An Empirical Study on the Influence of Gamification on Consumers’ Return Motivation
    Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii (USA), 01/05/2024

  • Vanessa Felch:
    A Dirty Little Secret? Conducting a Systematic Literature Review Regarding Overstocks
    Presentation at the Logistics Management (LM), Dresden (Germany), 09/13/2023
  • Caterina Rauh:
    Can Gamification Help to Unlock the Full Potential of Preventive Returns Management Measures in E-Commerce? A First Empirical Analysis
    Pr?sentation im Rahmen der Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Nanchang (China), 07/10/2023
  • Bj?rn Asdecker:
    Wie viele B2C-Retouren gibt es in Europa?
    Presentation at the final event of the project "REVOLVE", funded by the Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV) at the Institut für Verbraucherwissenschaften of the University in Düsseldorf (Germany), 02/24/2023
  • Christian Straubert:
    Making Third-Party Sellers More Attractive  The Case of Amazon
    Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii (USA), 01/04/2023
  • Vanessa Felch:
    Do Procedure Models Actually Guide Maturity Model Design? A Citation Analysis
    Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii (USA), 01/04/2023

  • David Karl:
    Der Einfluss individualisierter Retourenbedingungen auf die Kaufabsicht – eine sinnvolle Strategie für Online-H?ndler?
    Presentation at the Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), Langen (Germany), 09/26/2022
  • David Karl:
    Return Policy Leniency Impacting Customers’ Purchase Intention – A Viable Strategy for E-Tailers?
    Presentation at the European Marketing Academy Regional Conference (EMAC), Kaunas (Lithuania), 09/22/2022
  • Vanessa Felch:
    Back to the Roots – Investigating the Theoretical Foundations of Business Process Maturity Models
    Presentation at the International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM), Münster (Germany), 09/13/2022
  • Christian Straubert:
    A Continuous Approximation Location-inventory Problem with Exact Inventory Costs and Non-linear Delivery Leadtime Costs
    Presentation at the International Symposium on Inventories (ISIR Symposium), Budapest (Hungary), 08/23/2022
  • David Karl:
    The Impact of Displaying Quantity Scarcity and Relative Discounts on Sales and Consumer Returns in Flash Sale E-Commerce
    Presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), virtual, 01/03/2022–01/07/2022

  • Florian Hager:
    Erl?smodelle von Mobility as a Service-Angeboten  Die Anbieter-Perspektive
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), virtual, 12/06/2021

  • Vanessa Felch:
    Analyse des Leergutverlustes im Mehrweg-Pfandsystem
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), virtual, 12/06/2021

  • David Karl:
    How Does the Covid-19 Pandemic Affect Consumer Returns: An Exploratory Study
    Presentation at European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), virtual, 05/28/2021

  • Bj?rn Asdecker:
    Influencer Marketing on Instagram: Exploring the Role of Travel and Other Factors on a Post’s Success
    Presentation at European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), virtual, 05/26/2021

  • Vanessa Felch:
    Business Ecosystem: More Than a New Name for Supply Chain?
    Presentation at Conference of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES), virtual, 01/08/2021

  • Bj?rn Asdecker:
    Retourenmanagement, quo vadis? Eine kritische Reflexion und Einordnung
    Presentation at EHI-Connect 2020, virtual, 11/04/2020
  • Bj?rn Asdecker:
    Entsorgung von Textilien – Wie viel? Was tun?
    Presentation at Re-Use Berlin 2020 – Fachdialog Retourenrettung, Berlin (Germany), 09/24/2020
  • Vanessa Felch:
    Quo vadis, Business Process Maturity Models? Learning from the Past to Envision the Future
    Presentation at International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM), virtual, 09/16/2020
  • Bj?rn Asdecker:
    How Dare You Replace My Deliveryman?! Acceptance of Last-Mile Transportation Innovations – A Qualitative Perspective
    Presentation at Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), virtual, 08/12/2020
  • Vanessa Felch:
    How to Make Business Process Maturity Models Better – Drawing on Design Science Research
    Presentation at Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), virtual, 06/24/2020
  • Bj?rn Asdecker, Marc Speri:
    Examining the Impact of Motivational Factors to Use Enterprise Social Media on Knowledge Sharing and Employee Productivity – A Story Already Told or More to Explore?
    Presentation at European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), virtual, 06/17/2020
  • Bj?rn Asdecker:
    What Drives the Drivers? A Qualitative Perspective on what Motivates the Crowd Delivery Workforce
    Presentation at Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii (USA), 01/08/2020

  • Stefan Motschenbacher:
    Die unternehmensinterne Logistik im Kontext der Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), Hamburg (Germany), 09/23/2019
  • Christian Straubert:
    Technologies and Processes Used by Food Delivery Services in Germany
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), Hamburg (Germany), 09/23/2019
  • Vanessa Felch:
    Reconfiguration of the Last Mile: Consumer Acceptance of Alternative Delivery Concepts
    Presentation at Logistics Management (LM), Halle/Saale (Germany), 09/20/2019
  • Christian Straubert:
    Current Trends in B2C E-Commerce Logistics – A Content Analysis
    Presentation at Logistics Management (LM), Halle/Saale (Germany), 09/20/2019
  • Bj?rn Asdecker:
    Retourenmanagement im E-Commerce – Aktuelle Zahlen, Einsch?tzungen
    Presentation at Pr?sidiumssitzung des BTE Handelsverband Textil e.V., K?ln (Germany), 09/11/2019
  • Bj?rn Asdecker:
    Retourenmanagement im Fashion-Segment – Aktuelle Zahlen und eine Case Study zum Anwendungspotenzial von Big Data-Analytics
    Presentation at Fashion Supply Chain Summit, Frankfurt am Main (Germany), 09/06/2019
  • Christian Straubert:
    Inventory Sharing Within a Warehouse that is Used by Several Competing B2C E-commerce Firms
    Presentation at Operations Research (OR), Dresden (Germany), 09/05/2019
  • Bj?rn Asdecker:
    Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc?! Reviewing the Literature and Building a Theoretical Foundation for Future Research in Crowd Delivery Workforce Participation
    Presentation at Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Xi’an (China), 07/12/2019
  • Bj?rn Asdecker:
    Herausforderungen des Onlinehandels für Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutz – Impulsvortrag Zerst?rung neuwertiger, nicht verkehrsf?higer Ware im Retourenmanagement
    Presentation at Kongress des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit sowie des Bundesministeriums der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz ?Herausforderungen des Onlinehandels für Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutz – Bedeutung und Ans?tze für Regelsetzung, Vollzug und Marktüberwachung“, Berlin (Germany), 06/18/2019
  • Christian Straubert:
    A Content Analysis on Current Technological Trends in B2C E-Commerce Logistics
    Presentation at International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (IEEE ICALT), Marrakesch (Morocco), 06/14/2019
  • Vanessa Felch:
    Maturity Models in the Age of Industry 4.0 – Do the available Models Correspond to the Needs of Business Practice?
    Presentation at Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii (USA), 01/11/2019

  • Vanessa Felch, David Karl:
    Alternative Paketzustellm?glichkeiten auf der letzten Meile – eine empirische Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz verschiedener Konzepte
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), Mühlheim a. d. R. (Germany), 09/24/2018
  • Immanuel Zitzmann:
    Positionierung von Flexibilit?t in der Supply Chain
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), Mühlheim a. d. R. (Germany), 09/24/2018
  • Immanuel Zitzmann:
    Adequate Flexibility Potential to handel Supply Chain Uncertainties
    Presentation at Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), Hamburg (Germany), 09/13/2018
  • David Karl:
    Big Data Analytics in Returns Management – Are Complex Techniques Necessary to Forecast Consumer Returns Properly?
    Presentation at International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA), Valencia (Spain), 07/12/2018
  • Vanessa Felch:
    Digitization in Outbound Logistics – Application of an Industry 4.0 Maturity Model for the Deliver Process
    Presentation at Annual NOFOMA Conference, Kolding (Denmark), 06/14/2018

  • Immanuel Zitzmann:
    Was ist Green Logistics?
    Presentation at WiR-Kongress "Green Logistics – Der Transport der Zukunft", Bamberg (Germany), 11/23/2017
  • Immanuel Zitzmann:
    Robust, nachhaltig oder grün? – Was ist "Slow Logistics"?
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), K?ln (Germany), 09/25/2017
  • Immanuel Zitzmann:
    Chancen und Risiken der Industrie 4.0 für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
    Presentation at Logistics Management (LM), Stuttgart (Germany), 09/21/2017

  • David Karl:
    Smart Factory, Smart Logistics … – Smart und Sustainable? Industrie 4.0 aus der Perspektive der Nachhaltigkeit
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), Wien (Austria), 09/26/2016

  • David Karl:
    Data Mining im Retourenmanagement: Retourenmodellierung anhand der Transaktionsdaten eines Schuh- und Bekleidungsversandh?ndlers
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), Landsberg a. Lech (Germany), 09/29/2015
  • Immanuel Zitzmann:
    Heuristik zur Flexibilit?tsplanung
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), Landsberg a. Lech (Germany), 09/28/2015
  • Immanuel Zitzmann:
    Robust, Resilient and Agile (RoRA)-SCM
    Presentation at Logistics Management (LM), Braunschweig (Germany), 09/17/2015

  • Immanuel Zitzmann:
    Beschaffungsrisiken für nachhaltige Produkte
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), Berlin (Germany), 09/30/2014
  • Immanuel Zitzmann:
    How to Cope with Uncertainty in Supply Chains?
    Presentation at Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), Hamburg (Germany), 09/18/2014

  • Immanuel Zitzmann:
    Supply Chain Management in einer globalisierten und dynamischen Welt
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), Stuttgart (Germany), 09/16/2013

  • Immanuel Zitzmann:
    Win-Win-Situationen in Supply Chains
    Presentation at Logistik-Kongress des BVL, Berlin (Germany), 10/17/2012

  • Immanuel Zitzmann:
    The Concept of an Energy Self-Sufficient Port as a Contribution to Green and Robust Supply Chains
    Presentation at Mobility in a Globalised World (MIGW), Iserlohn (Germany), 09/15/2011