Chair of Finance


Here you find all latest relevant news regarding announcements for courses/modules/exams, lectures and additional ranges of course offerings and so on.  

Please notice:

From summer semester 2024, four of the five Master's modules will be replaced by new modules (see below). These will be held in English; see /bwl-finanz/studium/module-bachelor-und-masterstudiengaenge

Registration via FlexNow may not work. Hence, please register directly by e-mail to andreas.oehler(at) within the registration deadline (!, see registration notice under / /bwl-finanz/aktuelles).

Fin-M-11 "Strategic ESG-Risk Management" replaces Fin-M-02 (SFCG)

Fin-M-12 "Sustainable (Corporate) Finance" replaces Fin-M-03 (KUB)

Fin-M-13 "Digitization Finance and FinTechs" replaces Fin-M-05 (UAR)

Fin-M-14 "Empirical Financial Markets Research" replaces Fin-M-06 (EEF)

Students who have already successfully completed one or more of the modules to be replaced, Fin-M-02, -03, -05 or -06, can have the respective "old" module credited for the respective new module (see above).
The assignment of the new modules to subject- and module-baskets remains unchanged and analogous to the previous modules

From summer semester 2023, the form of examination in all Master's modules of the Chair of Finance has been changed to "presentation with portfolio"; therefore, no term paper is required.
The presentation and the portfolio are two components of the same examination, the subject matter is the same and both components are related to each other. Therefore, the examination consists of an individually prepared portfolio and subsequent presentation by each participant in the group. The portfolio has a minimum length of 4 but a maximum length of 5 DIN-A-4 pages, not including the list of references (literature) and the title page.
The updated syllabi can be found as usual under /bwl-finanz/studium/module-bachelor-und-masterstudiengaenge and soon also in the module handbook.


Mitarbeiterin bzw. Mitarbeiter gesucht: hier(153.1 KB)

Studentische Mitarbeiterin bzw. Mitarbeiter gesucht: hier(152.0 KB)


Wintersemester 2024/2025

Bitte beachten Sie den Anmeldeschluss am 15. Oktober 2024, 12:00 Uhr!

Aushang(177.4 KB) zur Anmeldung zu den Modulen inkl. Prüfungen im Wintersemester 2024/2025

Aushang(238.2 KB) Module inkl. Prüfungen im Wintersemester 2024/2025


Sommersemester 2024

Bitte beachten Sie den Anmeldeschluss am 16. April 2024, 12:00 Uhr!

Aushang(177.8 KB) zur Anmeldung zu den Modulen inkl. Prüfungen im Sommersemester 2024

Aushang(231.3 KB) Module inkl. Prüfungen im Sommersemester 2024


Hinweise zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten am Lehrstuhl für Finanzwirtschaft (Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis, Seminararbeit, Hausarbeit), insbesondere zum Betreuungsprozess und zu Formalia finden Sie hier(50.3 KB, 12 pages)


Ergebnisaushang(142.6 KB) des Studienjahres 2023/2024

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