
Please hand in your written requests for pre-correction to the marketing office at the latest one week before the exam takes place. Requests without sufficient reasoning will not be accepted.

Requests must be submitted to Ms. Carolin Baumann

Every request must include:

  • concerned exam date
  • reason for pre-correction
  • your name, matriculation number, e-mail address



Requests for post-corrections are only accepted if the exam was reviewed during the official dates for the access to the written exams organized by the examination office. The dates were published by the examination office:

  • Review of exams written in summer term 2024: 04.11.2024 - 08.11.2024

Further information on this can be found in the notice of inspection from the examination office: Official information of the examination office for inspection


Please note the following information:

  • You have reviewed the respective exam during the official dates.
  • Only requests including a sufficient reasoning will be accepted.
  • Requests must be submitted (by e-mail) to Mr. Dominik Henkel at the Chair of Business Administration, esp. Sales and Marketing.
  • Requests must be submitted within three weeks after reviewing the exam on the official dates of the examination office. Deadline for exams written in summer term 2024: 29.11.2024

For consideration, your post-correction request must include the following:

  • Precise criticism of the correction of the task you wish to disupute (task number and part of the question that should be reviewed and explanation why the given answer is correct, which information may have been overlooked or is falsely corrected)
  • Your matriculation number, e-mail address and the concerned exam

Only requests where a grade change is within the realm of possibility will be processed.