The Chair of Marketing at the University of Bamberg
The Chair of Marketing and the Junior Professorship for Marketing Intelligence together form the “AreaMarketing” at the University of Bamberg concerning the management fields Marketing and Sales in research and teaching.
Our aim is to work on practise-relevant questions with methodical competence and theoretical-conceptual foundation. We see it as our assignment to present our research findings in speeches at important conferences und publications in leading journals to the national and international public.
With pleasure, we are in contact with companies to discuss current management problems and to develop methods of resolutions in joint projects.
Our results within the research as well as our dialogue with companies is a benefit for our lectures: students receive insight into current research topics in Marketing and Sales and are informed at the same time about the challenges of the practice.
The research of the chair focuses in the areas of Customer's Management, Brand Management, Price Management and Corporate Social Responsibility in Marketing.