
At the chair, it is possible in principle to do a doctorate - internal as well as external. The requirements* in both cases are a relevant degree (BWL, IBWL, EW, also psychology, sociology, etc., if applicable), interest in empirical research (this typically requires a found knowledge of multivariate analysis methods) and the ability for independent scientific work. Prof. Ivens informs about current capacity on request. As a well-grounded mentoring to every dissertation project postulates an comprehensive support through the primary supervisor, capacity is limited.

Completed Dissertations (Supervisor Prof. Ivens)

1. Drahmann, Lisa (2018): Relationship Management und Face-to-Face-Interaktion im Key Account Management im interkulturelle Vergleich: Zeitnutzung in Deutschland, Frankreich, China und den USA.

2. B?ttner, Sibylle (2018): Advertising Directed at Children - An Empirical Investigation from Children's and Parents' Perspectives on TV Advertising and Advergames.

3. El-Muhtaseb, Hanna (2018): The Implementation of Competitor Intelligence: Conceptual Foundations and Empirical Analysis.

4. Hildebrand, Sarah (2017): Dimensions of Multichannel Marketing and Effects of Consumers' Channel Perceptions.

5. Kampfer, Kristina (2016): Haptics in Multisensory Marketing: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations of the Effect of Weight on Product Evaluation and Consumer Response.

6. V?ster, Johannes (2016): Partitioned Pricing: Characteristics, Customer Perceptions, and Consequences.

7. Niersbach, Barbara (2016): The internal key account management activities of supplier firms: Conceptual considerations and empirical analyses.

8. Aggarwal, Nivedita (2015): Innovation Landscape in Developed and Developing Markets: A conceptual and Empirical Study on Technology Convergence and Low Cost Innovations.

9. Horn, Christian (2015): Virtuelle Aktienm?rkte in der betriebswirtschaftlichen Anwendung - Eine empirische Analyse.

10. Scholz, Stefanie (2015): When Customers Become Experts: A Multi-Method Analysis of Customer Empowerment in Healthcare with Respect to the Elderly. 

11. Dangelmayer, Andreas (2015): Kundenerwartungen an diskontinuierliche Innovationen.

12. Rauschnabel, Philipp (2014): Psychological Dimensions of Brands.

13. G?ddertz, Silke (2014):Diversity Management und Employer Branding.

14. Hillebrandt, Isabelle (2013): Dimensions of Employer Brands.

15. Hustert, Frank (2013): Auswirkungen einer Vertriebswege?nderung aus Herstellersicht - Theoretische Grundlagen und eine quasi-experimentelle Studie. 

16. Kaiser, Thomas (2013): Eine empirische Untersuchung der langfristigen Absatzwirkung von Direct-Mail-Coupons als Instrument der Verkaufsf?rderung im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel, Universit?t Bamberg.

17. Kammerlander, Nadine (2012):Organizational Adaptation to Discontinuous Technological Change: The Effects of Family Influence and Organizational Identity: A Conceptual and Qualitative Empirical Study, Universit?t.

18. Schradi, Philipp (2012): Die Organisation des Preismanagements, Universit?t Bamberg.

19. Ott, Christoph (2011): The evolution of relational norms in business relationships, Université de Lausanne.

20. Güse, Katharina (2011), Brand personalities and consumer-brand relationships as elements of successful brand management, Universit?t Bamberg.

Completed Dissertations and Habilitations (Co-supervisor/External Examiner/Jury President Prof. Ivens)

· Weisheit, Jil (2018), International Relocation Mobility Readiness, Universit?t Bamberg. 

· Fajen, Annalena (2017), Führung in multikulturellen virtuellen Teams – Eine empirische Analyse, Universit?t Bamberg.

· Sperber, Sonja (2017),  The Influence of Top Managers on Innovations: An Analysis within the Fashion and Lifestyle Industry, Universit?t Bamberg.

· Mitsch, Diana (2016), Das Design nachhaltiger Medizinprodukte, Universit?t Bamberg.

· Messer, Uwe (2016), Social density and consumer response: Empirical investigations in online and offline environments, Universit?t Bamberg.

· Francescucci, Anthony (2014), Understanding the role of inter-firm market orientation in the market orientation-performance relationship, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester (UK).

· Zupancic, Dirk (2014), Vertriebs- und Key Account-Management, Hochschule St. Gallen (CH), Habilitationsverfahren.

· Walther, Matthias (2013), Careers upon repatriation: Comparing the re-entry into German and French Labor Markets based on Bourdieu's Theory of Practice, Université Lyon III & Universit?t Bamberg (Co-tutelle).

· Forkman, Sebastian (2013), Change in Business Relationships, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester (UK).

· Stolze, Sophie (2013), The licensee's decision for or against contracts, Technische Universit?t Berlin.

· Shan, Jialu (2012), Three essays on international business and accounting, Université de Lausanne (CH).

· Moinat, Vivien (2011), Branding for tourist destinations, Université de Lausanne (CH).

· Durst, Sebastian (2010), Strategische Lieferantenentwicklung: Rahmenbedingungen, Optionen und  Auswirkungen auf Abnehmer und Lieferant - Universit?t Bamberg.

· Lalos, Marco (2009), Consumer Attitudes Toward Personal Data Collection Practices Perceived To Be Insidious: The Intrusiveness – Privacy Dyad - Université de Lausanne (CH)

· Jiang, Zhizhong (2009), Exploring the Roles of Trust, Reliance and Commitment in Business Relationships - Manchester Business School, University of Manchester (UK)

·  Van der Vijver, Mark (2009), Collaboration in Buyer - Supplier Relationships - University of Tilburg (NL)

· Kocher, Bruno (2008), When Does a change in Brand Name - Logo Consistency Affect Brand Attitudes? An Investigation of Moderating Effects - Université de Lausanne (CH)

· Perrinjacquet, Amandine (2007), The Value/Personality – Attitude – Behavior Hierarchy and ist Impact on Individual Performance in the Context of Market Orientation - Université de Lausanne (CH)

* Formally the faculty?s doctorate regulations regulate the requirements.