Dominik Henkel, M.Sc.


E-Mail: dominik.henkel(at)

Phone: +49 (0)951 - 863 2970

Room: F21/02.28c

Consulting Hours: by appointment

Contact Person for

  • Evaluation of the chair's courses
  • Assignment of chair's theses
  • lecture: Introduction to Marketing Intelligence
  • exercise: Introduction to Marketing Intelligence
  • vhb course: Blockchain Applications for Business

Research interest

  • Customer experience management
  • Artificial intelligence in relationship marketing

Selected publications, conference proceedings and presentations

Henkel, D. & Ivens, B. (2024), "The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping B2B Marketing: Current Insights and Future Prospects", 9th International XR-Metaverse Conference, Busan, South Korea.

Henkel, D. & Ivens, B. (2024), "Artificial Intelligence as a game changer in B2B marketing? State-of-the-art and future research directions," 7th Industrial Marketing Management Summit, Leeds, Great Britain.

Feste, J., Peters, L., & Henkel, D. (2023). "Fighting Fire with Fire: Use of Technology and Emerging Technostress during the Covid-19 Pandemic in an Academic Context," Proceedings of the 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Panama City, Panama.