Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen

Since 2009, Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen holds the Chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour at the University of Bamberg.
Her main research interests are in the field of behavioural scientific personnel and management research. In particular, Prof. Dr. Andresen deals with strategic and international aspects of human resource management such as global mobility, careers and human resource development, as well as work hour flexibilisation. For more detailed information on current research projects, please refere here.
Prof. Dr. Andresen also heads the 'European Human Resource Management Programme', which is carried out in cooperation with other leading European business schools and universities.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen
University of Bamberg
Chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour
Feldkirchenstra?e 21
96045 Bamberg
Room FMA 1.08
T: 0951/863-2570
T: 0951/863-2571 (Assistant)
Email: maike.andresen(at)
Office hours: by appointment via mail to sekretariat.bwl-personal(at)
The current list of Publications can be found here.
Orcid ID:
Qualifications / study / school
Habilitation / Venia Legendi in Business Administration at the Helmut-Schmidt-University, monograph: "The (mis)fortune of working time freedom. An economic-psychological analysis and evaluation"
PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) in Business Administration at the University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg; monograph: "Corporate universities as an instrument of strategic management" Rating: summa cum laude
'Master Programme in European Human Resource Management (EHRM)' of six universities: Copenhagen Business School (DK), Cranfield University (UK), EM Lyon (F), ESADE (E), Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School (B), University of Federal Armed Forces Hamburg (D)
Diploma / State Examination (Dipl.-Hdl.) in the subjects of Business Studies, Romance/French Studies and Business Education Studies at the University of Hamburg
Studies 'International Management and Finance' (Magistère) at the University of Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, France Erasmus scholarship
Economic Studies, Romance/French Studies, Business Education Studies at the University of Hamburg
Apprenticeship as a bank clerk, Deutsche Bank AG, Hamburg
Abitur/ A-levels at the academic high-school (Gymnasium) Hamburg-Rissen
Scientific activities
since 2009
University of Bamberg, Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration,
Chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour
University Professor and Head of Chair (since 2009)
University Executive Board (2018-2022)
Vice-president for research and young academics (2015-2018)
Deakin University, Melbourne (AUS)
Visiting Professor
Copenhagen Business School (DK)
External Examiner for the MSc in Human Resource Management, MSc in Management of Innovation and Business Development, MSc in Business Administration and Psychology, MSocSc in Human Resource Management
Cranfield University, Cranfield School of Management (UK)
External Examiner for the MSc in International Human Resource Management
Tilburg University (NL)
Visiting Professor, Lecturer for Organizational Behavior (PhD Programme)
Helmut-Schmidt-University (D), Faculty of Economics, Business Administration, and Social Sciences
Associate Professor at the Institute for Human Resource and International Management (2008-09) & Institute for Organisation Studies (2009)
Assistant Professor at the Institute for Human Resource Management and International Management (2003-2008)
Research Assistant at the Institute for Human Resource Management and International Management (1999-2002)
Hamburgisches WeltWirtschafts Institut (HWWI)
Migration Research Group
Freelance worker
Copenhagen Business School (DK)
Visiting Professor
EuroFH - European Remote University Hamburg
Director of Studies 'Business Administration & Business Psychology'; Director of Studies 'Human Resource Management and Organisation' (2007-2009)
Lecturer for Corporate Management (2003-2009)
HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration
Visiting professor for the course 'Organizational Behavior'
VWA Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsakademie Hamburg
Visiting professor for the course 'Human Resource Management and Organization'
FOM University of Applied Sciences
Visiting professor for the course 'Human Resource Management and Organization'
HWP - Hamburg University for Economy and Politics
Visiting professor for the course 'Human Resource Management and Organization'
Copenhagen Business School (DK)
Visiting Scholar, European Master Programme
University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Faculty of Economic and Organizational Sciences, Institute for Human Resource and International Management (Prof. Dr. Michel E. Domsch)
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Education, Institute for Business and Vocational Education (Prof. Dr. Pawlik)
Research Assistant
Practical activities in the business
F.G.H. Forschungsgruppe Hamburg:
Consulting in business and administration in the field of personnel management/organisation
Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Copenhagen (DK):
4-month company project; conception of a Corporate University
Deutsche Bank AG, Hamburg and Brussels (B):
Study-related business activities in the legal department, corporate clients department and human resource department, training and development during the course of study
Other teaching functions at home and abroad
since 2000
Miscellaneous teaching functions at Copenhagen Business School/DK, Cranfield School of Management/UK, EM Lyon/F, ESADE Barcelona/E, Helmut-Schmidt-University/D, Radboud University Nijmegen/NL, Reykjavik University/IS, Rotterdam School of Management/NL, Tilburg University/NL, Vlerick Management School/B
Deakin University, Melbourne (AUS)
Visiting Professor
HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration
Lecturer for the subject of Organisational Behavior
VWA Administration and Business Academy in Hamburg
Lecturer for the subject Human Resource Management
FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics & Management
Lecturer for the subject Human Resource Management
EuroFH - European Remote University Hamburg
Lecturer for the subject of Corporate Management
HWP - Hamburg University of Economics and Politics
Lecturer for the subject Human Resource Management
Internal expert roles
Since 2017
Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS)
Academic member, doctoral supervisor (since 2017)
Member of the Board (2020-2023)
Since 2012
Trimberg Research Academy (TRAc)
Advisory Board member (since 2012)
Chair (2015-2018)
Since 2012
Bamberg Graduate School for Business Administration & Management (BaGSB)
Academic member, doctoral supervision, doctoral training (since 2012)
Deputy Head (2012-2014)
2011 – 2012
feRNet (female Researcher Network) Mentoring Programme
Mentor for a junior researcher
2013 – 2019
Akademie für Schlüsselqualifikationen und wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung [Academy for Key Qualifications and Scientific Continuing Education] (ASwW)
Advisory Board member
2003 – 2004
?Academic Development Center’ (Helmut-Schmidt-University)
Management of the Commission
2019 – 2021
Faculty Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration
Elected representative of the Business Administration Division
2017 – 2020
University Foundation of the University of Bamberg
Vice Chairperson of the Board of Trustees
2014 – 2015
Audit ‘Internationalisation of the Universities’ by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK)
Member of the working group
2011 – 2018
Award of German Scholarships (Deutschlandstipendien)
Member of the selection committee
Language Centre
Deputy Managing Director (2012-2014)
Voting member of the Management Board (2011, 2014-2015)
2011 – 2015
Academic Advisory Board of the University Library
Representative of the university professors of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration; voting member
Since 2010
Appointment Committees for Professorships
Chair or member of 14 appointment committees
2010 -2011
Accreditation Bachelor/Master (International) Business Administration and Master Business Education
2008 -2009
Accreditation Bachelor Business Administration & BusinessPsychology (European Distance Learning University)
Since 2023
eXist – Existenzgründungen aus der Wissenschaft
Member of the jury
Since 2005
genderdax Project (Helmut-Schmidt-Universit?t; TH Lübeck)
Academic Advisory Board member
External expert roles
- Research groups -
since 2023
Country investigator Germany; principal investigator (
Erasmus+ project, together with Raphaelswerk e.V., AGER (Asociación des Emigrantes y Retornados, Granada/E) and Werkstatt für Sozialfor-schung (Berlin/D)
Academic Advisor Board member
since 2021
Migration, Business, and Society Network
Member of the global network (
since 2019
GLOBE Project
Country co-investigator Germany and core member of the research group
Horizon 2020 Project GLOMO
H2020 project, 4 million Euro
Initiator and Coordinator of research group (
Academic Advisory Board member
Head of the supervisory board and the project management group
Supervisor of six Early Stage Researchers
since 2013
5C – Cross-Cultural Collaboration on Contemporary Careers: Country co-investigator Germany and core member of the research group (
- Teaching collaborations -
since 2000
Master Programme in European Human Resource Management
- Publishers -
since 2019
Elgar Footprints in Human Resource Management and Employment Relations
Series of books and monographs (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd)
since 2018
Journal of Global Mobility
Editorial Board: Editorial Advisory Board Member
since 2015
Work, Organisation, and Employment
Series of books and monographs (Springer)
Editorial Board Member
since 2013
Human Resource Management Journal
Editorial Board: Associate Editor (since 2017)
Editorial Advisory Board (2013-2017)
Impact factor: 2.843 (5-year: 3.100); ISI rankings: 4/27 (Industrial Relations & Labor) and 77/217 (Management); ABS: 4*; ABDC: A
since 2013
International Journal of Human Resource Management
Associate Editor
Impact Factor: 3.150 (2018); ABS 3*, ABDC: A
- Selection committees for awards -
Academy of Management (AoM)
Member of the HR Division International HRM Scholarly Research Award committee, with Vesa Peltokorpi (JP) and 12 additional international scholars
Academy of Management (AoM)
Member of the Careers Division Mid-Careers Award committee, with Shoshana Dobrow (UK), Jeffrey Greenhaus (USA)
Academy of Management (AoM)
Member of the Careers Division Mid-Careers Award committee, with Hugh Gunz (CAN), Pamela Tolbert (USA)
2018 – 2019
Academy of Management (AoM)
Member of the Careers Division Best Symposium Award committee, with Emma Parry (UK)
Talentmanagement Award Handelsblatt
Member of the expert group "Talent Management Experts" in connection with the presentation of the Talent Management Award
2015 – 2018
Various research awards from the University of Bamberg
Member of the selection committee
- Committee member in (international) appointment procedures for professorships -
Massey University (NZ)
Universit?t Duisburg-Essen (D)
Hochschule Coburg (D)
Maynooth University (IRE)
University of Southern Denmark (DK)
TH K?ln (D)
Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverl?ufe [Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories] (LIfBi) (D)
Universit?t Bielefeld (D)
Georg-August-Universit?t G?ttingen (D)
Copenhagen Business School (DK)
Cranfield University (UK)
- Doctoral/ Habilitation committees -
- Cranfield University (UK)
- Deakin University (AUS)
- ESCP Europe Berlin (D)
- EM Strasbourg (F)
- Griffith University (AUS)
- Leuphana University Lüneburg (D)
- Maynooth University (IRE)
- Southern Cross University (AUS)
- Université de Strasbourg
- University of Bayreuth (D)
- University of Bern (CH)
- University of Ljubljana (SVN)
- University of Lyon (F)
- University of Vaasa (FIN)
- Conference organisations -
European Academy of Management (EURAM), Bath (UK)
Organisation of a symposium ‘International teaching initiatives in international management: Best practices for developing intercultural competences and new sustainable solutions‘, with Jaime Bonache (E), Mila Lazarova (CAN)
European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin (IRE)
Organisation of a symposium ‘New destinations need new ways! New methods for researching international remote work: Approaches, challenges and solutions’, with David Collings (IRE), Vilmant? Kumpikait?-Valiūnien? (LT), Mila Lazarova (CAN), Margaret Shaffer (USA)
Academy of Management (AOM), Vancouver (CAN)
Contributor to a PDW ‘Careers in the Rough (CitR)’ as mentor and feedback provider, organised by Janine Bosak (IRE), Stefanie Gustaffson (UK), Marijke Verbruggen (B), Jeffrey Yip (CAN)
European Academy of Management (EURAM), Winterthur (CH)
Organisation of a symposium ‘International remote work’, with Joost Bücker (NL), Vilmant? Kumpikait?-Valiūnien? (LT), Mila Lazarova (CAN), Michael Morley (IRE)
2nd Conference on Self-Initiated Expatriation, Bamberg (D)
Conference organisation; Head of the scientific committee; 175 participants from world-wide
European Academy of Management (EURAM), Montréal (CAN)/virtual
Organisation of a symposium ?Global mobility: Towards sustainable careers and mindful international interactions‘, with Cordula Barzantny (F), Michael Dickmann (UK), Vesa Suutari (FIN), Mette Z?lner (DK)
European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin (IRE)/virtual
Organisation of a symposium ?Global mobility of employees‘, with Michael Dickmann (UK), Vesa Suutari (FIN)
Academy of Management (AOM), Boston (USA)
Organisation of a symposium ?Comparing careers across countries: New scholarship and directions ‘,with Eleni Apospori (GR), Jon Briscoe (USA)
Academy of Management (AOM), Boston (USA)
Organisation of a PDW ‘European Human Resource Management Programme: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development’, with Dirk Buyens (B)
Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago (USA)
Organisation of a symposium ?Careers and career success across national contexts’, with Mila Lazarova (CAN), Janine Bosak (IRE)
European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS), Tallinn (EST)
Organisation of the Research Group 27 ‘Mapping out a diverse career land-scape: Uncovering unexpected findings’, with Thomas Schneidhofer (A), Svetlana Khapova (NL)
Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft [German Association of University Professors of Business Administration] (VHB), St. Gallen (CH)
Member of the Programme Commission: Head of the HR Division
Academy of Management (AOM), Vancouver (CAN)
Organisation of a PDW ‘New avenues in international careers research’, with Emma Parry (UK), Adam Smale (FIN)
European Academy of Management (EURAM), Valencia (E)
Lead Track Chair Development Working Group ?Self-Initiated Expatriation‘
European Academy of Management (EURAM), Istanbul (TUR)
Lead Track Chair Development Working Group ?Self-Initiated Expatriation‘
European Academy of Management (EURAM), Rotterdam (NL)
Lead Track Chair Development Working Group ?Self-Initiated Expatriation‘
- External examination/ accreditation -
German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) (D)
Member of the working group
Copenhagen Business School (DK)
External Examiner / accreditation – Quality assurance of the MSc in Human Resource Management, MSc in Management of Innovation and Business Development, MSc in Strategy, Organisation and Leadership, MSocSc in Human Resource Management
Cranfield University, Cranfield School of Management (UK)
External Examiner / Quality assurance of the MSc in International Human Resource Management
- Mentoring -
Junior Faculty Mentorship Program of the AoM HR Division
Contribution to the development of junior faculty members through guidance and mentoring
Junior Faculty Mentorship Program of the AoM Careers Division
Contribution to the development of junior faculty members through guidance and mentoring
- Journals -
- Business Research (BURE)
- Career Development International (CDI)
- Frontiers in Psychology
- German Journal of Human Resource Management
- Human Relations
- Human Resource Management (HRM)
- Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ)
- International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM)
- Journal of Business Ethics
- Journal of Business Research (JOBR)
- Journal of Global Mobility (JoGM)
- Journal of Managerial Psychology (JMP)
- Journal of World Business (JWB)
- management revue
- Personnel Review
- Third party funding -
- Deutsche Studienstiftung
- Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
- Margarete von Wrangell-Habitilationsprogramm
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
- Volkswagenstiftung
- Publishers -
- Palgrave
- Routledge
- SpringerPlus
- Conferences -
- Academy of International Business (AiB)
- Academy of Management (AoM)
- European Academy of Management (EURAM)
- Eastern Academy of Management (EAM)
- European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)
- Global Conference in International Human Resource Management (IHRM)
- Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB)
Consideration in appointment proposals for professorships
Full Professorship for Human Resource Management at King’s College London, UK
(THE World Ranking 2021: 9th in Europe; QS World University Rankings 2021: 31st in the world)
W3 professorship for Business Administration, especially Human Resource Management and Organization at the TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
Professorship for Business Administration & Business Psychology at the European University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, Germany
W3 professorship for general business administration, in particular human resources and organization at the University of Flensburg, Germany
W3 professorship for business administration, in particular Human Resources Management at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, Germany
Full Professorship for International Human Resource Management at the University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Professorship for Human Resource Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria
Professorship for Business Administration & Business Psychology at the European University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, Germany
W3 professorship for Human Resources and Change Management at the University of Kassel, UNIKIMS, Germany
Offer of appointment as Associate Professorship, SPIRE Research Group on User-Driven Innovation, at the University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
W3 Professorship in Business Administration, esp. Human Resources Management at the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany
Third-party funding
ERASMUS+: European partnership returnees and emigrants: Promoting inclusion and participation of migrants; Raphaelswerk e.V. (Hamburg/D), Associación Granadina de Emigrantes y Retornados (Granada/E), Werkstatt für Sozialforschung e.V. (Berlin/D); scientific advisory board
Euro 60,000.00
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada Insight Grant:F?rderung des Forschungsprojekts“Buffering the suffering and driving the thriving in the new world of work: A study of how societal context affects capabilities, jobs, meaningfulness and key work-life outcomes around the globe”
CAN-$ 399,020
BMBF: Funding of 10 professorships within the WISNA programme
Euro 9,422,000.00
EU / Horizon 2020: Global Mobility of Employees (GLOMO); see
Euro 3,947,612.40
DAAD travel funding for the establishment of the 'Strategic transnational research network Bridges Network'
Euro 26,552.83
Bavarian Research Alliance: Research funding for the project "Youth Entrepreneurship - exploring new careers models, innovativeness, and digital knowledge capabilities
Euro 3,231.00
University Association: 3rd Week of Young Research
Euro 2,000.00
DAAD: "Scientific careers, cooperation and cultures
Euro 278,597.40
Upper Franconian Foundation: 2nd Week of Young Research
Euro 1,800.00
Bavarian Research Alliance: Research funding for the "Global mobility of employees" project ?Global mobility of employees”
Euro 4,029.00
European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP): Research funding of the project "Contributions to the integration of immigrants and refugees in European workplaces", collaboration with a Canadian-German research team Profs. Drs. J. Zikic (York University, Toronto/Canada), U.-C. Klehe (University of Gie?en), F. Heckmann (efms), D. G?ler (University of Bamberg)
Euro 4,900.00
Corporate funds (Belsana and Ofa Bamberg): Scientific studies "Job satisfaction and well-being of employees"
Euro 23,731.00
Corporate funds (BASF): Scientific study on the design, implementation and management of "top sharing"
Euro 10,900.40
Bavarian University Center for China: Research funding for the project "Two places to call home? Effects of home and host country embeddedness on retention of expatriates"
Euro 3,586.00
Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, Science and Art, and Corporate Funds: Research funding of the project "Development of a remuneration system under the aspect of the theory of justice"
Euro 11,763.50
DFH (German-French University): Financing of travel expenses for a German-French research colloquium/cotutelle on 04.11.2013 at the University of Bamberg
Euro 1,000.00
Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts: Support for the structural development of continuing education and lifelong learning at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg
Euro 157,000.00
EU funds: Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus funds for an Erasmus Intensive Programme "International Human Resource Management in SMEs and MNEs"
Euro 34,022.00
EU funds: Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus funds for an Erasmus Intensive Programme "European Dimensions in HRM - International Careers of Managers and Their Impact on HRM in International Companies"
Euro 31,170.00
Research funding for the project "Job satisfaction and well-being of temporary employees - a comparative study with regular employees", Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
Euro 4,829.60
EU - Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus funds for an Erasmus Intensive Programme "European Dimensions in HRM - International Careers of Managers and Their Impact on HRM in International Companies"
Euro 32,881.00
BMBF research project "Specialist careers - Alternative career development for women in companies"
Euro 516,609.00
Research funding for the project "The forgotten potential? An Analysis of the Labour Market Access of Foreign Graduates in Germany", Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
Euro 4,992.90
Ministry of Science: Special Programme 'Newly Appointed Women Professors'
Euro 15,000.00
EU funds: Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus funds for the Master Programme in European Human Resource Management for the professors and students of the network universities
Euro 30,654.00
EU funds: Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus funds for the Master Programme in European Human Resource Management for the professors and students of the network universities
Euro 37,553.00
EU funds: Socrates Programme, Erasmus funds for the Master Programme in European Human Resource Management for the professors and students of the network universities
Euro 34,747.00
since 2001
Ongoing acquisition of third-party funds (for research, travel) from cooperation with commercial enterprises (including ALPLA AG, atrain GmbH, eppendorf AG, Goodbaby, Golfino AG, MittalSteel GmbH, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH, TATA Interactive Systems, tesa AG, Vorwerk GmbH & Co KG)
p.a. between Euro 20,000.00 to Euro 30,000.00
Current memberships in scientific associations
since 2018
European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS)
since 2012
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)
since 2011
Academy of Management (AoM)
Divisions: Human Resource Management, International Management, Organisational Behaviour
since 2008
Association of university lecturers for business administration (Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., (vhb))
Commisions: Human Resource Management, Organisation Studies, International Management
since 2006
German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (Deutscher Hochschulverband)
since 2005
Management Development Center (MDC) e.V. Hamburg
since 2004
European Academy of Management (EURAM)
since 2003
German Case Clearing House (Zentrale für Fallstudien) e.V. K?ln/Bonn (ZfF)
since 2003
mobilZeit-Forum (Network of companies from the branches Banking - Trade - Insurance working on the topic of the transition to flexible working hours)
Working team ?Corporate Universities“ of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft
Awards and scholarships
“Journal of Global Mobility Best Paper Award”, 24th Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM): Winner, ‘Our strengths make the dream work: Cognitive processing abilities and career resource endowment in expatriate dual career couples’ by N. O. Blay, M. Andresen and A. Nguyen
VHB Wissenschaftliche Kommission Personal and German Journal of Human Resource Management 2023: Best paper award in the category 'Article with a strong scientific orientation with the participation of young scientists', for the article "The multidimensionality of overemploy-ment: Development and initial validation of a new scale (by Julia Hiemer and Maike Andresen)
“Careers Division Best Published Paper Award”, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2022: Nomination; Andresen, M., Lazarova, M., Apospori, E., Cotton, R., Bosak, J., Dickmann, M., Ka?e, R., & Smale, A. (2022). Does international work experience pay off? The relationship between international work experience, employability and career success: A 30 country, multi-industry study. Human Resource Management Journal, 32(3), 698-721. 10.1111/1748-8583.12423
“Best Paper Award”, 2nd Careers Division Community Conference 2024: Nomination, Andresen, M., Apospori, E., Gunz, H., Bagdadli, S., Bosak, J., Cotton, R., Gianecchini, M., Lazarova, M., Mayrhofer, W., Reichel, A., Reiss, L. K., & Shen, Y. (2023). Disadvantaged yet satisfied? Subjective financial career success as a function of social origin and the moderating role of country-level relational social capital and supportive relationships.
Careers Division of the Academy of Management: Acknowledgement Award for Careers Division Mentoring, 2023
Careers Division of the Academy of Management: Recognition as a mentor, Spring Careers in the Rough, 2023
"Diversity Prize" of the University of Bamberg for outstanding achievements in research, teaching and university life, aimed at extraordinarily committed members of the University of Bamberg: Nomination by the Dean of Studies of the University of Bamberg and the academic staff at the Chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour
Certificate of Excellence in Data Collection Retained Sample Size: Maestro of Many – Individual Award in recognition of building one of the top ten largest individual datasets by GLOBE 2020
Certificate of Excellence in Data Collection Retained Sample Size: Team Award by GLOBE 2020
“Careers Division Best Published Paper Award”, 83ed Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2022:Nomination;Andresen, M., Lazarova, M., Apospori, E., Cotton, R., Bosak, J., Dickmann, M., Ka?e, R., & Smale, A. (2022). Does international work experience pay off? The relationship between international work experience, employability and career success: A 30 country, multi-industry study. Human Resource Management Journal, 32(3), 698-721.
82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2022 “Careers Division Best Published Paper Award”:Finalist;Briscoe, J., Ka?e, R., Dries, N., Dysvik, A., Unite, J., Adeleye, I., Andresen, M. et al. (2021). Here, there, & everywhere: Development and validation of a cross-culturally representative measure of subjective career success. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 130(103612), 1-23.
Journal of Global MobilityBest Paper Award, 21st Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM): First runner-up; Ole?kevi?iūt?, E., Dickmann, M., Andresen, M., & Parry, E. (2022). The international transfer of individual career capital: Exploring and developing a model of the underlying factors. Journal of Global Mobility, 10(3), 392-415. (Open Access)
Careers Division Best Overall Paper Award at the 81st Academy of Management 2021 Annual Meeting: Finalist (Top 3); Stapf, J., & Andresen, M. (2021). Like father, like son? The relationship between social origin and career success – A SLR. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2021(1),1-6. ISSN 2151-6561. (Open Access); fully revised and extended version: Andresen, M., & Stapf, J. (2022). Is career what you make it? A critical review of research on social origin and career success. European Management Journal, (Open Access) (Impact Factor: 6.110)
Best Paper Award, 81st Academy of Management 2021 Annual Meeting: Winner (Top 10%); Stapf, J., & Andresen, M. (2021). Like father, like son? The relationship between social origin and career success – A SLR. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2021(1),1-6. ISSN 2151-6561. (Open Access); fully revised and extended version: Andresen, M., & Stapf, J. (2022). Is career what you make it? A critical review of research on social origin and career success. European Management Journal, (Open Access) (Impact Factor: 6.110)
Academy of Management Career Division Best Published Paper Award: Nomination of the paper‘Andresen, M., Apospori, E., Gunz, H., Suzanne, P. A., Taniguchi, M., Lysova, E. I., . . . Zikic, J. (2020). Careers in context: An international study of career goals as mesostructure between societies’ career-related human potential and proactive career behavior. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(3), 365-391.’
81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2021 “International Management Division Best Paper in OB / HRM / OT Award”: Finalist (Top 4); ‘“Many places to call home”: Empirical evidence of embedding types and their relationships with personal initiative, intent to stay in host country and intent to stay in organization’, by A. Nguyen and M. Andresen
Nominated for the 2020 Carolyn B. Dexter Award, 80th Academy of Management 2020 Annual Meeting, “20/20:
Broadening Our Sight”, Vancouver/CAN, August 7 - 11, 2020, of a paper on social policies and gender equality
“Best Paper Award”, 20th Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM)
Winner; for the conference contribution "Individual antecedents in experiential cultural intelligence development” by M. Andresen and I. de Sivatte Font
"Certificate of Excellence in Cross-Cultural Research"
Awarded by GLOBE 2020
“Academy of Management's Carolyn B. Dexter Award 2020”
Nomination of the paper “Disabling effects of enabling social policies on gender equality in organizational HR development”, Academy of Management 2020 Annual Meeting, Vancouver/CAN, August 7 - 11, 2020, from Astrid Reichel, Fida Afiouni, Maike Andresen, Eleni Apospori, Silvia Bagdadli, Janine Bosak, Jon Briscoe, Martina Gianecchini, Emma Parry, Mami Taniguchi and Pamela Suzanne
Journal of Organizational Behavior, among the 10% of articles most downloaded in the 12 months following online publication: Article “Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture“
"Young Talent Promotion Prize 2019 of the Federal Association of Human Resources Managers"
2nd place for the bachelor thesis supervised by me, written by J. I. Herbst on the topic 'Influence of foreign experience gained in childhood on the willingness to be professionally mobile abroad'
“All Academy Best International Symposium Award 2019”
Award for the symposium "Comparing careers across countries: New scholarship and directions", Academy of Management 2019 Annual Meeting, Boston/USA, August 9 - 13, 2019, from Maike Andresen, Eleni Apospori, Jon Briscoe
“International Theme Committee’s (ITC’s) Emerald Best Symposium Award”
Finalist for the symposium "Comparing careers across countries: New scholarship and directions", Academy of Management 2019 Annual Meeting, Boston/USA, August 9 - 13, 2019, from Maike Andresen, Eleni Apospori, Jon Briscoe
Presentation withinAll Academy Best International Symposium ‘Comparing careers across countries: New scholarship and directions’ - Winner:Academy of Management 2019 Annual Meeting, Boston/USA, Symposium Organisers: M. Andresen, E. Apospori, J. Briscoe;
Presentation: Andresen, M., Martin, Y. F., Cotton, R., Hall, D. T., Mayrhofer, W., & Shen, Y. (2019). Does context matter? A comparative empirical study of differences in careers between market economies.
Presentation withinAll Academy Best International Symposium ‘Comparing careers across countries: New scholarship and directions’ - Winner:Academy of Management 2019 Annual Meeting, Boston/USA, Symposium Organisers: M. Andresen, E. Apospori, J. Briscoe;
Presentation: Najung, K., Cha, J.-S., Hall, D. T., Briscoe, J. P., Andresen, M., Ka?e, R., & Suzanne, P. (2019). Relationships between perceived career success, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions.
“International Theme Committee’s (ITC’s) Emerald Best Symposium Award”
Finalist for the symposium "Careers and career success across national contexts", Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL/USA, August 10 - 14, 2018, from Mila Lazarova, Maike Andresen, Janine Bosak
“Careers Division 2018 Best Symposium Award”
Finalist for the symposium "Careers and career success across national contexts", Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL/USA, August 10 - 14, 2018, from Mila Lazarova, Maike Andresen, Janine Bosak
Presentation withinInternational Theme Committee’s Emerald Best Symposium as well as Careers Division 2018 Best Symposium ‘‘Careers and career success across national contexts”:Finalist, Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting, Chicago/USA, Symposium Organisers: M. Lazarova, M. Andresen, J. Bosak
Presentation: Andresen, M., Bosak, J., Cotton, R., Dickmann, M., & Lazarova, M. (2018). Does an international career pay off? The impact of international work experience on employability and career success.
Emerald Awards for Excellence, awarded as “highly commended article”: Andresen, M. (2015). What determines expatriates’ performance while abroad? The role of job embeddedness. Journal of Global Mobility, 3(1), 62 – 82. DOI: 10.1108/JGM-06-2014-0015
Journal of Global Mobility (JGM) Best Paper Award, 16th conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2016: First runner-up for the conference paper "Global Mindset Development of International Business Travelers: An Empirical Analysis of its Antecedents Based on the Constructivist Learning Theory” by Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen and Franziska Bergdolt
International Human Resource Management Scholarly Research Award
Nomination by the Human Resources Division of the Academy on Management for the article "What makes them move abroad? Reviewing and exploring differences between self-initiated and assigned epatriation", written by Maike Andresen, Torsten Biemann, Marshall Pattie, published in the International Journal of Human Resource Management (Vol. 26, pp. 932-944)
Journal of Global Mobility (JGM) Best Paper Award, 14th conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM): First runner-up for the conference paper "The bright and dark side of job embeddedness: The role of job embeddedness: The role of job embeddedness in predicting job performance and OCBs of organizational and self-initiated expatriates"
University-wide student survey concerning the conditions of studying and teaching at the University of Bamberg: 3rd place in the ranking of the best professors
Ars legendi-Prize for excellent academic teaching awarded by the "Stifterverbandes für die Deutsche Wissenschaft und die Hochschulrektorenkonferenz": Nomination on the suggestion of the faculty and student committee for social sciences at the University of Bamberg, Ranked within the seven best candidates
Davis-Kopf Academic-Prize: 3rd Place for the diploma thesis supervised by M. Andresen and authored by T. Gustschin on the topic: 'International mobility of employees in development aid'
Best Paper Award Nomination for the conference paper 'A Taxonomy of Global Careers: Comparing global careerists to other international (and national) managers', together wirh T. Biemann, IHRM 11th Conference, 9-12 June 2010, Birmingham, UK
Best Paper Award of the Emerald publishing house for the article "The Corporate University Landscape in Germany", published in the 'Journal of Workspace Learning' (2007), together with B. Lichtenberger, including the publishing of a review in the Emerald Database as well as in the journal 'Development and Learning in Organizations'
Best Paper Award Nomination for the conference paper 'Psychological Contract of Expatriates: The Role of Reciprocity', together with M. G?bel, IHRM 9th Conference, 12-15 June 2007, Tallinn, Estonia
Ludwig-Schunk-Prize in Economics, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen for the PhD thesis graded with "summa cum laude"
Science Award of the Friends and Promoters of the Helmut-Schmidt-University e.V. for the PhD thesis graded with "summa cum laude"
Erasmus scholarship to study at the elite programme “Magistère Finances et Management International” University of Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, France
Sponsored by the Supporting Initiative of the Deutsche Bank AG, connected with business activities in Hamburg and Brussels / Belgium
Language skills
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