Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Action "Global mobility of employees" (GLOMO)
is an international research project coordinated in Bamberg and is part of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. It will see eight partners from across Europe generate knowledge about the global mobility phenomenon while training and developing a unique network of experts in the field, in order to make labour mobility more efficient and beneficial for all parties involved. The project has received total funding of almost four million Euros. Promoting labour mobility across Europe is a central objective of the Europe 2020 Strategy and it aims to tackle increasing labour and skill shortages in the EU. Cross-border labour mobility is expected to benefit individual citizens, employers and the aggregate economy. GLOMO's focus is on global mobility into EU countries and within the EU and its impact on careers.
The GLOMO consortium from across Europe builds an ambitious and unique network of experts in the field of global labour mobility in a longer-term bid to tackle increasing labour and skills shortages in the EU. Fifteen ESR positions were advertised to focus on the topics of migration and expatriation. The project, which started on 1 January 2018 and runs for 48 months, will generate knowledge and provide training on the phenomenon of global labour mobility and suggest relevant implications for individuals, organisations and European societies and economies.
For information about GLOMO and further questions please visit our website www.glomo.eu.