Courses Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour
You will find the important information for courses offered by the Chair of Human Resource Mangement and Organisational Behaviour in the table below. For more information about the courses, please search the sites of the examination board for the current module handbook (Modulhandbuch). If you have any further questions about the courses please look at our FAQs first or contact the contact person listed in the table for each course in case you have further questions.
Along with the visit of our lectures we strongly recommend taking part in library tours and courses. Courses offered are for example "Basiskurs Bibliothek" as well as "Aufs?tze und mehr - Datenbankrecherche", both especially for students of Business Administration as well as other subjects. Enclosed, you may find further information on courses and tutorials of the library.
Please also check the site of the examination office for information about the registration deadlines for centrally organised examinations.
A complete overview for the courses offered by the Chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour can be found below (in german):
Overview Bachelor & Master(207.4 KB)
Courses of the summer term 2025
Bachelor | |
PM-B-02: Organisational Behaviour (English) ob.bwl-personal(at) | Monday, 10:00 AM - 14:00 PM c.t., F21/03.81 (Main lecture incl. exercise)
Bach-B-01: Colloquium Bacherlor-Thesis | Monday, 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr c.t., FMA/01.19 |
Master | |
PM-M-03: International Dimensions of Human Resource Management (English) | Thursday, 10:00 AM - 14:00 PM c.t., F21/01.37 (Main lecture), only: tba.
Wednesday, 08:00 - 10:00 AM c.t., F21/03.84 (Exercise group 1), only: tba. |
PM-M-04: Research Seminar Human Resource Management | Tuesday, 14:00 - 16:00 PM c.t., F21/02.31 (Main lecture) Tuesday, 16:00 - 18:00 PM c.t., F21/02.31 (Exercise) |
PM-M-08: Strategic Human Resource Management (German) | Friday, 12:00 - 18:00 PM c.t., FMA/01.19, F21/01.57 (Main lecture), only: tba Saturday, 9:00 AM - 18:00 PM, c.t., FMA/01.19, F21/01.35 (Main lecture), only: tba |
PM-M-09: Presentation & Moderation (German) | Friday, 12:00 - 18:00 PM c.t., FMA/01.19 (Main lecture), only: tba Saturday, 9:00 AM - 18:00 PM, c.t., FMA/01.19 (Main lecture), only: tba |
PM-M-11 (a-c): European Human Resource Management Programme (EHRM) ehrm.bwl-personal(at) | |
Mast-M-01: Colloquium Master-Thesis | Monday, 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr c.t., FMA/01.19 |
Courses of the winter term 2024/25
Bachelor | |
PM-B-01: Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (German)
| Monday, 10:00 – 12:00 c.t., F21/01.57 (Main lecture)
1) Monday, 12.15-13.00 Uhr, Room K?7/01.06 2) Monday, 13.15-14.00 Uhr, Room K?7/01.06 3) Monday, 14.15-15.00 Uhr, Room F21/03.83 4) Monday, 15.15-16.00 Uhr, Room F21/03.83 5) Tuesday, 08.15-09.00 Uhr, Room K?7/01.08 6) Tuesday, 09.15-10.00 Uhr, Room K?7/01.08
PM-B-04: Diversity Management (German) kursanmeldung.bwl-personal(at) | Monday, 14:00 – 16:00 c.t., F21/02.55 (Main lecture) Wednesday, 12:00 - 14:00, F21/03.50 (Exercise), only: 23.10., 06.11., 13.11., 04.12., 18.12. Friday, 6.12.2024, 9:00 - 18:00 c.t., FG1/00.08 (Workshop) Friday, 20.12.2024, 9:00 - 18:00 c.t., FMA/01.19 (Workshop) |
Bach-B-01: Colloquium Bachelor-Thesis | Tuesday, 08:00 - 10:00 Uhr c.t., F21/02.55 |
Master | |
PM-M-02: The Future of Work (Englisch) | Tuesday, 10:00 – 12:00 c.t., K?7/00.08, (Main lecture) Dienstag, 12:00 - 14:00, FMA/00.02 (Exercise) |
PM-M-06: Change Management (Englisch) | Thursday, 12:00 – 16:00, FG1/00.08 (Main lecture), only: 17.10. (present), 07.11. (virtual), 21.11. (virtual), 28.11. (virtual), 19.12. (present), 09.01. (virtual), 23.01. (present)
Block seminar: 10. & 11.01.2025 RZ/00.06 31.01. & 01.02.2025 RZ/00.06 |
PM-M-10: Leadership and Management Development (Englisch) | Thursday, 08:00 – 12:00, FG1/00.08 (Main lecture) only: 17.10. (present), 07.11. (virtual), 21.11. (virtual), 28.11. (virtual), 19.12. (present), 09.01. (virtual), 23.01. (present)
Mast-M-01: Colloquium Master-Thesis | Tuesday, 08:00 - 10:00 Uhr c.t., F21/02.55 |