Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Writing a thesis at the Chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour

How can I apply for a thesis at the Chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour?

For application please use the electronic application form, which can be found on our chairs website.

When is the application deadline for a thesis?

On our website an application deadline can be found under the section "Bachelor and Master Theses". Please meet this deadline if you want your application to be considered.

Is an early application an asset?

When the deadline is met, all application documents will be reviewed. In a period of two weeks after the deadline, we will inform all applicants whether their applications were successful or not. The number of accepted theses depends on the capacities of the Chair, which will be known shortly before the start of the semester.

Is it of advantage if I apply at a later time, e.g. just before the deadline when I can proof more ECTS?

Please apply in the application period and whenever you have met all the formal criteria (ECTS points) or if you have at least achieved the required examinations. 

I have received a confirmation for supervision. What happens next?

In the case of a confirmation for supervision, please confirm it within one week by contacting the examination office by mail (further information see here). Subsequently, you will receive a registration form/subject confirmation by mail, which we will receive in cc. Please note that these forms will only be issued if you have acquired at least 60 ECTS (for Bachelor Business Administration and International Business Administration and for Master Business Administration).

Please note that the admission to the Bachelor's Thesis in Business Administration and International Business Administration is only possible after 90 ECTS have been acquired.

I would like to write my thesis in cooperation with a company. What must be taken into account?

Please work out a topic that is clearly related to the field of Human Resource Management and/or Organisational Behaviour together with the company. When applying for supervision, please mention that you wish to write a practical thesis and name the topic. Please note that a practical thesis requires you working on the problem definition, on the research question, on the relevance of the topic and on the process of your work completely in your own. In case of fundamental ambiguities regarding the problem definition, the research question, the relevance of the topic or the working process in your exposé, or should the thesis not meet the university requirements, you will not be allowed to write the practical thesis. Then you will have to choose a topic, which will be provided by the Chair.

The company, in which I would like to write my thesis, needs a binding confirmation for supervision before the confirmation of the Chair. In such a case, is an exemption possible?

No. We would like to give an equal opportunity to all students who would like to write their thesis at our Chair.

I would like to write my thesis in the semester after the next, but I would like to ensure a spot for supervision. Is it possible to apply now?

No. You have to apply in the end of the summer semester for a thesis in the subsequent winter semester and vice versa at the end of the winter semester for a thesis in the subsequent summer semester.

Which criteria do you use to check the applications?

Besides your professional study progress, we will take into account the capacities of our Chair for possible supervisions.

How long is my processing period for writing the thesis?

Please check the information provided in the study and examination regulations, which refer to your studies. These you can find on the pages of the examination office (Prüfungsamt). You will receive further information regarding the period of induction from your supervisor.

Questions regarding grading of the thesis

For every thesis, we prepare comprehensive grading reports. In those you will find the grading criteria as well as an analysis of the positive and negative aspects of your thesis. If you would like to review this grading report you can make an appointment with the examination office (Prüfungsamt).

Prolongation of the deadline for handing in the thesis due to illness

In case of illness, the deadline for handing in the thesis can be postponed equivalent to the time of absence due to illness. The illness must be documented by a medical certificate which has to be handed in to the examination office (Prüfungsamt). In case of acceptance please inform our secretary about the prolongation.

Email etiquette

E-Mails to the Chair

You did not find an answer to your question on our homepage? Your fellow students could not help you? You could not find an answer to your question on your own? If this is the case, please write an email to us! You will increase your chances to an early response by following these simple rules:


Use your student email address (, not your private one.

Contact Person

Get informed on our website who is responsible for your issue. Send your request only to the contact person in charge of your issue or to the addresses special for the topics:

empfehlungsschreiben.bwl-personal(at) (letter of recommendation)

kursanmeldung.bwl-personal(at) (course registration)

learning-agreement.bwl-personal(at) (learning agreements)

sekretariat.bwl-personal(at) (secretary)

thesis.bwl-personal(at) (Bachelor or Master thesis)

The contact person for your courses are here.


Tell us your issue as short and detailed as possible so that we can process your information as fast as possible. For this, use the categories on our website or at least name the course title about which you have a question. Bad examples are:

No subject

Re: Aw: response: Aw: Aw: response: WG:


Question about my studies

Your course

Registration for the course Leadership and Management Development which I would like to take as part of my master’s degree.


Use the typical and appropriate forms of salutation. For example:

Dear Mrs./Mr. ...

Dear Madam or Sir,

Dear First Name Surname


Follow the “KISS principle”: keep it short and simple. Only include necessary information but do not forget to communicate the important facts.

Have you already been in touch with your contact person? Then use the possibility to answer to previous emails so that the contact person can quickly review these.

Before sending the mail, read it again. Have you attached every important document?


Just like the salutations, please albeit to common courtesy. Examples are:

Yours sincerely,

Best regards,

Sign with your full name, your student identification number and your field of study.



Do I have to register for exams or other types of examination?

Yes, you have to register for examinations. The registration is independent from the registration for the courses. The registration period for centrally organised examinations (such as "Grundlagen des Personalmangements" and "International Dimensions of Human Resource Management") is organized by the examination office (Prüfungsamt). Please note that you must adhere to the deadlines of the examination office. Further information can be found here. All other deadlines are organised by the Chair and may vary.

If technical problems occur during the registration process, can I contact the Chair?

No, please refrain from contacting the Chair, as the responsibility is with the examination office (Prüfungsamt).

How do I know when and where the examination will take place?

A few weeks after the start of the semester an examination schedule will be published, in which all written exams are listed together with the location and the time. You will find further information on the webpage of the examination office. will also publish the schedule as soon as it is finished.

Is it possible to request preliminary correction?

In exceptional cases (third attempt, stay abroad, Baf?G application, change of universities) you can request preliminary correction. Please contact the research assistant who is responsible for the course. An overview of responsibilities can be found here.

I was surprised by my grade in the exam. What can I do to get access to my graded exam?

In case of centrally organised exams by the examination office (e.g., "Fundamentals of Human Resource Management" and "International Dimensions of Human Resource Management"), please wait for date of the post-exam review. It will be announced in the following semester by the examination office. For more details, please click here.

Under what circumstances and how can I apply for a post-correction?

If you have reasoned objections to the marking of an exam, there is the opportunity to apply for a post-correction.

Reasons for an application for post-correction are for example an incorrectly added total score, an uncorrected subtask or in your view, or regarding the contents wrong correction. A justification must be completely explained with task number and the accurate actual situation.

The application of post-correction has to be made via email to the office of the chair (sekretariat.bwl-personal(at) For correspondence the applicant is required to exclusively use the respective student email addresses of the University of Bamberg and no personal email accounts. The application should be submitted at the latest three weeks after the final day of post exam review to the chair. The application must comprise of the following information: title of the exam, name, matriculation number and a specific justification of the application. Applications assumed after the aforenamed limitation period of three weeks can only be conceded for convincing reasons.

The correction of the exam will be checked thereupon by our side. After conclusion of the post-correction you will receive a message to your student email address containing the result of the review.


I have a question concerning the content of a course or the type of examination.

First off, please start by checking the syllabus of your course in the module manual or look for information on the virtual campus (VC). If you cannot find anything and if your fellow students cannot help you, please contact the responsible research assistant. The contact details can be found here.

Do I have to sign up for your courses?

Yes and no, please register in FlexNow for our courses "Change Management", "Leadership and Management Development" and "The Future of Work" by the date indicated on the webpage in March/April (for the following summer semester) or September/October (for the following winter semester). It is not necessary to register for the exercises classes. Please be aware that this registration does not replace the exam registration that takes place later. For more details, please click here.

Can I sign up for courses after the registration period? I have missed the deadline (March or September), but can I still enrol in a course?

Yes, please try directly via FlexNow, there may still be spots available. If this is no longer possible, please contact the responsible research assistant. The contact details can be found here.

Do the courses start in the first week of the semester?

Yes, all courses start with content input in the first week of the semester. For block seminars the starting dates may vary. Further information can be found in the course details here.

Starting dates for exercise courses will be communicated in the main course.

When does the course XY take place?

Further information regarding the time and the room can be found here or in the university information system (UnivIS).

Is course attendance compulsory?

For regulations concerning attendance the rules of the Bavarian Higher Education Act (Bayerisches Hochschulgesetz) are relevant. Also for courses without compulsory attendance, we recommend you being present. Especially during group assignments, it is your responsibility to keep the appointments in order to guarantee successful group work.

Job postings and Networking

How can I apply for open positions at the Chair for Human Resource Management?

More information and vacancies for research assistants and student assistents can be found here.

Where can I find information on job positions and internship positions in the field of Human Resource Management?

Job-postings, internship positions etc. of external companies can be found in two groups in the network “Linkedin”: “Studierende - Personalmanagement - Universit?t Bamberg” and “Alumni - Personalmanagement - Universit?t Bamberg”.

The Linked-group for current students offers information on internships, jobs, career fairs and current developments in the field of Human Resource Management. We also inform you about new publications and events of the Chair of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour.

The Linkedin-group for alumni provides information that are more specifically in the interest of alumni.

We warmly invite you to join the Linkedin-groups, in order to stay in touch with the latest developments. Furthermore, we would like to ask former students to keep in touch with us by transferring to our alumni-group after completion of their studies.

Is there a way to stay in touch with the Chair and my fellow students (with a focus on Human Resource Management) after my studies?

Yes, our Chair organizes a Linkedin-Alumni-Group, where we warmly welcome you to join. This group is also used for job-postings, as well as news and publications of our Chair. We warmly welcome you to join the group, in order to stay up to date with the newest developments.

As an automatic transfer from the student-group to the alumni-group is not possible, you have to join each group separately.

Exercise classes

Do I have to attend all exercise classes offered per week?

No, one exercise per week is sufficient.

Can I choose the dates for the exercises by myself?

Yes, only in some cases your choice can be limited due to capacity issues. Then a registration in the virtual campus (VC) is necessary. In these cases, you will be notified.