Introduction to Artificial Intelligence / Einführung in die Künstliche Intelligenz (SS 2024)
General Information
- For a general course description please read the corresponding pages from the WIAI module guide.
- You find administrative information at UnivIS.
- To get up-to-date information you should sign up for the course in the virtual campus.
- Recommended for bachelor students in the 4th semester.
- This course updates and replaces the module “Intelligente Agenten”, i.e., you cannot register for this module if you have already taken “Intelligente Agenten”.
Recommended Reading / Links
Text books on AI, Logic and AI programming:
- Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig (2020). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 4th edition. Prentice Hall/Pearson.(The mostly used text book in the field.)
- A comparison of AI textbooks by Stuart Russel.
- Günther G?rz, Ute Schmid, Tanya Braun (2020). Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz, 6. Auflage. de Gruyter. (A survey of methods and subfields of AI by German AI researchers in German)
- Malik Ghallab, Dana Nau, Paolo Traveso (2016). Automated Planning and Acting. Cambridge University Press. (AI subdomain planning)
- Stefan Edelkamp, Stefan Schroedl (2011). Heuristic Search. Theory and Applications. Morgan Kaufmann.
- Uwe Sch?ning (2000). Logik für Informatiker. Springer. (auch wenn nicht gendergerecht bezeichnet, eine sehr gute und verst?ndliche Einführung in die logischen Grundlagen), docplayer
- Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman (1996). Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, 2nd Edition. McGrawHill. (pogramming in Scheme).
- Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro (1994). The Art of Prolog, Second Edition. MIT Press.
- Peter Norvig (1991/updated continuosly). Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp. Morgan Kaufmann. [github paip-lisp]
- Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis (2019). Rebooting AI. Pantheon. (An insightful discussion about what AI can (not) do and about the power of human intelligence.)
- Raymond Kurzweil (1992). The Age of Intelligent Machines. MIT Press.
(This is not a scientific text book but a most motivating, comprehensive book for a broad readership, however a bit outdated.)
Some Links:
- Homepages of AAAI
- Homepage of GI Fachbereich 1 - Künstliche Intelligenz
- How many AI people does it take to change a lightbulb?
- The AI Singer Poem
- ICAPS with Planning Competition
- Tools for Learning AI: AISpace
- SWI Prolog
- Racket (Lisp)
Lecture Topics
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence [pdf]
- Problem Spaces and Search [pdf]
- Heuristic Search, Branch and Bound, A* [pdf]
- Search in Game Trees, Monte-Carlo Tree Search [pdf]
- Knowledge Representation Classics -- semantic networks, frames, CSPs [pdf]
- Classical Logics: Propositional Logic and First Order Logic [pdf]
- Resolution Calculus and Prolog [pdf]
- Non-Classical Logics: default, tms, Bayes, probabilistic, modal, epistemic, temporal [pdf]
- Planning [pdf]
- Machine Learning [pdf]
- Object and Scene Recognition [pdf]
- Language Processing [pdf]
- Cognitive AI / Situated and Embodied AI
- Applications of AI / Ethical Aspects of AI / Open Questions of AI
[SS 2023] [SS 2022] [SS 2021] [SS 2020] [SS 2019]