Sarah Ali Mohamed, M.A.

Research and Teaching Assistant

Room F21/01.14e

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Academic Positions and Research Interests

Sarah Ali Mohamed is a migration researcher and political scientist. Currently, she works as research and teaching assistant and does her doctoral studies at the Professorship for Demography at the University of Bamberg as part of the project “ForFamily” as well as in the “State Institute for Family Research at the University of Bamberg (ifb)”. Her Master Degree (M.A.) in Political Science at the University of Bamberg was specializing in International and European Politics and Sociology of Immigration. She completed her Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) in Political Science and Public Administration at the Cairo University.

During her Master studies, she gained parallel work experience in three complementary research projects: at the ifb in the project "Family Education as a Driver of Integration for Refugees" and as a research assistant at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) in the projects “Refugees in the German Education System (ReGES)" and "National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)." Over the course of her academic career path, she was able to gain extensive research experience, ranging from empirical research design and data processing to a broad spectrum of quantitative and qualitative analysis methods.

Research Focuses

  • Migration and integration processes and research in Germany
  • Interrelationships between demographic changes, political and social challenges and inter-culturalism in post-migrant societies
  • Intergenerational identity development and trans-nationality

Current Research Project

  • ?Arrival. Family Education and Counselling for Refugee Families.“
    Family Life in Bavaria – Empirical Insights into Transformations, Resources and Negotiations (ForFamily)

Conferences and Workshops

  • Ali Mohamed, Sarah & Lüken-Kla?en, Doris: The Importance of Being Understood: Language and the Reciprocal Intercultural Communication in Social Professions as a Tightrope Walking. Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication (NIC) Conference 2023. Falun, Sweden, 25 November 2023.