Focus areas of the Chair of Psychology I – Developmental Psychology lay in the field of the principles/foundations as well as on the applied research of conditions and mechanisms of developmental changes, particularly in the scope of cognition and language.
Our research findings are relevant for instance for educators, childcare assistants, peditricians, teachers, speech therapists, pedagogical-psychological institutions (e.g. advice centres, early intervention institutions) and for responsible persons in frame of the educational system.
Applied Relevant Research Focus of our Department
Infant Science / Education in Early Childhood

BamBI: Bamberger Baby Institute
The Bamberger Baby Institute is a research unit at the chair of developmental psychology. A special focus is on early child development, specifically the development of language and cognition, their mutual interrelations as well as their relation to socio-emotional development, on influencing variables and how early child development impacts later development. Thereby we study mother-child interaction as well as early child characteristics and the emergence of early competencies in various developmental domains. Longitudinal methods and experimental studies (habituation paradigm, eye-tracking methods, video-taped interactions situations, data from questionnaires and tests etc.) are used to learn more about the mechanisms and impact of early child development.
Further information: BamBI-homepage (in german language)

ViVAplus: Impact of early childcare arrangements and the home-learning environment on child development
(funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG))
The ViVAplus project aims conducting the developmental impacts of the quality of the home-learning environment (HLE) and the quantity and quality of early institutional and family childcare (ECEC), thereby considering various domain-general and domain-specific cognitive as well as socioemotional outcomes in later kindergarten age. It will draw on data from the NEPS infant cohort study and the ViVA-project with a focus on longitudinal analyses across early childhood up to Wave 6. The main aims of the ViVAplus project are: (1) to describe the actual care arrangements of the representative sample of children growing up under the changing conditions of early childhood and care in Germany (2) to generate various comprehensive indicators that set the stage for the analyses to be conducted in ViVAplus (3) to investigate the impact of HLE and ECEC on child development; and (4) to study the interactions between HLE, ECEC, and child characteristics.
Further information:
Development in Preschool- and School Age

NEPS: National Educational Panel Study
(2008 - 2013 funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF); since 2014 the NEPS is carried out by the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) at the University of Bamberg)
The NEPS is run by an interdisciplinary network led by Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Ro?bach. The target activity of the NEPS is to collect longitudinal data on the development of competencies, educational processes, educational decisions, and returns to education in formal, nonformal, and informal contexts throughout the life span. As soon as possible, all NEPS data will be made available to the national and international scientific community in the form of a so-called anonymous Scientific Use File. This will provide a rich source of potential analyses for the various disciplines (such as demographics, educational science, economics, psychology, sociology) concerned with educational and training processes, and it will provide the basis for major improvements in educational reporting and the provision of expert advice for policy makers in Germany.
Further information: