Diversity Award Recipients 2023

Alisha Bleicher received the award for her excellent master’s thesis in Business Education. Her thesis examines the first-hand experiences of transgender, intersex, and non-binary persons in the context of gender inclusive language at universities and puts forth suggestions for its practice.
The paper elaborates on the perspectives of students who do not fit into binary gender norms and are subjected to discrimination in the form of inconsiderate linguistic structures at universities. This study highlights the complex effects of a lack of inclusive language in higher education through interviews with transgender, intersex, and non-binary persons and poses an essential first look at this neglected field of research in Germany. The results of this thesis and its suggested further actions make for a highly relevant contribution to the discourse around gender inclusive language practices at German universities.

Jana Hock received the award for critically examining the topic of antisemitism in schools as part of her seminar. She offers students pursuing a teaching degree insights into the various forms of antisemitism in school environments.
In her seminar at the chair for Old Testament Studies, the focus lies on teaching sensible approaches and ways to counter antisemitism in schools. The different layers of antisemitism in education are introduced, followed by examining the importance of preventative measures in critical education on antisemitism and putting teaching materials to the test. Furthermore, students are urged to account for their own prejudices and reflect on these through critical self-examination. Through her teaching, Jana Hock contributes to highlighting the ever-present issue of antisemitism in education and equips students pursuing a teaching degree with the tools to deconstruct discrimination through antisemitism sensitive teaching practices and promoting diversity in schools.