The course includes theoretical introduction to laser scanning technologies, simulation of scanningprocess with the software VRscan3D, scanning on-site and comparison of results. The fieldwork focusses on the application of laser scanning technology to a historic monument in the UNESCO world heritage site of Bamberg. The recorded data will be processed and discussed each day, and the course concludes with a group presentation on the last day of the project week.
The project week with both theory and practice parts take place at the Centre for Heritage Conservation Studies and Technologies (KDWT) at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg, which offers working space and a computer cluster equipped with the latest software:

Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation,
Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg

Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation,
Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg

Dr. Denys Gorkovchuk,
Faculty of Geoinformation Systems and Territory Management
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Student information?
Please check with your school regarding accepted credit points. The project week is credited with 3 ECTS points that will be transferable to other universities. We will issue a certificate of participation through the University of Bamberg.
Here you can find the UNIVIS page of the project week.