Program Structure
The doctoral candidates of the second phase of the Research Training Group will join the Economics Department at the University of Bamberg with excellent international connections. The good experiences provided by the first phase of the Research Training Group deliver the extraordinary benefit for this second phase, so that this second phase of the Research Training Group can be performed sucesfully.
a) Research Workshops
The performance of multi-day research workshops given by external scholars and constant feedback in the context of the brown-bag seminars have provided our doctoral students a basis of methodological skills and theoretical knowledge that has enabled them to answer relevant research questions in an appropriate manner with a high working efficiency. We would like to continue these positive experiences and design the second phase of the Research Training Group with a similar but improved study program and supervision concept.
b) Cooperation with the Hans B?ckler Foundation and the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK)
The knowledge transfer with the Hans B?ckler Foundation and the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK) is expected to strengthen the professional profile of our doctoral candidates with constant internal workshops and professional training.
c) International Network
The international network of the Economics Department at the University of Bamberg will continue to be available and to contribute the doctoral candidates in the second phase of our Research Training Group. This international network will provide our doctoral candidates not only the oportunity to participate in workshops and conferences, but also the posibility to spend a short research period in importarnt study centers, for example, the CeNDEF in Amsterdam, the New School for Social Research in New York City or the University Jaume I in Castellón (Spain). Moreover, our doctoral candidates have the opportunity to participate in events organized by the Hans B?ckler Foundation (HBS) to acquire skills, such as higher education didactics. This will provide a good integration into the HBS scholarship network and thus strengthen their social responsibility.