News 02/24/2025 New BERG Working Paper No. 202 of Stefanie Y. Schmitt published 02/05/2025 New BERG Working Paper No. 201 of Arne Lauber, Christoph March and Marco Sahm published 01/30/2025 Frank Westerhoff has been appointed as an Associate Editor at the journal Decisions in Economics and Finance. 01/30/2025 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest, Pr?sident des ifo Instituts, at the VWL Research Seminar on 05.02.2025 01/22/2025 New BERG Working Paper No. 200 of Sarah Mignot published 01/21/2025 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alicia von Schenk, Würzburg University, at the VWL Research Seminar on 28.01.2025 01/16/2025 Lecture by Ms Sabine Braun - Accenture Strategy & Consulting as part of the lecture series on 21.01.25 01/07/2025 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Nick Netzer, Zürich University, at the VWL Research Seminar on 14.01.2025 12/10/2024 "Wirtschaftsweise" Prof. Dr. Achim Truger presents expert opinion on macroeconomic development at the University of Bamberg 12/03/2024 New BERG Working Paper published 11/27/2024 Taster lecture in economics on “Public goods and the climate transition: an experiment” fills the Audimax 11/21/2024 Lecture series sustainable Finance enters the next round 11/20/2024 Lecture: Career start for social scientists and economists on 26.11.2024 10/30/2024 Award ceremony and lecture by the President of the Bavarian Head Office of the German Central Bank 10/24/2024 Mini Course on Networks by Professor Giacomo Livan 10/01/2024 New publication by Leonhard Ipsen und Jan Schulz published in Applied Economics Letters 06/27/2024 Dr. Stefanie Schmitt awarded with Add-on Fellowship from the Joachim Herz Foundation 06/27/2024 Prize for good teaching awarded to Sarah Mignot und Rafael Kothe The Institute's prize for good teaching was awarded at the Institute's Economics Assembly on 25th June 2024. 06/24/2024 New publication by Silke Anger published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 06/17/2024 Lecture by Dr. Marius Liebald, Goethe University (Frankfurt am Main) at the VWL Research Seminar on 18.06.2024 06/12/2024 New BERG Working Paper No. 195 of Leonhard Ipsen and Jan Schulz published 06/12/2024 New BERG Working Paper No. 194 of Jan Schulz, Caleb Agoha, Anna Gebhard, Bettina Gregg and Daniel M. Mayerhoffer published 06/12/2024 New BERG Working Paper No. 193 of Fabian Dietz and Marco Sahm published 06/11/2024 Lecture series Sustainable Finance with Prof. Dr. Willi Semmler The New School for Social Research (NY) / 11.06.2024 06/06/2024 Study trip to Frankfurt am Main organized by the EES F?rderverein The Association for Economic Studies is delighted to share the remarkable experience of our recent visit to Frankfurt. 05/14/2024 New BERG Working Paper No. 192 of Sarah Mignot, Paolo Pellizzari and Frank Westerhoff published 05/06/2024 CEP Perspectives: Lecture with panel discussion 05/03/2024 Lecture series Sustainable Finance with Jans Meckel, Managing Director Global Banking & Markets bei Goldman Sachs 04/17/2024 Lecture by Prof. Sven Rady, Bonn University, at the VWL Research Seminar on 23.04.2024 04/08/2024 New BERG Working Paper No. 191 of Florian Herold and Christoph Kuzmics published 02/26/2024 The Metabolism of Capital: A Historical Account and Statistical Analysis of Corporate Profitability in France and Germany 02/26/2024 Institute of Economics congratulates Christian Babirat on the successful disputation of her doctoral thesis 02/19/2024 Sarah Mignot and Frank Westerhoff publish in "Computational Economics" 02/02/2024 Lecture by Prof. Anne Ardila Bren?e, Zürich University, at the VWL Research Seminar on 06.02.2024 01/18/2024 Lecture by Dr. Ulrike Vollst?dt, Magdeburg University, at the VWL Research Seminar on 23.01.2024 01/15/2024 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Felix Bierbrauer, K?ln University, at the VWL Research Seminar on 16.01.2024 01/09/2024 Prof Proa?o gives an outlook on the economy in 2024 in "ZDFheute" 01/07/2024 Lecture by Prof. Ph.D. Petra Thiemann, Lund Universit?t, at the VWL Research Seminar on 09.01.2024 12/06/2023 Prof. Dr. Achim Truger (German Council of Economic Experts) fills lecture hall U7/01.05 11/29/2023 Lecture by Prof Dr. Susanne Goldlücke, Universit?t Konstanz, at the VWL Research Seminar on 05.12.2023 11/28/2023 Trip to Nuremberg by the EES Association with Plural Economics Bamberg 11/24/2023 Lecture series Sustainable Finance with Prof. Dr. Achim Truger (German Council of Economic Experts) 11/22/2023 Master European Economic Studies (EES) in the top 10 out of 10 categories in the CHE Ranking 2023 11/16/2023 Stefanie Schmitt and Dominik Bruckner publish in Games and Economic Behavior 11/14/2023 CANCELLED - Lecture by Dr. Ulrike Vollst?dt, University Magdeburg, at the VWL Research Seminar on 21.11.2023 11/13/2023 Institute of Economics congratulates Ivonne Schwartz on the successful defense of her dissertation 11/13/2023 Niklas D?rner receives prize for student engagement 11/06/2023 Sustainable Finance lecture series starts with Dr. Wolfgang Lemke (European Central Bank) 10/25/2023 Institute of Economics welcomes Prof. Wolfgang Dauth 09/27/2023 4th Pluralumn* Workshop on "Pluralist economics beyond anything goes" on 2nd an 3rd October 09/26/2023 9th Meeting of the German Network for New Economic Dynamics (GENED) on October 4-6, 2023! 08/29/2023 Mourning for Professor Dr. Nora Szech 07/21/2023 Christoph March and Marco Sahm (Chair of Economics, esp. Economic Theory) publish in Review of Economic Design 07/06/2023 Lecture by Prof Dr. Dieter Nautz, Freie Universit?t Berlin, at the VWL Research Seminar on 11.07.2023 07/03/2023 New BERG Working Paper No. 187 of Sarah Mignot, Fabio Tramontana and Frank Westerhoff published 07/02/2023 New BERG Working Paper No. 186 von Daniel M. Mayerhoffer und Jan Schulz published 06/22/2023 5th Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop, June 29 – July 1, 2023 06/19/2023 Publication by Prof. Marco Sahm in Games and Economic Behavior 06/19/2023 Lecture by Prof. Dean Lueck, Ph.D., Indiana University, at the VWL Research Seminar on 20.06.2023 06/14/2023 Dr. Philipp Mundt published in Industrial and Corporate Change 05/11/2023 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Paul Schweinzer (University Klagenfurt) at the VWL Research Seminar on 16.05.2023 05/09/2023 Excellent results in the CHE ranking for Economic Institute in Bamberg 05/09/2023 Review: two outstanding events of the Institute of Economics 05/08/2023 Lecture by Prof. Eugen Kovac, Ph.D, University Duisburg, at the VWL Research Seminar on 09.05.2023 05/02/2023 "Research Project of the Quarter" by Prof. Milakovic 04/21/2023 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Jan Priewe, HTW Berlin, at the VWL Research Seminar on 25.04.2023 04/17/2023 Long-time German ambassador talks about possibilities and limits of diplomacy 04/03/2023 New BERG Working Paper No. 185 by Fabio E.G. R?hrer, Christian Proa?o und Lebogang Mateane published 03/14/2023 The festive opening event "Systemic Risks and Socio-Economic Resilience: Perspectives from Science and Practice" on April 27, 2023 02/09/2023 Institute of Economics congratulates Naira Kotb on the successful defense of her dissertation 02/02/2023 Call for Papers for Special Issue "Advancing Agent-Based Economics" 02/02/2023 Call for Papers: 5th Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop 02/02/2023 Lecture by Prof. Ph.D Katja Kaufmann, University Bayreuth, at the VWL Research Seminar on 07.02.2023 01/23/2023 Lecture by Dr. Husnu Dalgic, Mannheim University, at the VWL Research Seminar on 24.01.2023 01/18/2023 I would do it again in a heartbeat! Bachelor student EES reports about her stay abroad with a young child 01/16/2023 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Johanna Rickne, Stockholm University, at the VWL Research Seminar on 17.01.2023 01/11/2023 Publication by Prof. Heineck in Education Economics 01/09/2023 Florian Herold and Nick Netzer publish in Games and Economic Behavior 11/23/2022 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Sebastian Dullien on 01.12.2022 11/23/2022 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Annika Herr, Leibniz Universit?t Hannover, at the VWL Research Seminar on 29.11.2022 11/07/2022 Publication by Laura Gardini, Davide Radi, Noemi Schmitt, Iryna Sushko and Frank Westerhoff in the Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 11/06/2022 Lecture by Prof. Aline Bütikofer, Norwegian School of Economics, in the Economics Research Seminar on 08.11.2022 10/25/2022 EES degree programmes successfully re-accredited 10/24/2022 Lecture by Prof. Gilberto Tadeu Lima, Universidade de S?o Paulo, in the Economics Research Seminar on 25.10.2022 10/24/2022 Roberto Dieci, Sarah Mignot, Noemi Schmitt und Frank Westerhoff published in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 10/18/2022 Dr Philipp Mundt published in Economics Letters 10/18/2022 Institute of Economics congratulates Carolin Martin on the successful disputation of her doctoral thesis 09/28/2022 Silke Anger published in the Review of Economics of the Household 09/07/2022 New BERG Working Paper No. 184 by Stefanie Y. Schmitt? published 09/06/2022 New BERG Working Paper No. 183 by Stefan Dürmeier published 09/06/2022 New BERG Working Paper No. 182 by Roberto Dieci, Sarah Mignot, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff published 08/04/2022 Interview with Dr. Anica Kramer in DBB Magazine 07/26/2022 Ipek Yükselen (IAB) presents her online field experiment in the Applied Economics of Education course 07/20/2022 Publication by Roberto Dieci, Laura Gardini and Frank Westerhoff in International Review of Financial Analysis 07/18/2022 Ipek Yükselen presented her poster on "Gender Differences in Negotiation Behavior and the Role of Information" at the HCEO/briq Summer School on Socioeconomic Inequality 07/18/2022 Prof. Silke Anger publishes report on vocational education in Ukraine 07/14/2022 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Birgitta Rabe, University of Essex?in the Economics Research Seminar on 19.07.2022 07/07/2022 Lecture by Prof. Dr. David Stadelmann, University Bayreuth, in the Economics Research Seminar on 12.07.2022 07/06/2022 Which firms survive for decades? Researchers from the Institute of Economics publish in Management Science 07/04/2022 Lecture by Dr. Anwesha Mukherjee, TU München, in the Economics Research Seminar on 05.07.2022 07/04/2022 Laura Gardini, Davide Radi, Noemi Schmitt, Iryna Sushko and Frank Westerhoff published in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 06/22/2022 New BERG Working Paper No. 181 by Alexander Hempfing and Philipp Mundt published 06/22/2022 New BERG Working Paper No. 180 by Thomas Daske and Christoph March published 06/22/2022 New BERG Working Paper No. 179 by Philipp Mundt and Ivan Savin published 06/19/2022 4th Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop, June 26th – 28th, 2022 05/30/2022 Dr. J?rg Lackenbauer from the European Commission teaches in the bachelor's program EES 05/18/2022 Lecture by Ludmila Matysková Ph.D, University of Bonn, in the Economics Research Seminar on 31.05.2022 05/18/2022 Lecture by Professor Yonatan Berman, King's College London, in the Economics Research Seminar on 24.05.2022 05/09/2022 Marc Saur, Markus Schlatterer and Stefanie Schmitt published in Games and Economic Behavior! 05/06/2022 New BERG Working Paper No. 178 by Stefanie Y. Schmitt and Dominik Bruckner published! 05/06/2022 New BERG Working Paper No. 177 by Roberto Dieci, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff published! 05/06/2022 Sarah Mignot and Frank Westerhoff published in Open Economies Review! 04/13/2022 New BERG Working Paper No. 176 by Arne Lauber, Christoph March and Marco Sahm published! 04/06/2022 Roberto Dieci, Sarah Mignot and Frank Westerhoff published in Chaos, Solitons and Fractals! 04/01/2022 New BERG Working Paper No. 175 by Marco Sahm published! 04/01/2022 Carolin Martin, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff published in Macroeconomic Dynamics! 03/25/2022 Marco Sahm published in Games! 03/03/2022 First RTG Research Workshop on April 4-6 02/10/2022 Report with focus on "Empirical Social Research on Education and Work" now online! 01/31/2022 Doctoral Scholarships at the HBS Research Training Group on Bounded Rationality! 01/26/2022 Public Talk: Perspectives after EES studies! 12/20/2021 New BERG Working Paper No. 174 by Roberto Dieci, Sarah Mignot and Frank Westerhoff published! 12/13/2021 Institute of Economics congratulates Arne Lauber on his PhD! 12/07/2021 Additional manpower for the VWL Institute: Christoph March joins our team as a private lecturer! 11/18/2021 Noemi Schmitt receives the Faculty Award for Good Teaching 2021! 11/08/2021 Anastasiia Panchuk and Frank Westerhoff publish in the journal Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B 10/28/2021 Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff have published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 10/11/2021 Institute of Economics welcomes new postdocs! 10/04/2021 Prof. Florian Herold new Managing Director of the Institute of Economics! 10/04/2021 Christian Deutscher, Marco Sahm, Sandra Schneemann and Hendrik Sonnabend have published in Theory and Decision! 09/07/2021 New BERG Working Paper No. 173 by Jan Schulz?and Daniel M. Mayerhoffer published! 09/07/2021 New BERG Working Paper No. 172 by María Daniela Araujo P.??????? and Johanna Sophie Quis published! 09/06/2021 New BERG Working Paper No. 171 by Zahra Kamal published! 08/04/2021 Awards of the Institute of Economics conferred! 07/30/2021 Christoph Laica, Arne Lauber and Marco Sahm publish an article in Games and Economic Behavior! 07/21/2021 Sarah Mignot, Fabio Tramontana und Frank Westerhoff publish in Decisions in Economics and Finance! 06/30/2021 Third Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop on July 7-8, 2021! 06/14/2021 Lecture by Christina Felfe de Ormeno, University of Würzburg, at the Economics Research Seminar on June 15, 2021! 05/20/2021 New double degree in the Masters program European Economic Studies (EES) in cooperation with the University of Verona 04/29/2021 Lecture by Prof. Peter Tillmann, University of Gie?en, at the Economics Research Seminar on Mai 4, 2021! 04/28/2021 New BERG Working Paper No. 170 by Philipp Mundt, Uwe Cantner, Hiroyasu Inoue, Ivan Savin and Simone Vannuccini published! 04/27/2021 New BERG Working Paper No. 169 by Sarah Mignot, Fabio Tramontana and Frank Westerhoff published! 04/19/2021 Prof. Mishael Milakovic elected as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences! 04/15/2021 Lecture by Prof. Christoph Kuzmics, University of Graz, at the Economics Research Seminar on April 20, 2021! 04/14/2021 Study programs EES successfully reaccredited! 04/09/2021 Institute of Economics congratulates Tim Hagenhoff on his PhD! 03/15/2021 University of Bamberg awarded with quality seal "Environmental Education.Bavaria"; Department of Economics involved 02/24/2021 Publication by Stefanie Schmitt and Markus Schlatterer in the Journal of Economics & Human Biology 02/22/2021 Talk by Dr. Simone Balestra, University of St. Gallen, on February 23, 2021! 02/22/2021 Publication by Carolin Martin, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization! 02/22/2021 Publication by Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff in the Finance Research Letters! 02/18/2021 New BERG Working Paper No. 168 by Joep Lustenhouwer, Tomasz Makarewicz, Juan Carlos Pe?a and Christian R. Proa?o published! 02/01/2021 Talk by Prof. Mishael Milakovic at the Ergodicity Economics Conference 2021! 01/18/2021 Publication by Dr. Philipp Mundt in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization! 01/04/2021 New BERG Working Paper No. 167 by Nadja B?mmel and Guido Heineck published! 01/04/2021 New BERG Working Paper No. 166 by Jan Schulz and Mishael Milakovi? published! 12/08/2020 Impact of the Corona crisis on the employment of students 11/30/2020 Lecture by Prof. Schank (University of Mainz) on 1 December 2020 11/13/2020 Institute for Economics congratulates Susanne Elsas for her PhD! 11/09/2020 New BERG Working Paper No. 165 by María Daniela Araujo P., Guido Heineck and Yyannú Cruz-Aguayo published! 11/09/2020 New BERG Working Paper No. 164 by Andrea Gurgone and Giulia Iori published! 11/09/2020 New BERG Working Paper No. 163 by Tim Hagenhoff and Joep Lustenhouwer published! 11/03/2020 Prof. Anger elected to the Extended Board of the Association for Social Policy 11/02/2020 Simulation of the US elections 2020 in the master course "Political Economics" 10/27/2020 Project by Bamberg students wins the Friedrich Ebert Foundation's Commitment Award 2020? 10/16/2020 F?rderverein European Economic Studies elects new board! 10/06/2020 New BERG Working Paper No. 162 by Philipp Mundt, Simone Alfarano and Mishael Milakovic published! 10/01/2020 Institute for Economics congratulates Lisa Planer-Friedrich for her PhD! 09/16/2020 Publication by Dr. Anica Kramer in the Journal of Economic Geography 09/10/2020 New BERG Working Paper No. 161 by Christian R. Proa?o and Benjamin Lojak published! 09/01/2020 Extension of the graduate program at the Institute for Economics! 08/05/2020 Award for excellent teaching by the Institute of Economics 08/05/2020 New BERG Working Paper No. 160 by Noemi Schmitt, Ivonne Schwartz and Frank Westerhoff published! 08/05/2020 New BERG Working Paper No. 159 by Stefanie Y. Schmitt and Markus G. Schlatterer published! 08/05/2020 Master European Economic Studies: New double degree is now possible 08/05/2020 New BERG Working Paper No. 158 by Naira Kotb and Christian R. Proa?o published! 06/24/2020 New BERG Working Paper No. 157 by Christian R. Proa?o, Juan Carlos Pe?a and Thomas Saalfeld published! 06/19/2020 Institute for Economics congratulates Benjamin Lojak for his PhD! 06/03/2020 Article of Prof. Christian Proa?o in "Intereconomics"! 05/29/2020 Young Talent Prize of the Keynes Society awarded to Michael Neuner 05/11/2020 CHE-Ranking 2020: EES punktet mit internationaler Ausrichtung, top Beratung und sehr gutem sozialem Klima! 04/25/2020 Prof. Silke Anger ver?ffentlicht Bericht zu den Effekten von "Schulschlie?ungen wegen Corona"! 03/26/2020 Habilitationsurkunde an Dr. Sebastian Gechert verliehen! 02/18/2020 Neues BERG Working Paper Nr. 156 von Carolin Martin, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff erschienen! 02/12/2020 Ver?ffentlichung von Prof. Christian Proa?o und Benjamin Lojak im Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization! 01/29/2020 Prof. Christian Proa?o als Faktenchecker bei "Hart aber Fair"! 01/23/2020 Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Ulrich Fritsche, Universit?t Hamburg, im VWL Forschungsseminar am 28.01.2020! 01/16/2020 Call for Papers - Third Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop 01/16/2020 Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Stefan Bauernschuster, Universit?t Passau, im VWL Forschungsseminar am 21.01.2020! 01/08/2020 BaGBeM Seminar von Dr. Matthias Giesecke (RWI) am 14.01.2020 01/07/2020 Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schank entf?llt! 12/12/2019 Vortrag von PhD Martin Hohnisch und PhD Sabine Pittnauer, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, im VWL Forschungsseminar am 17.12.2019! 12/11/2019 Ver?ffentlichung von Dr. Philipp Mundt im ?Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control“ 12/10/2019 Gründung des Instituts für Volkswirtschaftslehre 12/05/2019 Vortrag von Dr. Andrea Gurgone im VWL Forschungsseminar am 10.12.2019! 11/27/2019 Vortrag von PD Dr. Christian Müller, Jacobs Universit?t Bremen, im VWL Forschungsseminar am 03.12.2019! 11/21/2019 Prof. Proa?o am 22.11.2019, um 21 Uhr bei 3Sat Makro 11/21/2019 Einladung zum Studierendenvotum im Rahmen der Akkreditierung EES 11/20/2019 BaGBeM Research Workshop vom 20. bis zum 22. November 11/14/2019 Vortrag von Professor Dr. Daniel Schnitzlein, Leibniz Universit?t Hannover, im VWL Forschungsseminar am 19.11.2019! 11/08/2019 Christian Proa?o untersucht Dauer und Ausma? des Krisenindikators Finanzzyklus 11/05/2019 Vortrag von Ass. Professor Dr. Domenico Buccella, Kozminski Universit?t Warschau, im VWL Forschungsseminar am 12.11.2019! 10/17/2019 Prof. Heineck zum stv. Senatsvorsitzenden wiedergew?hlt 10/17/2019 Institut für VWL begrü?t neue Studierende EES 10/07/2019 Dr. Joep Lustenhouwer now Junior Professor at the University of Heidelberg 09/18/2019 Publikation von Dr. Joep Lustenhouwer im ?Journal of Monetary Economics“! 09/17/2019 Handelsblatt VWL Ranking: Prof. Proa?o unter den 100 forschungsst?rksten deutschen Volkswirten unter 40 07/11/2019 Fachgruppe VWL gratuliert Stefanie Schmitt zur Promotion! 07/04/2019 Prof. Heineck und Prof. Herold wiedergew?hlt 07/02/2019 Publikation von Prof. Christian R. Proa?o im "Journal of Banking and Finance" 07/01/2019 Working Paper Nr. 152 im volkswirtschaftlichen BERG-Verlag ver?ffentlicht! 07/01/2019 Vortrag von Professor Dr. Ronald Bachmann RWI Essen/DICE, im VWL Forschungsseminar am 09.07.2019! 06/26/2019 Vortrag von Dr. Steffen Eibelsh?user, Goethe Universit?t Frankfurt, im VWL Forschungsseminar am 02.07.2019! 06/10/2019 Zweiter Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop 14. und 15. Juni 2019! 06/09/2019 Working Paper Nr. 151 im volkswirtschaftlichen BERG-Verlag ver?ffentlicht! 06/07/2019 Zwei neue "UniGardening" Hochbeete an der Feki! 06/03/2019 Fachgruppe VWL gratuliert Oliver W?lfel zur Promotion! 05/27/2019 "Moskauer Gespr?ch" mit Prof. Christian Proa?o! (Kopie 1) 05/26/2019 Vortrag von Prof. Willi Semmler, The New School for Social Research, im VWL Forschungsseminar am 04.06.2019! 05/16/2019 Fachgruppe VWL gratuliert Johanna Sophie Quis zur Promotion! 05/05/2019 Working Paper Nr. 150 im volkswirtschaftlichen BERG-Verlag ver?ffentlicht!