Two new research projects to use machine learning in the distribution of sustainable energy products

Bits-to-Energy Lab in Bamberg receives research funding for two joint industry projects

Sustainable energy supply in the private sector remains a key challenge of the energy transition. The research group around Konstantin Hopf at the University of Bamberg's Information Systems and Energy Efficient Systems Group has been investigating the effective use of advanced data analytics and machine learning (ML) in this area for several years. The developed methods help to use available energy data streams for the dissemination of sustainable energy products. In this way, energy providers can identify households that are eligible for a photovoltaic system or heat pump, for example, or those that are interested in regional electricity products, or those for whom energy consulting seems to make sense.

This work is now being continued in two newly acquired research projects:

The BENEFIZZO project will develop ML methods for targeted energy efficiency feedback and the identification of suitable energy products for existing customers of energy providers. The project is funded between December 2020 and May 2022 by the EU's Eurostars program and industry partner Advizo Ltd. (London) and BEN Energy GmbH (Munich, Zurich).

The DigiSWM project investigates how ML and advanced data analytics can be used to develop and field test new energy services in the coupling of the consumption sectors electricity, heat and mobility. Supported by the IUK Bayern program, the research group cooperates in this project with the Junior professorship for Energy Informatics at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, the regional utility Stadtwerk Ha?furt GmbH, the technology companies Consolinno Energy GmbH and BEN Energy GmbH as well as the heat pump manufacturer Hoval GmbH. The project will take place between July 2021 and September 2024.

Further information on both projects can be found on the Current Projects page and in the research information system FIS.

Please contact the project manager of both projects Dr. Konstantin Hopf for any inquiries about the research.