The field of English Language Education / TEFL / Fachdidaktik Englisch at the University of Bamberg focuses on two main research areas: learners’ perspectives and (pre-service) teacher education. Our projects explore a variety of questions and topics related to education for sustainable development / global citizenship education, the use of digital technologies with a special focus on virtual reality, and the incorporation of pop culture, particularly songs, in English language education. Central to our research are the voices of learners and the professional development of (future) English language teachers.

Pursuing a doctoral degree provides you with an excellent opportunity to thoroughly engage with TEFL research and further your professional competencies. If you are interested in completing a PhD project in TEFL / Englische Fachdidaktik at the University of Bamberg, please consider the university regulations / Promotionsordnung(439.9 KB) (439.9 KB). As a PhD student you are welcome to join the “Graduate School of Teacher Education” (BaGraTEd). This doctoral programme is designed for PhD candidates focusing on research related to teacher education, didactics, and school teaching.