VR and ESD in ELT

As part of the BMBF competence network lernen:digital, this sub-project aims to develop research-based teacher training modules on virtual reality (VR) and ESD in ELT.


Project team of English Language Education in Bamberg (from left to right: Michelle Zirkel, Theresa Summer, Claudia Schnellb?gl)

Meeting with critical friends at the University of Bamber on 19 June 2024 (from left to right: Claudia Schnellb?gl, Michelle Zirkel, Martin Fritze, Melissa Schneider, Martina Bredenbr?cker, Theresa Summer)

Kick-off of the DiSo-SGW project at the University of Bamberg from 25 - 26 October 2023 (from left to right: Maria Eisenmann, Andreas Grünewald, Leona Droste, Claudia Schnellb?gl, Theresa Summer)

Teacher trainings on virtual reality and education for sustainable development

Michelle Zirkel in a one-on-one interview during a teacher training course

VR-Workshop at the Casimirianum Gymnasium Coburg on 16 July 2024 (from left to right: Michelle Zirkel, Heidi Schmitt, Theresa Summer, Claudia Schnellb?gl)

VR-Workshop in the SprachenLLab with the Franz-Ludwig-Gymnasium in Bamberg on 10 December 2024 (from left to right: Claudia Schnellb?gl, Cordula Schwarzl, the four students of the seminar, Theresa Summer)

During the VR workshop in the SprachenLLab with the Franz-Ludwig-Gymnasium in Bamberg, the students immerse themselves in a VR world created by the student using the AR2VR app.

School visit at the Realschule Gro?ostheim on 18 December 2024 (from left to right: Theresa Summer, Claudia Schnellb?gl, Michelle Zirkel)

VR-Workshop at the Realschule Gro?ostheim on 18 December 2024

VR-Workshop at the Mittelschule Stegaurach on 19 December 2024 (from left to right: Michelle Zirkel, Franziska Hahn, Theresa Summer, Claudia Schnellb?gl)

The project team on the way to the VR workshop at Stegaurach secondary school (from left: Michelle Zirkel, Claudia Schnellb?gl)

Publications & presentations

  • Schnellb?gl, C., Zirkel, M., B?send?rfer, A. & Summer, T. (2025). Foreign Language Teachers' Perspectives on Global Education, Digital Media, and Extended Reality. In Summer, T. & Gie?ler, R. (eds.). Digital Textualities and Spaces in ELT. Studies in English Language Teaching (SELT). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. 181-202.
  • Zirkel, M. (forthcoming). Innovation in der Lehrkr?ftebildung: Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und sprachliche Bildung durch immersive virtuelle Realit?t im Englischunterricht. In Morek, M. & Meer, D. (eds.). Unterricht auf einem bedrohten Planeten. Perspektiven und Herausforderungen einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung im Unterricht der sprachlichen F?cher. Sprachlich-literarisches Lernen und Deutschdidaktik (SLLD-B).
  • Summer, T., Eisenmann, M. & Grünewald, A. (2025). Teacher Training Courses for Integrating AI and VR into Foreign Language Education. In T. Summer & R. Gie?ler (eds.). Digital Textualities and Spaces in ELT. Studies in English Language Teaching (SELT). Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. 203-222.
  • Zirkel, M. & Summer, T. (2024). Empowering English Language Teachers to Use Immersive Virtual Reality for Global Citizenship Education. WorldCALL2023: Official Conference Proceedings. Nagoya, Japan: The International Academic Forum. 217-224. DOI: 10.22492

  • Summer, T. Symposium: Digitale Souver?nit?t und immersive virtuelle Realit?t im Sprachenunterricht (mit Anja Ballis), Vortrag zu BNE und iVR im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Transfertagung lernen:digital, Potsdam, 01.10.2024.
  • Summer, T. Teilnahme am lernen:digital Community Call ?Digital souver?n“: “Digital souver?n: Wie ???????k?nnen Schüler:innen für eine digitale Lebens- und Arbeitswelt bef?higt werden?”, 27.06.2024.
  • Zirkel, M. The Potential of Immersive Virtual Reality for Teaching the SDGs in the Context of English Language Education. eLearning Africa 17th International Conference & Exhibition on Digital Education, Training & Skills Development, Kigali, Rwanda, 29.-31.05.2024.
  • Zirkel, M. & Summer, T. Projekt DiSo-SGW: VR Fortbildungen für Englischlehrkr?fte. Das Potenzial von immersiver Realit?t für den Fremdsprachenunterricht und BNE. “Digitale Schule der Zukunft” – 5. Treffen der Gymnasien in Oberfranken. Coburg, 30.01.2024.
  • Zirkel, M. The Potential of Immersive Virtual Reality for English Language Classrooms. Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universit?t München, 17.01.2024.
  • Summer, T. Virtual Reality and Global Learning in English Language Education: Innovations for English Teacher Education (mit Michelle Zirkel). WorldCALL Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 09--13.11.2023.

Special thanks again for the cooperation!