Studying TEFL

Degree programmes at the University of Bamberg

At the university of Bamberg, TEFL can be studied for a teaching degree

  • as a teaching subject (Unterrichtsfach) at primary schools and Mittelschulen
  • as a Didaktikfach at Mittelschulen
  • at secondary schools (Realschulen and Gymnasien)
  • at vocational schools (berufliche Schulen)

and as a double required elective (Doppelwahlpflichtfach) within the degree programmes of Business Administration or Economics and Business Education (Wirtschaftsp?dagogik).

Why study TEFL?

TEFL is an integral part of the university education for all students of teaching who have chosen English as a subject, as well as for students of Business Administration with a double required elective (Doppelwahlpflichtfach) English and students of Economics and Business Education. So, why is that?

TEFL is an academic discipline concerned with the rationale, goals, content and methodological approaches as well as the evaluation of English learning in schools. The analysis of teaching and learning processes in English lessons is of central importance, combined with the goal of making these processes as effective as possible. TEFL is concerned with a scientifically based theory of English teaching that critically reflects practice(s) and from which well-founded proposals and recommendations for the design of English lessons are derived, ranging from primary level to adult education. TEFL studies should thus provide you with a basis of solid knowledge and competences that enable you to teach high-quality English lessons.

Our website offers you information on TEFL studies in various degree programmes. For detailed information please read the information on the website of the Institute for English and American Studies (Studieng?nge, German only) and the respective study and examination regulations (Studien- und Prüfungsordnung).

Important Links for the Study of TEFL:

Current course offer

State examination topics – old LPO(1.1 MB, 158 pages)

State examination topics – new LPO(2.5 MB, 93 pages)