Claudia Schnellb?gl

Department of English Language Education / TEFL
An der Universit?t 9, Raum 00.12, D-96047 Bamberg
E-Mail: claudia.schnellboegl(at)
ORCID : 0009-0007-5341-9656
Office hours
by appointment via e-mail
- Since 06/2024: Co-representation of the academic staff in the lernen:digital projects at the ZLB
- Since 10/2023: Research assistant in the DiSo-SGW project consortium, which is part of the larger BMBF Competence Network lernen:digital (sub-project Evaluation & monitoring), Professorship of Psychology in School and Teaching, University of Bamberg
- Since 08/2023: Research assistant and lecturer at the Department of English Language Education, University of Bamberg
- 10/2019-07/2023: Academic tutor and student research assistant at the Department of English Language Education, University of Bamberg
- 03/2018-12/2020: Student assistant at the Professorship of Primary Education: Coordination of the international research network WERA-IRN Extended Education, University of Bamberg & Freie Universit?t Berlin
- 10/2017-09/2023: Studies in English and Psychology for secondary school teaching (first state examination) at the University of Bamberg; Erasmus+ internship in Belgrade (DaF Centar za nema?ki jezik)
- 10/2014-09/2017: European Studies (B.A.) at the University of Magdeburg; exchange semester in Warsaw (Uniwersytet Warszawski) with a scholarship from GFPS e.V.
- Virtual Reality
- Teacher training
- Teaching and learning foreign languages with digital media
- Lesson planning
- *Schnellb?gl, C., Zirkel, M., B?sendorfer, A., & Summer, T. (forthcoming). Foreign language teachers' perspectives on global education, digital media, and extended reality. In T. Summer & R. Gie?ler (Eds.), Digital textualities and spacies in ELT. Narr Francke Attempto.
- *Kaplan-Rakowski, R., & Schnellb?gl, C. (2024). The potential of VR-AI-Assisted personalized adaptive simulations for teacher training. In Y. Choubsaz et al. (Eds.), CALL for humaity - EUROCALL 2024 short papers. 10.4995/EuroCALL2024.2024.19744
- *Schnellb?gl, C. (2024). Pre-service Teachers' Perspectives on Extended Reality (XR) for English Language Teaching and Global Education. In K. Engelmayr-Hofmann, B. Fliri, & D. Polizio (Eds.), Sprachendidaktik im Dialog. Extended Abstracts zur 15. Nachwuchstagung der ?GSD (Vol. 9, pp. 79–82). ?GSD.
- Summer, T., Schnellb?gl, C., Werner, V. (2024). Which song makes you feel good? Mithilfe von Songs über Gefühle sprechen. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch 192, 12–16.
- Summer, T., Schnellb?gl, C., Kraus, B., Schwarzl, C. (2024). E-Portfolios im fachdidaktischen Praktikum Englisch: Konzeption und Evaluation. In E. Pl?tz, T. Summer, D. Gr?tzbach, B. Drechsel (Eds.) Schulpraktische Studien an der Universit?t Bamberg: Impulse für die Lehrkr?ftebildung (pp. 121–156). Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press. Available here.
- Integrating Virtual Reality in Lessons of English as a Foreign Language: A Focus on Pre-Service Teachers' Competence. 2024 Educational Research Exchange (Learning Technologies PhD Annual Meeting), University of North Texas, 20 September 2024.
- Lesson planning in foreign language eduaction with immersive reality: Investigating teachers' professional competences and learners' perspectives. 16. DGFF Nachwuchstagung, Paderborn, 17 September 2024.
- Ein Theorie-Praxis-Seminar zur F?rderung der Unterrichtsplanungskompetenzen von Englischlehramtsstudierenden mit Extended Reality. FaPlan Didaktik, Mainz, 12 July 2024.
- Virtual-Reality Assisted Language Learning: A Focus on Language Acquisition & Corpus Research (invited workshop). Bamberg, 2 December 2024.
- Virtual Reality & Language Learning: A Focus on Inclusion & Diversity (invited workshop with Michelle Zirkel). Bamberg, 14 November 2024.
- Virtual Reality & Language Learning (invited workshop), Bamberg, 25 June 2024.
- Taboos in EFL education (innovation workshop with Prof. Dr. Theresa Summer), Duisburg-Essen, 22 January 2024.
Organized events
- TEFL guest lecture: Language Learning in High-Immersion Virtual Reality. Prof. Dr. Regina Kaplan-Rakowski, University of North Texas, US. 3 June 2024.
- 4th TEFL lecture series: English Lanugae Education in the Digital Age. December 2023.
- Virtual Reality and ELT: Engage Your Learners! (since summer term 2024)
- Introduction to English Language Teaching and Learning (winter term 2023 – summer term 2024)
- DGFF (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung)
- CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium)
- BaGraTEd (Bamberg Graduate School of Teacher Education): Promovierendes Mitglied
- GFPS (Gemeinschaft für studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und Osteuropa)