Martin Bastkowski, M. Ed., OStR

Department of English Language Education / TEFL
E-Mail: martin.bastkowski(at)
Office hours
by appointment via email
General information (also see private website)
Martin Bastkowski, M. Ed., OStR, works as:
- Teacher and head of foreign languages department (senior teacher) at KGS Ernst-Reuter-Schule, Pattensen
- Deputy Head of Secondary School I (Collegial School Management) at the KGS Ernst-Reuter-Schule, Pattensen
- Lecturer in English didactics at the Institute for English Language and Literature at the University of Hildesheim
- Lecturer in English didactics at the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg
- Subject and textbook author
- Training consultant for English didactics
- Consultant (including didactic support for specialist commissions for ministries)
- Co-editor of the specialist journal “Englisch 5-10” and of textbooks (Lighthouse General, Lighthouse Advanced)
Focal points in teaching
- How to teach: Practical and methodical implementation of competencies, skills and teaching approaches
- University-based teacher training
Areas of interest
- learning on the move
- variety of methods
- communicative use of media
- performance assessment and feedback
- optimizing teaching and learning processes
- core aspects of successful English lessons