David Schmuck

Research fellow and doctoral student at the Chair of Empirical Political Science. Currently working on the project "Die Politik des Ressortzuschnitts" (The Politics of Portfolio Design) (until December 2021).



Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg
Feldkirchenstra?e 21 / Room FG1/01.10
D - 96052 Bamberg

Email: david.schmuck(at)uni-bamberg.de
Tel: +49 (0)951 863 3096


Research interests

Coalition governance, especially usage of control mechanism in coalition governments and portfolio re-design;
Legislative careers and legislative behavior;
Political representation, especially representation of ethnic minorities



Saalfeld, Thomas, Geese, Lucas; Schmuck, David; Wüst, Andreas M. (in publication): ?Germany: Inequalities of Immigrant Representation in the ?Grand Coalition State‘. In: Morales, Laura; Saalfeld, Thomas (Hrsg.) Pathways to Power: The Political Representation of Citizens of Immigrnt Origin in Europe. Oxford: University of Oxford Press.

Working Papers

Schmuck, David; Hohendorf, Lukas (2021): "The Effect of Dissent-Shirking And Leisure-Shirking in Decentral and Central Candidate Selection"

Schmuck, David; Dzida, Angela; Sieberer, Ulrich (2021): "Portfolio Design and Coalition Governance"

Schmuck, David (2020): "Should I Stay or Should I Go? Legislative Turnover Revisited"

Schmuck, David; Geese, Lucas; Saalfeld, Thomas; Wüst, Andreas M. (2016): ?Germany: Inequalities of Immigrant Inclusion in a Gridlocked Party Democracy and a Divided Political Culture“ [Link: /fileadmin/comparpol/Working_papers/AS_WP_2016_01.pdf(825.3 KB, 36 pages)(825.3 KB) ]


ECPR General Conference, "The loyal, the bad and the lazy: Leisure and dissent shirking influence re-nomination in parliamentary democracies", August 2021, Innsbruck (virtual).

ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments Conference, "Competing Risks, Competing Rationale: How Do Members of the German Bundestag Leave Their Office?", April 2019, Leiden.

Manuscript representation, ECPR Joint Session Workshop ?The Representation of Citizens of Immigrant Origin in Established Democracies“, 25-28 April 2016, University Pisa/Scuola Superiore Sant‘Anna



Winter term 2021/2022

"Career aspiration Chancellor? Analysis of political careers and careers patters of legislators and ministers" (classroom/virtual)


Vita (short)


University of Bamberg (2015 - 2018)
M.A. in Political Science

University of Bamberg (2011 - 2015)
B.A. in Political Science

Working Experience

Since 02/2018: Research fellow at the Chair of Empirical Political Science

06/2017 – 12/2017: Student assistant at the dissertation project ?Choosing Prime Ministers: What Criteria do Parties Use When Nominating a Top Candidate?“ (Principal investigator: Javier Martínez Cantó)

03/2015 – 05/2017: Student assistant at the international research project ?Pathways to Power: The Political Representation of Citziens in Eight European Democracies“ (Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Thomas Saalfeld)

11/2014 – 03/2015: Student assistant at the research project ?Interest representation in Germany: A longitudinal study of interest groups registered at the Bundestag“ (Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Heike Klüver)