Lukas Hohendorf
Feldkirchenstra?e 21
Tel.: +49(0)951/863-3099
Raum: FG1/01.11
offie hours winter term 2022/23: wednesday 13-15h (on demand)
Email: lukas.hohendorf(at)uni-bamberg.de
since 2016 Researcher and lecturer at the Professorship of Empirical Political Science/University of Bamberg
2010-2017 B.A. and M.A. in political science at the University of Bamberg
2016 student research assistant at Zukunftskolleg/University of Konstanz
2011-2016 student research assistant at the Chair for Comparative Politics/ University of Bamberg
2013 Internship at BASIS-Institut für soziale Planung, Beratung und Gestaltung GmbH
2010-2011 student research assistant at the Bamberg Center for Empirical Research (BACES)
Winter term 16/17, summer term 2017, winter term 17/18, summer term 2018, winter term 18/19, summer term 2019: Proseminar "Introduction to Comparative Politics" (german)
Winter term 18/19 Advanced Seminar "Party positions during electoral campaigns and in parliament - spatial models of party and governmental research" (german)
Winter term 18/19 Seminar "Transforming Party Competition - 'new politics' and political identites in the 21st century" (german)
Summer term 2020 Master seminar "The 'new cleavage' in Western Party competition: Cultural backlash or class politics in disguise?" (english)
Winter term 20/21 Seminar "Parties and institutions in the German governmental system" (german)
Winter term 20/21, Summer term 2021, Winter term 21/22, Summer term 2022, Winter term 22/23 Master seminar "Introduction to Statistics for Social Science" (english)
Summer term 2021, Winter term 21/22 Seminar "The new cleavage: Political attitudes and parties in post-industrial Europe" (german)
Winter term 21/22, SUmmer term 2022 Advanced Seminar "Parties and candidates - Germany by international comparison"
*Schmuck, David; Hohendorf, Lukas (2022): Loyal lists, distinctive districts: how dissent-shirking and leisure-shirking affect mixed-candidate selection. West European Politics, online first. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2022.2137310
Hohendorf, Lukas; Sieberer, Ulrich (2022): Parteienwettbewerb im Bundestag nach dem Einzug der AfD und w?hrend der Corona-Krise: eine Analyse namentlicher Abstimmungen. In Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 53(2), 261-286. http://dx.doi.org/10.5771/0340-1758-2022-2-261
*Hohendorf, Lukas; Saalfeld, Thomas and Ulrich Sieberer (2020): Veto power fosters cooperative behaviour: How institutional incentives affect voting agreement between government and opposition parties in the German Bundestag. West European Politics 44(4), 921-945. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2020.1739868
*Hohendorf, Lukas; Saalfeld, Thomas and Ulrich Sieberer (2020): Oppositional Strategies Between Cooperation and Conflict. An Analysis of Opposition Party Voting in the German Bundestag, 1949-2013. In Sebastian Bukow, Uwe Jun (Eds.): Continuity and Change of Party Democracies in Europe. Wiesbaden: Springer VS (Politische Vierteljahresschrift Sonderhefte), pp. 309-342. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28988-1_11
Hohendorf, Lukas and Falko Tesch (2018): Staatlich verordnete Nachtruhe. Wirkung von Sperrstunden. Katapult 10. https://katapult-magazin.de/de/artikel/artikel/fulltext/staatlich-verordnete-nachtruhe/
*Tesch, Falko and Lukas Hohendorf (2018): Do Changes in Bar Opening Hours Influence Violence in the Night? Evidence from 13 Bavarian Towns. Journal of Drug Issues 48(2), 295-306. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022042617753146
(* = peer reviewed)