Dr. Heinrich Ramisch

University education:
- October 1977 – July 1980 and October 1981 – July 1983, RWTH Aachen University: Studies of English and French
- September 1983 – June 1984, University of Reading, England: Studies of general linguistics, English linguistics and English literature (DAAD scholarship)
- September 1984: First state examination for secondary school teaching in English und French
- April 1985: Master of Arts (M. A.) at the RWTH Aachen University (subjects: English Linguistics, English Literature and Romance Linguistics)
- November 1989: Doctorate (Dr. phil.) in English Linguistics at the University of Bamberg
- September 1980 ? August 1981: Foreign Language Assistant in Bracknell, Berkshire, England (PAD)
- Spring 1982 ? Summer 1983: Student assistant in the English Department at RWTH Aachen University (chair Prof. Wolf-Dietrich Bald)
- December 1984 ? November 1988: Research assistant and lecturer in the English Department at the University of Bamberg (chair Prof. Wolfgang Viereck)
- December 1988: Appointment as "Akademischer Rat auf Zeit" (University of Bamberg)
- October 1991: Offer of a professorship (C2) for English and French at the "Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes" (offer declined)
- April 1995: Appointment as "Akademischer Rat" (University of Bamberg)
- October 1999: Appointment as "Akademischer Oberrat" (University of Bamberg)
- August 2005 ? August 2008: Chair of the "Steering Committee" of the International Conference on Methods in Dialectology
- November 2008: Appointment as "Akademischer Direktor" (University of Bamberg)
- May 2009: Co-editor of the series: Bamberg Studies in English Linguistics
- August – October 2012: Visiting Professor at Kyoto University, Japan (Graduate School of Letters)
- September – October 2014: Visiting Professor at Kyoto University, Japan (Graduate School of Letters)
- May 2015: Erasmus+ (Mobility of Staff in Higher Education) – University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland
- April 2017: Erasmus+ (Mobility of Staff in Higher Education) – Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
- August 2017: JSPS Fellowship for Research in Japan – NINJAL, Tokyo and Kyoto University, Japan
● The variation of English - especially British English
● Historical Sociolinguistics
● Varieties of English around the world
● Early Modern English
● Linguistic change and language contact
● Contrastive linguistics English - German
● Linguistic aspects of foreign language learning
● Computer cartography
Book Publications:
- The Variation of English in Guernsey/Channel Islands [Bamberg Studies in English Linguistics, Vol. 24]. Frankfurt 1989 (Peter Lang).
- The Computer Developed Linguistic Atlas of England 1. Dialectological editor: Wolfgang Viereck in collaboration with Heinrich Ramisch. Computational Production: Harald H?ndler, Petra Hoffmann, Wolfgang Putschke.Tübingen 1991 (Niemeyer).
- The Computer Developed Linguistic Atlas of England 2. Dialectological editors: Wolfgang Viereck and Heinrich Ramisch. Computational Production: Harald H?ndler and Christian Marx. With dialectometrical contributions by: S. Embleton, C. Fukushima, H. Goebl, H. H?ndler, F. Inoue, G. Schiltz, A. Thomas, W. Viereck and E. Wheeler. Tübingen 1997 (Niemeyer).
- Heinrich Ramisch and Kenneth Wynne (eds.), Language in Time and Space. Studies in Honour of Wolfgang Viereck on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. [Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik / Beihefte, Band 97] Stuttgart 1997 (Franz Steiner Verlag).
- dtv-Atlas Englische Sprache. München 2002 (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag), together with Wolfgang Viereck and Karin Viereck.
- Encyklopedick? Atlas anglického jazyka. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové Noviny, 2005. [Czech translation of: dtv-Atlas Englische Sprache. München 2002].
Scholarly Articles:
- "The r?le of American English in traditional grammars of English", in: Gerhard Leitner (ed.), English TraditionalGrammars. An International Perspective. Amsterdam 1991 (John Benjamins), S. 369-380.
- "English tag questions and their equivalents in German", in: Christian Mair and Manfred Markus (eds.), New Departures in Contrastive Linguistics (Proceedings of the Conference held at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, Austria 10 - 12 May 1991). Innsbruck 1992, Vol. II, S. 51-59.
- "English in Jersey", in: Wolfgang Viereck (ed.), Proceedings of the International Congress of Dialectologists, Bamberg, 29.7. - 4.8.1990. Vol. 3: Regional Variation, Colloquial and Standard Languages. Stuttgart 1994 (Franz Steiner), S. 452-462.
- "Re-examining the influence of Scandinavian on English: the case of ditch/dike", in: Raymond Hickey and Stanis?aw Puppel (eds.), Language History and Linguistic Modelling. A Festschrift for Jacek Fisiak on his 60th Birthday. Berlin 1997 (Mouton de Gruyter), 561-569.
- "Dialectological and cartographical features of the Computer Developed Linguistic Atlas of England (CLAE)", in: Alan R. Thomas (ed.), Issues and Methods in Dialectology. Bangor 1997 (Department of Linguistics, University of Wales Bangor), 224-233.
- "Aspects of language contact and linguistic variation in Guernsey English", in: Mahendra K. Verma (ed.), Sociolinguistics, Language and Society. Thousand Oaks, Ca. 1998 (Sage Publications), 97-105.
- with Wolfgang Viereck: "Applications informatiques au Computer Developed Linguistic Atlas of England (CLAE)", Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 11 (2003), 64-72.
- "The phonology of Channel Island English", in: Bernd Kortmann, Edgar W. Schneider et al. (eds.), A Handbook of Varieties of English. Volume 1: Phonology. Berlin 2004 (Mouton de Gruyter), 204-216.
- with Wolfgang Viereck: "Recent Developments in Computer Cartography", in: H. Grabes and W. Viereck (eds.), The Wider Scope of English: Papers in English Language and Literature from the Bamberg Conference of the International Association of University Professors of English. Frankfurt 2006 (Peter Lang), 67-78.
- "Current Trends in British Geolinguistics - Linking the Past with the Present", in: Takuichiro Onishi et al. (eds.), Geolinguistics Around the World. Proceedings of the 14th NIJL International Symposium, August 22-23, 2007. Tokyo 2007 (The National Institute for Japanese Language), 35-40.
[also published in: Dialectologia - Revista Electrònica, Special issue I, 2010,
161-173: www.publicacions.ub.edu/revistes/dialectologiaSP2010/]
- "Analysing Linguistic Atlas Data: The (socio-) linguistic context of H-dropping", in: Takuichiro Onishi et al. (eds.), Geolinguistics Around the World. Proceedings of the 14th NIJL International Symposium, August 22-23, 2007. Tokyo 2007 (The National Institute for Japanese Language), 81-86.
[also published in: Dialectologia - Revista Electrònica, Special issue I, 2010,
175-184: www.publicacions.ub.edu/revistes/dialectologiaSP2010/]
- "English in the Channel Islands", in: David Britain (ed.), Language in the British Isles. Cambridge 2007 (Cambridge University Press), 176-182.
- "Mapping British English", in: Alfred Lameli, Roland Kehrein and Stefan Rabanus (eds.), Language and Space. An International Handbook of Linguistic Variation. Volume II: Language Mapping. Berlin 2010 (Mouton de Gruyter), 238-252 and 1101-1109.
- "Analysing present-tense verb forms in the Survey of English Dialects and the English Dialect Dictionary", in: Manfred Markus, Clive Upton and Reinhard Heuberger (eds.), Joseph Wright's English Dialect Dictionary and Beyond. Studies in Late Modern English Dialectology. Frankfurt am Main 2010 (Peter Lang), 239-248.
- "English in the Channel Islands", in: Tometro Hopkins and John McKenny (eds.), World Englishes. Volume 1: The British Isles. London 2013 (Bloomsbury), 319-329.
- "At the crossroads of variation studies and corpus linguistics: the analysis of past tense and past participle forms", in: Sarah Buschfeld, Thomas Hoffmann, Magnus Huber and Alexander Kautzsch (eds.), The Evolution of Englishes. The Dynamic Model and beyond. Amsterdam 2014 (John Benjamins), 301-311.
Conference Reports:
with Heike Bohlen and Raphaela Lauf (Marburg):
- "Bericht über den Internationalen Dialektologenkongre?, Bamberg 29. Juli - 4. August 1990", Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik 58 (1991), S. 63-74.
- "10th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods X), Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's Nfld, Canada, August 2 - 6, 1999", Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 8 (2000), S. 124-126.
- "European Science Foundation, Exploratory Workshop on 'Corpus et traitement informatisé en géolinguistique' Bayonne, Faculté pluridisciplinaire, June 22 – 23, 2001", Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 10 (2002), S. 129-130.
Book Reviews:
- René Kontic, Dialects in East Anglia and the South-East of England. Basel 1990 (Econom Druck), in: Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 1 (1993), S. 121-123.
- Ulla-Carina Reitz, Dialekt bei D.H. Lawrence, Frankfurt/Main 1992 (Peter Lang), in: English World-Wide 14 (1993), S. 320-321.
- Clive Upton et al., Survey of English Dialects: the Dictionary and Grammar. London 1994 (Routledge), in: English World-Wide 15 (1994), S. 278-282.
- Dennis R. Preston (ed.), American Dialect Research. Amsterdam 1993 (John Benjamins), in: Anglia 115 (1997), S. 101-104.
- Werner Welte, Sprache, Sprachwissen und Sprachwissenschaft: Eine Einführung. Linguistische Prop?deutik für Anglisten. Frankfurt 1995 (Peter Lang), in: Zeit?schrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 45 (1997), S. 161-163.
- Ellen Johnson, Lexical Change and Variation in the Southeastern United States, 1930-1990. Tuscaloosa and London 1996 (The University of Alabama Press), in: Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 6 (1998), S. 118-120.
- Graham Shorrocks. A Grammar of the Dialect of the Bolton Area. Part I: Introduction, Phonology und
- Graham Shorrocks. A Grammar of the Dialect of the Bolton Area. Part II: Morphology and Syntax. Frankfurt am Main 1998/1999 (Peter Lang Verlag), in: Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 8 (2000), S. 118-120.
- Verena Krus-Bühler. Strukturen des Wortschwunds in Lincolnshire: 'Real-time' und 'Apparent-time'. Frankfurt am Main 1999 (Peter Lang Verlag), in: English World-Wide 21 (2000), S. 322-325.
- Paul Foulkes and Gerard Docherty (eds.), Urban Voices. Accent Studies in the British Isles. London 1999 (Arnold), in: Journal of Sociolinguistics 5, (2001), S. 124-127.
- Laurie Bauer, An Introduction to International Varieties of English. Edinburgh 2002 (Edinburgh University Press), in: Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 241 (2004), S. 215-217.
- Hildegard L. C. Tristram (ed.), The Celtic Englishes III. Heidelberg 2003 (C. Winter), in: English World-Wide 27 (2006), S. 370-374.
- David Levey, Language Change and Variation in Gibraltar. Amsterdam / Philadelphia 2008 (John Benjamins), in: English World-Wide 31 (2010), 358-360.
- Lieselotte Anderwald, The Morphology of English Dialects: Verb-formation in Non-Standard English. Cambridge 2009 (Cambridge University Press), in: Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 248 (2011), 181-183.
- Bernd Kortmann and Kerstin Lunkenheimer (eds.), The Mouton World Atlas of Variation in English. Berlin / New York 2013 (De Gruyter Mouton), in: Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik 81 (2014), 358-360.
- Mari C. Jones, Variation and Change in Mainland and Insular Norman. A Study of Superstrate Influence. Leiden 2015 (Brill), in: LINGUIST List 27.3404 (2016). [http://linguistlist.org/issues/27/27-3404.html]
- Stefan Dollinger, The Written Questionnaire in Social Dialectology. History, Theory, Practice. Amsterdam / Philadelphia 2015 (John Benjamins), in: English World-Wide 39 (2018), 365-370.