Prof. Dr. Julia Schlüter

An der Universit?t 9, Raum 01.03
D-96047 Bamberg
+49 951/863-2168
ORCID-ID: 0000-0003-3995-1586
Forschungsinformationssystem (FIS): Publikationen
Profiles: ResearchGate; Google Scholar
Post-doctoral Studies:
- November 19, 2008: Venia legendi (completion of habilitation) for English Linguistics.
- July 2004 – Jan. 2008: Post-doctoral (habilitation) project: “Functional Determinants of Phonological and Grammatical Variation in English from the 12th to 21st centuries.”
Doctoral Studies:
- July 28, 2004: Oral Ph.D. exam. Grade: summa cum laude.
- July 1999 – July 2004: Ph.D. thesis: “The Influence of the Principle of Rhythmic Alternation on Grammatical Variation and Change in English.” Grade: summa cum laude.
Undergraduate Studies:
- June 9, 1999: University of Paderborn: First state exam for secondary school teaching in English and French. Grade: 1.0 (equivalent to US 4.0).
- October 1996 – March 1997: Université de Toulouse II – Le Mirail, France: Studies of linguistics and French literature.
- October 1995 – June 1996: University of Durham, UK: Studies of English language and literature.
- October 1993 – June 1999: University of Paderborn: Secondary school teacher training.
KorPLUS: Korpuslinguistik für Lehrende und Studierende
An interactive Open Educational Resource for anyone interested in the application of corpora (large computer-readable text databases) to practical language problems in English. This package is part of the project Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln - DiKuLe, based at the University of Bamberg and funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre.
The materials are freely availble on the Virtual Linguistics Campus (VLC), a major Open Educational Resource platform. The VLC is developed by Prof. Jürgen Handke from the University of Marburg, and hosted at the RWTH Aachen, Germany.
- VLC_MC63: Micro-Credential Corpus Linguistics Basics (short introduction; 4 units)
- VLC_302: Corpus Linguistics Basics – all the basics needed for successful corpus searches (7 units)
- VLC_303: Corpus Linguistics: Linguistic Applications – with a focus on research (5 units)
- VLC_304: Corpus Linguistics: EFL Applications – with a focus on teaching and learning English (6 units)
The KorPLUS package on YouTube
These videos are extracted from the above KorPLUS self-learning package, where they come embedded with explanations, examples and practical examples.
In-service Teacher Trainings
These are offered at regular intervals by Prof. Schlüter and her team.
AI Writing Tools subjected to a Linguistic Test
ChatGPT, DeepL Write and Grammarly: How well do they perform when used to correct texts written by learners of English?
Video Podcast Series: How to Update your Grammar
Made by advanced students of Linguistics for teachers of English. These videos present the essence of a linguistic seminar on "Prescriptive, pedagogical and linguistic perspectives on English grammar??" that took place in summer term 2021.
“KorPLUS: Korpuslinguistik für Lehrende und Studierende“, part of the component ?Blended Learning in digitalen Lehr-Lern-Laboren“ of the project ?DiKuLe: Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln“, funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre (2021-2025).
Research interests
- Corpus linguistics for learners of English
- Empirical research methods in the field of language variation and change (especially corpus analysis)
- Grammatical, phonological and lexical differences between British and American English
- Phonological variation and phonological change, especially phonotactically controlled alternations in Middle and Modern English and change in the realization of the phoneme /h/
- Morphological variation and morphological change
- Syntactic variation and syntactic change
- Middle English, Early Modern English, Late Modern English, present day English
- Functional grammar
- Grammaticalization theory
Please visit the German version of this site for a list of publications.
- November 2009: Prize awarded by the University of Bamberg for outstanding habilitations.
- April 2005 – April 2006: Post-doctoral scholarship awarded by the North-Rhine-Westfalian Ministry of Education and Research as part of the Lise Meitner Programme. Research topic: “Syllable Structure in English: Integrating the Past and the Present”.
- January 16, 2005: Prize awarded by the Rectorate of the University of Paderborn for outstanding Ph.D. theses.
- June 26, 2000: Prize awarded by the Paderborner Sprachwerkstatt for outstanding final theses in the Department of Linguistics and Literature.
- January 2000 – April 2000: Graduate scholarship awarded by the Cusanuswerk (organization of the Catholic bishops of Germany).
- October 1996 – March 1997: DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship for studies in France.
- October 1995 – June 1996: DAAD scholarship for studies in Great Britain.
- April 1995 – June 1999: Undergraduate scholarship awarded by the Cusanuswerk.
- June 2008 - present: Senior lecturer at the Chair of English Linguistics and Language History (Prof. Manfred Krug), University of Bamberg.
- April 2006 – June 2008: Assistant professor at the Chair of English Linguistics and Language History.
- October 2004 – April 2005: Research assistant in the project “Determinants of grammatical variation in English” under the direction of Prof. Rohdenburg, Chair of English Linguistics, University of Paderborn, funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation).
- May 2004 – September 2004: Teacher of Business English for International Business Students.
- February 2003 – April 2004: Research assistant in the DFG-funded project “Determinants of grammatical variation in English”, University of Paderborn.
- February 2002 – February 2003: Acting assistant professor to Prof. Rohdenburg, University of Paderborn.
- May 2000 – February 2002: Research assistant in the DFG-funded project “Determinants of grammatical variation in English”, University of Paderborn.
- July 1999 – December 1999: Graduate assistant to Prof. Rohdenburg, University of Paderborn.
- April 1995 – September 1998: Undergraduate assistant to Prof. Rohdenburg (interrupted by academic stays abroad).
- October 2009 - present: Course coordinator and advisor for students of English for grammar school teaching.
- July 2008: Co-organized the international symposium Approaches to Variation and Change in English held at the University of Bamberg.
- November 2007: Involved in the development and implementation of a modularized degree course for future teachers of English at the University of Bamberg.
- June 2004: Co-organized the international symposium Grammatical Differences between British and American English held at the University of Paderborn.
- January 2004 – February 2004: Successfully collaborated on a grant proposal for the above symposium directed to the Thyssen Foundation.
- December 2003 – February 2004: Member of the selection committee recruiting a lector for American language and culture at the University of Paderborn.
- October 2003 – February 2004: Worked successfully on a grant proposal directed to the DFG (German Research Foundation).
- October 2002 – February 2004: Completed the basic programme for curriculum development in higher education at the University of Paderborn (comprising nine days of methodological training for university teachers).
- February 2002 – February 2003: Responsibly involved in the development and implementation of Bachelor and Master courses at the University of Paderborn, developed a credit-point system, elaborated the official documentation and the application for legal accreditation of the courses, advised first-year students.
- April 2001 – February 2002: Co-organized the Interdisciplinary Colloquium of Linguistics at the University of Paderborn.
- January 2000 – April 2004: Organized the establishment of the research project “Determinants of grammatical variation in English”, helped to recruit staff, acquired research equipment and was in charge of financial controlling.
- June 2000: Co-organized the international symposium Determinants of Grammatical Variation in English held at the University of Paderborn.
- December 1999: Successfully prepared a grant proposal for the above symposium directed to the Thyssen Foundation.
- June 1999 – July 1999: Provided major contributions to a successful grant proposal directed to the DFG (German Research Foundation).
- October 1997 – February 1998: Student representative on a board supervising the Habilitation of a staff member at the University of Paderborn.
- September 1997: Student helper in the organization of a conference for school teachers organized by the PLAZ (Paderborn Center for the Further Education of Teachers).
As main supervisor
- Katharina Deckert (Universit?t Bamberg, ongoing)
A Linguistic Perspective on Using Corpus Literacy and Artificial Intelligence for Error Detection and Correction in Learner English at University Level: Evaluating the Strengths and Weaknesses of AI tools with a Corpus Linguistic Approach (Arbeitstitel)
- Aklima Nahar (University of Bamberg, ongoing)
Grammatical Variation in Informal Usage: A Questionnaire-based Study of English in Bangladesh (working title)
- Nikolai Beland (University of Bamberg, ongoing)
The Superlative Alternation in Present-day English (working title)
As second/external supervisor
- Katrin Sell (University of Bamberg, viva 2017)
Spoken Irish English in Galway.
- Valentin Werner (University of Bamberg, viva 2013)
The Present Perfect in World Englishes: Charting Unity and Diversity.
- Anna Rosen (University of Bamberg, viva 2011)
Grammatical Variation and Change in Jersey English.