Video Podcast Series

Podcast 1

A video podcast introducing new linguistic perspectives, such as the focus on factors in the extralinguistic situation and within the speaker’s cognitive system.

Podcast 2

A video podcast summarizing methods in the 'post-method' era: pluralism, mixing and matching, informed situation- and purpose-dependent choices. It also shows how different approaches can be implemented with the help of corpora.

Podcast 3

A video podcast discussing the didactic simplification required of pedagogical materials, but showing that checking the content of the rules or evaluating the quality of grammar exercises against actual usage in corpora may be important.

Podcast 4

A video podcast showing that corpora can be used by teachers at very different stages: 1) in private, while preparing lessons or correcting student work; 2) publicly, spontaneously in class whenever questions arise; 3) at a more advanced level, where pupils can be encouraged and trained to become corpus users themselves.

Podcast 5

A video podcast showing how teachers can step by step enable learners to answer their own grammar questions with a corpus: First, giving them teacher-prepared exercises, then letting them perform corpus-based exercises in class, finally assisting learners-as-reasearchers.

Podcast 6

A video podcast reflecting on prescriptive grammar rules and whether and at which level they should be taught to and observed by non-native learners (e.g. avoiding stranded prepositions, use of generic they, use of who and whom, distribution of less and fewer).

Podcast 7

A video podcast suggesting ways ahead for ELT: fostering register awareness; teaching grammar in connection with vocabulary; importance of frequency when it comes to the sequencing of topics, the selection of target structures and as a basis for correction work.

Podcast 8

A video podcast providing basic information about Word's grammar checker, including a collection of examples that incur the squiggly line. The explanations offered are critically examined against authentic corpus data.