Leseliste Englische Literatur:

Vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert

Herausgegeben von den Fachvertretern, Mai 2002

? Lehrstuhl Englische Literaturwissenschaft, Universit?t Bamberg, 2002

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1. 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
2. Sp?tes 17. und frühes bis mittleres 18. Jahrhundert
3. Sp?tes 18. und frühes 19. Jahrhundert
4. 19. Jahrhundert
5. 20. Jahrhundert (bis ca. 1950)
6. 20. Jahrhundert (ab ca. 1950)
7. Commonwealth Literature (20. Jahrhundert)
8. Anthologien

Leseliste Amerikanistik


Die nachfolgende Leseliste versteht sich als Vorschlagsliste.
Die Studierenden sind nicht verpflichtet, alle aufgeführten Werke zu lesen. Sie k?nnen sich jedoch aus der Liste die für die Ablegung der Examina erforderlichen Texte zusammenstellen sowie wertvolle Anregungen für eine kontinuierliche studienbegleitende Lektüre erhalten.
Dabei ist es ihnen unbenommen, andere Texte zu w?hlen, wenn es ihre Interessensgebiete erfordern. Insbesondere im 20. Jahrhundert ist die Liste als vorl?ufig zu betrachten; hier wird die Eigeninitiative der Studierenden am st?rksten zur Geltung kommen. Für die Lyrik sind jeweils exemplarische Titel vorgegeben, die zu erg?nzen den Studierenden vorbehalten ist.

Die Liste umfasst nur Prim?rwerke.
Fast alle relevanten Gedichte und Short Stories finden sich in der Norton Anthology of English Literature, der Oxford Anthology of English Literature, oder der Norton Anthology of Poetry.
Für neuere Lyrik w?ren au?erdem insbesondere zu konsultieren:
Simon Armitage and Robert Crawford, eds. The Penguin Book of Poetry from Britain and Ireland since 1945 (London: Penguin, 1998), oder
Michael Hulse, David Kennedy and David Morley, eds., The New Poetry (Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 1993).
Eine Lyrikanthologie, deren Anschaffung sich für das Studium lohnen würde, w?re z.B. Arnold L?ffler und Eberhard Sp?th, eds., English Poetry: Eine Anthologie für das Studium, UTB 494, 3. Aufl. (Wiesbaden: Quelle & Meyer, 1998).

Wie l?sst sich die Leseliste zur Vorbereitung von Prüfungen verwenden?
Generell sollten die für die Prüfungen eingereichten Lektürelisten (siehe Wegweiser) eine angemessene Streuung bezüglich der Genres und Epochen aufweisen.
Für die Prüfungen gelten die in den Meldeb?gen vorgegebenen Mindestanforderungen (siehe Rubrik "Prüfungen") – eine umfassendere Lektüre ist selbstverst?ndlich ratsam.

1. 16. und 17. Jahrhundert (Rennaissance, Humanism, Elisabethan Age, Jacobean Age, Metapysical Poetry)

Lyrik / Versepos

Thomas Campion (1567-1620). “There Is a Garden in Her Face”;
Abraham Cowley (1618-1667). “Beauty”; “Platonic Love”;
Richard Crashaw (1613-1649). “Easter Day”;
John Donne (1572-1631). “Song”; "The Flea"; “The Sun Rising”; “The Canonization”; Holy Sonnets X, XIV; Elegy XIX: “To His Mistress Going to Bed”;
George Herbert (1593-1633). “Jordan”; “Redemption”; “The Collar”; “The Altar”; “Easter Wings”;
Robert Herrick (1591-1674). “Delight in Disorder”; “To Daffodils”;
Ben Jonson (1572-1637). “Song”; “Song: To Celia”;
Richard Lovelace (1618-1658). “To Lucasta, Going to the Wars”; “To Althea, from Prison”; “To Amarantha, That She Would Dishevel Her Hair”;
Christopher Marlowe (1564 –1593). “The Passionate Shepherd to his Love”;
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678). “To His Coy Mistress”; “Bermudas”; “The Gallery”; “The Definition of Love”; “The Garden”;
John Milton (1608-1674). “At a Solemn Music”; “On His Blindness”; “L’Allegro”; ‘Il Penseroso”; Auszüge aus Paradise Lost (z.B. The Invocation; Book 9);
William Shakespeare (1564-1616). Sonnets XVIII, XX, XXIX, LV, LXXIII, CXVI, CXXX; “The Rape of Lucrece”;
Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586). aus Astrophil and Stella, Nr. I, XXXI; “She comes, and straight therewith her shining twins do move”;
Edmund Spenser (1552-1599). aus Amoretti, Nr.. XXII und LIV; “Trust not the treason of those smiling looks”; Auszüge aus The Fairie Queene (z.B. Book I, Canto 1)
Henry Howard Earl of Surrey (ca.1517-1547). “The Soote Season”; “Description of Spring”;
Henry Vaughan (1622-1695). “The Waterfall”; “The Retreat”;
Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542). “Description of the Contrarious Passions in a Lover”; “The Lover Shows How He Is Forsaken of Such as He Sometimes Enjoyed”;


Thomas Dekker (ca.1570-1632). The Shoemaker’s Holiday;
John Ford (1586-ca.1640). ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore; Perkin Warbeck;
Thomas Heywood (1573-1641). A Woman Killed with Kindness;
Ben Jonson (1572-1637). Volpone; The Alchemist;
Thomas Kyd (1558-1594). The Spanish Tragedy;
Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593). Tamburlaine; Doctor Faustus;
Thomas Middleton (1580-1627). The Changeling;
William Shakespeare (1564-1616). Kom?dien (z.B. A Midsummer Night’s Dream; As You Like It; Twelfth Night; Measure for Measure; The Merchant of Venice); Historien (z.B. Richard II; Henry IV; Henry V; Richard III); Trag?dien (z.B. Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Julius Caesar; Othello; Macbeth; King Lear; Coriolanus); Romanzen (z.B. The Tempest; The Winter’s Tale);
Cyril Tourneur (1575-1626). The Revenger’s Tragedy;
John Webster (ca.1580-ca.1630). The White Devil; The Duchess of Malfi;


Ausgew?hlte Essays und Passagen aus:
The English Bible. The King James Version;
Francis Bacon (1561-1626). Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral; The New Atlantis;
John Bunyan (1628-1688).The Pilgrim’s Progress;
Robert Burton (1577-1640). The Anatomy of Melancholy;
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). Leviathan;
Richard Hooker (?1554-1600). Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity;
John Locke (1621-1677). An Essay Concerning Human Understanding.
John Lyly (?1554-1606). Eupheus;
Sir Thomas More (?1477-1535). Utopia;
Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586). Defence of Poesie;

2. Sp?tes 17. und frühes bis mittleres 18. Jahrhundert (Restoration, Age of Enlightenment, Augustan Age, Classicism)


Aphra Behn (?1640-1689). “The Willing Mistress”; “The Disappointment”;
William Collins (1721-1759). “Ode to Evening”;
Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (1661-1720). “A Nocturnal Reverie”; “The Spleen”; “On Myself”;
John Dryden (1700-1758). “London after the Great Fire, 1666”; “To the Memory of Mr. Oldham”; “Mac Flecknoe”;
John Dyer (1700-1758). “Grongar Hill”;
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (1647-1680). “A Satire Against Reason and Mankind”; “The Imperfect Enjoyment”; “The Disabled Debauchee”; “A Song of a Young Lady to Her Ancient Lover”;
Thomas Gray (1716-1771). “Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard”; “Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat”;
Alexander Pope (1688-1744). “Ode on Solitude”; “Chloe. A Character”; The Rape of the Lock;
Matthew Prior (1664-1721). “To Phillis”; “A Fable”; “An Ode”;
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745). “A Description of a City Shower”; “A Description of a Morning”; “A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed”; “Strephon and Chloe”; “The Lady's Dressing Room”;
James Thomson (1700-1748), “Song of Indolence”, “Ode: Rule Britannia!”, Auszüge aus The Seasons; “Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College”;
Isaac Watts (1674-1748). “The Day of Judgment”; “A Prospect of Heaven Makes Death Easy”; “Our God, Our Help”;


Joseph Addison (1672-1719). Cato;
Aphra Behn (?1640-1689). The Rover;
Susanna Centlivre (1669-1723). A Bold Stroke for a Wife;
William Congreve 1670-1729). The Way of the World;
George Etherege (?1634-1691). The Man of Mode;
George Farquhar (?1677-1707). The Beaux’ Stratagem;
John Gay (1685-1732). The Beggar’s Opera;
Elizabeth Griffith (1727-1793). The School for Rakes;
Eliza Haywood (?1693-1756). The Fair Captive; A Wife to be Let;
George Lillo (1693-1739). The London Merchant;
Delarivière Manley (1663-1724). The Lost Lover;
William Wycherley (1641-1715). The Country Wife;


Penelope Aubin (1685-1731). The Strange Adventures of the Count de Vinevil and His Family;
Aphra Behn (?1640-1689). Oroonoko or The Royal Slave; Love-Letters from a Nobleman to his Sister; The Fair Jilt; History of a Nun;
Frances Brooke (1724-1789). The Excursion;
Frances Burney (1752-1840). Evelina; Cecilia; Camilla; The Wanderer;
Mary Davys (1674-1732). The Reformed Coquet; The Accomplish'd Rake;
Daniel Defoe (1660-1731). Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders, Roxana.
Henry Fielding (1707-1754). Joseph Andrews, Tom Jones.
Sarah Fielding (1710-1768). David Simple;
Oliver Goldsmith (?1730-1774). The Vicar of Wakefield.
Elizabeth Griffiths (1727-1793). The Delicate Distress;
Eliza Haywood (?1693-1756). Love in Excess; Fantomima, or Love in a Maze; The British Recluse; The History of Miss Betsy Thoughtless;
Elizabeth Inchbald (1753-1821). A Simple Story;
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784). Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia
Charlotte Lennox (1720-1804). The Female Quixote;
Henry Mackenzie (1745-1831). The Man of Feeling;
Delarivière Manley (1663-1724). The New Atalantis; The Secret History of Queen Zarah and the Zarazians; The Adventures of Rivella;
Samuel Richardson (1689-1761). Pamela or Virtue Rewarded, Clarissa Harlowe.
Sarah Scott (1720-1795). A Description of Millenium Hall
Frances Sheridan (1724-1766). The Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph;
Charlotte Smith (1748-1806). Desmond, Marchmont; The Young Philosopher
Tobias Smollett (1721-1771). The Expedition of Humphry Clinker; The Adventures of Roderick Random
Laurence Sterne (1713-68). Tristram Shandy, A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy.
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745). Gulliver’s Travels;

Lehrgedicht, Prosa und Satire

Daniel Defoe (1660-1731). A Shortest Way with the Dissenters; Trueborn Englishman
Samuel Pepys (1633-1703). Auszüge aus The Diary;
Alexander Pope (1688-1744). An Essay on Criticism, An Essay on Man;
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745). A Modest Proposal; An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity in England;
ausgew?hlte Essays und Prosa von:
Joseph Addison (1672-1719) und Sir Richard Steele (1672-1729). (z.B. Artikel aus The Tatler und The Spectator);
James Boswell (1740-1795). The Hypochondriack; Life of Samuel Johnson
Edmund Burke (1729-1797). A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origins of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful.
John Dryden (1631-1700). Essays (z.B. "A Discourse Concerning the Original and Progress of Satire")
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784). Lives of the English Poets
Bernard Mandeville (1670-1733). The Fable of the Bees;
Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713). Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times

3. Sp?tes 18. und frühes 19. Jahrhundert (Pre-Romanticism, Romanticism)


Anna Laetitia Barbauld (1743-1825). “The Rights of Woman”; “To the Poor”;
William Blake (1757-1827). Songs of Innocence and Experience;
Robert Burns (1759-1769). “To a Mouse”; “Tom O' Shanter”; “Scots wha hae”; “Auld Lang Syne”; “A Red, Red Rose”;
George Gordon Noel, Lord Byron (1788-1824). “She Walks in Beauty”; "The Rover"; “When We Two Parted”; “The Destruction of Sennacherib”; “Prometheus”; “On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year”; Auszüge aus Childe Harold's Pilgrimage und Don Juan;
John Clare (1793-1864). “Gypsies”; “I Am”;
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834). “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”; “Kubla Khan”;
William Cowper (1731-1800). “Verses Supposed to Be Written by Alexander Selkirk”; “The Castaway”; Auszüge aus The Task;
George Crabbe (1754-1832). “The Village”;
Stephen Duck. (1705-1756) “The Thresher's Labour”;
Oliver Goldsmith. (1730-1774). “The Deserted Village”;
John Keats (1795-1821). “La Belle Dame Sans Merci”; “Ode on a Grecian Urn”; “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer”; “On the Sonnet”; “To Autumn”;
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822). “Ozymandias”; “Ode to the West Wind”; “Mont Blanc”; “England in 1819”;
Charlotte Smith (1749-1806). “Written in the Church Yard at Middleton in Sussex”; “To the Shade of Burns”; “Ode to Death”;
Christopher Smart (1722-1771). Auszüge aus Jubilate Agno (z.B. “My Cat Geoffrey”);
William Wordsworth (1770-1850). “London, 1802”; “The Tables Turned”; “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge”; “My Heart Leaps Up”; “Daffodils”; “The World is too much with us”; “Ode: Intimations of Immortality”; “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey”; “She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways”; “Three Years She Grew”; “A Slumber did my Spirit Seal”; “We Are Seven”; Auszüge aus The Prelude;


Hannah Cowley (1743-1809). The Bell’s Stratagem; A Bold Stroke for a Husband;
Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774). She Stoops to Conquer;
Elizabeth Inchbald (1753-1821). The Child of Nature; Wives as they Were and Maids as they Are;
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816). The School for Scandal;


Jane Austen (1775-1817). Northanger Abbey; Sense and Sensibility; Pride and Prejudice; Emma;
William Beckford (1759-1844). Vathek;
William Godwin (1756-1836). Caleb Williams; St. Leon
Matthew Gregory Lewis (1775-1818). The Monk;
Charles Robert Maturin (1782-1824). Melmoth the Wanderer;
Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823). The Mysteries of Udolpho; The Italian;
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832). Waverley; The Heart of Midlothian;
Mary Shelley (1797-1851). Frankenstein; The Last Man
Horace Walpole (1676-1745). The Castle of Otranto;


Auszüge aus:
Edmund Burke (1729-1797). Reflections on the Revolution in France;
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834). Auszüge aus Biographia Literaria;
Thomas De Quincey (1785-1859). The Confessions of an English Opium Eater;
William Godwin (1756-1836). Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
William Hazlitt (1778-1830). From "My First Acquaintance With Poets"; From "Characters of Shakespeare's Plays: Hamlet"; From "On Familiar Style".
John Keats (1795-1821). Letters;
Charles Lamb (1775-1834). "Mackery End in Hertfordshire"; Letters to S. T. Coleridge, Williiam Wordsworth etc.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809). The Rights of Man;
Clara Reeve (1729-1807), The Progress of Romance;
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822). A Defence of Poetry;
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797). A Vindication of the Rights of Women;
William Wordsworth (1770-1850). Preface to Lyrical Ballads;

4. 19. Jahrhundert


Matthew Arnold (1822-1888). “Dover Beach”; “East London”; “Shakespeare”;
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1812-1889). Sonnets from the Portuguese Nr. XIV, XXII;
Robert Browning (1812-1889). “My Last Duchess”; “The Confessional”; “Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister”; “Home-Thoughts, From Abroad”; “A Toccata of Galuppi’s”;
Lewis Carroll (1832-1898). “Jabberwocky”; “The Walrus and The Carpenter”;
Thomas Hardy (1840-1828). “Hap”; “The Darkling Thrush”; “In Times of ‘The Breaking of Nations’”; “The Ruined Maid”; “The Convergence of the Twain”;
Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889). “The Windhover”; “The Wreck of the Deutschland”; “Pied Beauty”; “Spring”;
A. E. Housman (1859-1936). “To an Athlete Dying Young”; “Crossing Alone the Nighted Ferry”;
Edward Lear (1812-1888). “How Pleasant to Know Mr. Lear”; “The Owl and the Pussy-Cat”; ausgew?hlte “Old Man” Limericks;
William Morris (1834-1896). “The Earthly Paradise”;
Coventry Patmore (1823-1896) “The Angel in the House”;
Christina Rossetti (1830-1894). “Song”; “Remember”; “Echo”; “In an Artist’s Studio”; “Up-Hill”;
Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882). “Lilith”; “The Blessed Damozel”;
Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909). “The Garden of Proserpine”; “A Forsaken Garden”;
Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892). “The Lady of Shalott”; “Mariana”; “The Kraken”; “Ulysses”; “The Charge of the Light Brigade”; “Crossing the Bar”;
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). “The Ballad of Reading Gaol”; “E Tenebris”; “In the Gold Room”; “Impression du Matin”;


Arnold Bennett (1867-1931). The Old Wives' Tale; A Man from the North;
Charlotte Bront? (1816-1855). Jane Eyre; Shirley;
Emily Bront? (1818-1848). Wuthering Heights;
Samuel Butler (1835-1902). Erewhon; The Way of All Flesh;
Lewis Carroll (1832-1898). Alice in Wonderland; Through the Looking Glass;
Wilkie Collins (1824-1889). The Moonstone; The Woman in White;
Charles Dickens (1812-1870). Oliver Twist; David Copperfield; Hard Times; Bleak House; Great Expectations;
George Eliot (1819-1880). The Mill on the Floss; Silas Marner; Middlemarch;
John Galsworthy (1867-1933). The Forsyte Saga;
Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865). North and South;
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928). The Return of the Native; Tess of the D’Urbervilles; Jude the Obscure;
Charles Kingsley (1819-1875). Alton Locke;
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936). Kim; ausgew?hlte Stories;
George Meredith (1828-1909). The Egoist;
George Moore (1852-1933). A Mummer's Wife;
William Morris (1834-1896). News from Nowhere;
R. L. Stevenson (1850-1894). Treasure Island; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; ausgew?hlte Stories;
W. M. Thackeray (1811-1863). Vanity Fair; The History of Henry Esmond;
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882). Barchester Towers;
H.G. Wells (1866-1946). The Time Machine; Dr. Moreau's Island
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). The Picture of Dorian Gray;


Matthew Arnold (1822-1888). “First Edition of Poems, Preface”; “The Function of Criticism at the Present Time”; “The Study of Poetry”; “Literature and Science”; “Culture and Anarchy”;
Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881). Sartor Resartus; On Heroes, Hero?Worship, and the Heroic in History;
Charles Darwin (1809-1882), The Origin of Species; The Decent of Man.
T. H. Huxley (1825-1895). “On the Physical Basis of Life”; Evolution and Ethics
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). “What Is Poetry?”; On Liberty; The Subjection of Women; Autobiography;
John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801-1890). The Idea of a University;
Walter Pater (1839-1894). The Renaissance ; “Romanticism” ;
John Ruskin (1819-1900). Modern Painters; The Stones of Venice;
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). The Decay of Lying; The Soul of Man under Socialism; The Portrait of Mr. W.H.; De Profundis; ausgew?hlte M?rchen (z.B. The Happy Prince; The Nightingale and the Rose);


John Galsworthy (1867-1933). Justice
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). Lady Windermere’s Fan; The Importance of Being Earnest; An Ideal Husband.

5. 20. Jahrhundert (bis ca. 1950)


W. H. Auden (1907-1973). “Funeral Blues”; “Musée des Beaux Arts”; “The Capital”; “The Shield of Achilles”; “Tell Me the Truth About Love”;
John Betjeman (1906-1984). “In Westminster Abbey”; “Devonshire Street W.1”; “A Subaltern's Love Song”; “I.M. Walter Ramsden ob March 26, 1947 Pembroke College, Oxford”; “Executive”;
Rupert Brooke (1818-1848). “The Soldier”;
T. S. Eliot (1888-1965). “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”; The Waste Land; “The Hollow Men”; “The Hippopotamus”; “Journey of the Magi”;
David Gascoyne (1916-2001). “Ecce Homo”; “Rex Mundi”;
Robert Graves (1895-1985). “The White Goddess”; “Apple Island”;, “Surgical Ward: Men”;
T.E. Hulme (1883-1917). “Autumn”; “Above the Dock”; “The Embankment”;
Norman MacCaig (1910-1996). “Aunt Julia”; “Toad”; “Small Boy”;
Hugh MacDiarmid (1892-1978). “Crystals Like Blood”; “To a Friend and Fellow Poet”;
Louis MacNeice (1907-1963). “Spring Sunshine”; “All Over Again”; “The Suicide”; “Soap”; “The Taxis”;
Wilfred Owen (1893-1918). “Anthem for Damned Youth”; “Strange Meeting”; “Exposure”; “The Parable of the Old Man and the Young”; “Dulce et Decorum Est”;
Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967). “Attack”; “’They’”;
Stephen Spender (1909-1995). “The Pylons”; “The Express”; “Seascape”;
Edith Sitwell (1887-1964). “Still Falls the Rain”; “Hornpipe”;
Dylan Thomas (1914-1953). “Do not go gentle into that good night”; “Fern Hill”; “Was there a time”; “A Refusal to Mourn the Death, of a Child in London”; “In my craft or sullen art”;
W. B. Yeats (1865-1939). “Easter 1916”; “Sailing to Byzantium”; “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”; “The Second Coming”; “Leda and the Swan”; “An Irish Airman foresees his death”;


T.S. Eliot (1888-1965). Murder in the Cathedral, The Cocktail Party.
Lady Augusta Gregory (1852-1932). Spreading the News; The Gaol Gate;
Sean O’Casey (1880-1964). Juno and the Paycock, The Plough and the Stars, The Silver Tassie.
G. B. Shaw (1856-1950). Major Barbara, Pygmalion, Saint Joan.
J. M. Synge (1871-1909). The Playboy of the Western World.
Dylan Thomas (1914-1953). Under Milk Wood.
William Butler Yeats (1865-1939). The Death of Cuchullain;

Roman und Kurzgeschichten

Joseph Conrad (1857-1924). The Nigger of the Narcissus; Lord Jim; Heart of Darkness; Nostromo;
Ford Madox Ford (1873-1939). The Good Soldier;
E. M. Forster (1812-1876). Howards End; A Passage to India;
Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923). Ausgew?hlte Kurzgeschichten;
William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965). Ausgew?hlte Kurzgeschichten;
James Joyce (1882-1941). Dubliners; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man; Ulysses;
D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930). Sons and Lovers; Women in Love; Lady Chatterley’s Lover.
H. G. Wells (1866-1946). A Modern Utopia;
Virginia Woolf (1882-1941). Mrs. Dalloway; To the Lighthouse; The Waves;

6. 20. Jahrhundert (ab ca. 1950)


John Ash (1948- ). “The Hotel Brown Poems”; “Cigarettes”; “The Wonderful Tangerines”; “Funeral Waltz”;
Eavan Boland (1944- ). “Mountain Time”; “The Black Lace Fan My Mother Gave Me”; “That the Science of Cartography is Limited”; “Distances”; “In Exile”; “Outside History”;
Ciaran Carson (1948- ). “Dresden”; “Belfast Confetti”; “The Brain of Edward Carson”; “Calvin Klein’s Obsession”; “The Irish for No”;
Robert Crawford (1959- ). “The Saltcoats Structuralists”; “Scotland”; “Alba Einstein”;
Peter Didsbury (1946- ). “That Old-Time Religion”; “A Winter’s Fancy”; “Back of the House”;
Carol Ann Duffy (1965- ). “Warming Her Pearls”; “Adultery”; “Prayer”; “Mrs. Lazarus”; “Psychopath”; “Stealing”; “Poet for Our Times”;
Douglas Dunn (1942- ). “In the Grounds”; “Removal from Terry Street”; “Landlove”; “St. Kilda’s Parliament: 1879-1979”;
Dennis Joseph Enright (1920- ). “The Laughing Hyena”; “Oyster Lament”; “Entertaining Women”;
Ian Hamilton Finlay (1925- ). “Star/Steer”; “Acrobats”; “SF”;
Thom Gunn (1929- ). “In Praise of Cities”; “My Sad Captains”; “The Unsettled Motorcyclist's Vision of his Death”; “Touch”;
Tony Harrison (1937- ). “Them & [uz]”; “Book Ends”; “Continuous”; “Marked with D.”; “A Kumquat for John Keats”;
Seamus Heaney (1939- ). “Digging”; “Anahorish”; “Punishment”; “The Harvest Bow”; “Seeing Things”; “The Railway Children”; Glanmore Sonnets;
Geoffrey Hill (1932- ). “Genesis”; “Two Formal Elegies”; “Ovid in the Third Reich”; “September Song”;
Selima Hill (1945- ). “The Significance of Significance”; “The Unsuccessful Wedding Night”; “Cow”; “Don't Let's Talk About Being in Love”;
Michael Hofmann (1957- ). “Between Bed and Wastepaper Basket”; “My Father at Fifty”; “In the Realm of the Senses”; “Hausfrauenchor”;
Ted Hughes (1930-1998). “The Jaguar”; “Hawk Roosting”; “Pibroch”; “Wind”; “Full Moon and Little Frieda”; “Examination at the Womb-Door”;
Elizabeth Jennings (1926- ). “My Grandmother”; “Lazarus”;
Jackie Kay (1961- ). “Brendon Gallacher”; “Black Bottom”; “Pounding Rain”;
Brendan Kennelly (1936- ). “A Holy War”; “The Visit”;
Thomas Kinsella (1928- ). “Another September”; “Ancestor”; “Tear”;
Stephen Knight (1960- ). “The Mermaid Tank”;
Philip Larkin (1922-1985). “Church Going”; “Here”; “This be the Verse”; “Sad Steps”;
Tom Leonard (1944- ). “The Voyeur”; “Unrelated Incidents”;
Michael Longley (1939- ). “Wounds”; “The Linen Industry”; “An Amish Rug”; “Ceasefire”;
Liz Lochhead (1947- ). “My Mother's Suitors”; “What the Pool Said, On Midsummer's Day”; “Song of Solomon”; “Bagpipe Muzak, Glasgow 1990”; “The Carnival Horses”; “Dreaming Frankenstein”; “Poem for my Sister”;
Derek Mahon (1941- ). “A Disused Shed in Co. Wexford”; “Matthew V. 29-30”; “The Last of the Fire Kings”; “As it Should Be”;
Glyn Maxwell (1962- ). “Helene and Heloise”; “We Billion Cheered”; “Either”;
Medbh McGuckian (1950- ). “Slips”; “Venus and the Rain”; “Yeastlight”;
Ian McMillan (1957- ). “The Er Barnsley Seascapes”; “Pit Closure as Art”;
Edwin Morgan (1920- ). “Message Clear”; “Canedolia”; “The First Men on Mercury”; “Cinquevalli”;
Andrew Motion (1952- ). “The Letter”; “On the Table”;
Paul Muldoon (1951- ). “Incantata”; “Meeting the British”; “Milkweed and Monarch”; “Brock”;
Sean O'Brien (1952- ). “Cousin Coat”; “Reading Stevens in the Bath”; “Fiction and the Reading Public”;
Tom Paulin (1949- ). “Settlers”; “A Lyric Afterwards”; “Peacetime”;
Sylvia Plath. (1932-1963) “Daddy”; “You're”; “Edge”; “Spinster”;
Craig Raine (1944- ). “A Martian Sends a Postcard Home”; “The Onion, Memory”; “The Man Who Invented Pain”;
Peter Reading (1946- ). “Fiction”; “Song of the Bed-Sit Girl”; “Soirée”; Auszüge aus Set;
Ian Crichton Smith (1928-1998). “Old Woman”; “Owl and Mouse”; “Gaelic Stories”;
Matthew Sweeney (1952- ) . “The Eagle”; “The Desert”;
Charles Tomlinson (1927- ). “The Snow Fences”; “A Given Grace”; “A Meditation on John Constable”; “Mr. Brodsky”; “Farewell to VanGogh”; “The Picture of J.T in a Prospect of Stone”;

Roman und Kurzgeschichte

Peter Ackroyd (1949- ). The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde; English Music;
Douglas Adams (1951-2001). The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy;
Kingsley Amis (1922-1995). Lucky Jim;
Martin Amis (1949- ). London Fields; Time’s Arrow; The Information;
J. G. Ballard (1930- ). Empire of the Sun;
John Banville (1945- ). The Newton Letter; The Book of Evidence;
Julian Barnes (1946- ). Flaubert's Parrot; The History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters; England, England;
Samuel Beckett (1906-1989). Molloy; Malone Dies; The Unnamable;
John Braine (1922-1986). Room at the Top;
Anthony Burgess (1917-1993). A Clockwork Orange; Enderby; Earthly Powers; The End of the World News; Napoleon Symphony; Any Old Iron;
A. S. Byatt (1936- ). Possession; Angels and Insects;
Angela Carter (1940-1992). Nights at the Circus;
Michael Cunningham (1952- ). The Hours;
Roald Dahl (1916-1991). Mathilda; ausgew?hlte Kurzgeschichten;
Margaret Drabble (1939- ). The Needle’s Eye; The Ice Age; The Middle Ground;
Roddy Doyle (1958- ). Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha; The Snapper;
Lawrence Durrell (1912-1990). The Alexandria Quartett;
John Fowles (1926- ). The French Lieutenant’s Woman; The Magus; Daniel Martin;
William Golding (1911-1993). Lord of the Flies; Rites of Passage;
Alasdair Gray (1934- ). Lanark;
Graham Greene (1904-1991). The Power and the Glory; The Heart of the Matter;
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963). Brave New World;
Kazuo Ishiguro (1954- ) . The Remains of the Day; When We Were Orphans; The Unconsoled;
Arthur Koestler (1905-1983). Darkness at Noon;
Hanif Kureishi (1954- ). The Buddha of Suburbia;
John Le Carré (1931- ). A Small Town in Germany;
David Lodge (1935- ). Small World; Changing Places
Frank McCourt (1931- ). Angela’s Ashes;
Ian McEwan (1948- ). The Cement Garden; Enduring Love; Atonement;
Brian Moore (1921-1999). Black Robe; The Statement; Lies of Silence;
Iris Murdoch (1919-1999). Under the Net; A Severed Head; The Black Prince;
Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977). Lolita; Pale Fire; Pnin;
Flann O'Brien (1911-1966). At Swim?Two?Birds;
Frank O’Connor (1903-1966). Ausgew?hlte Kurzgeschichten;
George Orwell (1903-1950). Burmese Days; Nineteen Eighty Four;
Joanne K. Rowling (1965- ). Harry Potter series;
Salman Rushdie (1947- ). Midnight’s Children; The Satanic Verses; Fury; The Ground Beneath her Feet;
Muriel Spark (1918- ). The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie; Driver's Seat;
Graham Swift (1949- ). Waterland; Last Orders
D.M. Thomas (1935- ). White Hotel; Pictures at an Exhibition;
J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973). Lord of the Rings;
Alan Warner (1964- ). Morvern Callar; The Sopranos;
Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966). Brideshead Revisited;
Irvine Welsh (1957- ) Trainspotting; Filth;
Angus Wilson (1913-1991). Anglo?Saxon Attitudes; No Laughing Matter;


John Arden (1930- ). Sergeant Musgrave’s Dance;
Samuel Beckett (1906-1989). Waiting for Godot; Endgame; Krapp’s Last Tape; Happy Days;
Brendan Behan (1923-1964). The Hostage; The Quare Fellow;
Edward Bond (1934- ). Saved; Lear; Bingo;
Howard Brenton (1942- ). Epsom Downs; Magnificence; The Romans in Britain; Brassneck;
Caryl Churchill (1938- ). Top Girls; Cloud Nine;
Sarah Daniels (1957- ). Byrthrite; Masterpieces;
Michael Frayn (1933- ). Copenhagen;
Brian Friel (1929- ). Philadelphia, Here I Come; Translations;
Pam Gems (1925- ). Piaf; Queen Christina;
Christopher Hampton (1946- ). Tales from Hollywood;
Ronald Harwood (1934- ). Taking Sides; Handyman; The Dresser;
David Hare (1947- ). The Asian Plays; The History Plays; Prawda; Plenty; Skylight;
Sarah Kane (1971-1999). Blasted; Phaedra’s Love; Cleansed;
Hanif Kureishi (1954- ). My Beautiful Launderette
John McGrath (1935-2002). The Cheviot, the Stag, and the Black Black Oil;
Connor McPherson (1971- ). The Weir;
John Osborne (1929-1994). Look Back in Anger;
Harold Pinter (1930- ). The Dumb Waiter; The Birthday Party; The Caretaker; The Homecoming;
Stephen Poliakoff (1952- ). American Days; Breaking the Silence; Hitting Town; Strawberry Fields;
Mark Ravenhill (1966- ). Shopping and Fucking; Faust (Is Dead); Handbag;
Anthony Shaffer (1958- ). Sleuth;
Peter Shaffer (1926- ). The Royal Hunt of the Sun; Amadeus; Equus;
Shelagh Stephenson (1955- ). The Memory of Water; Experiment with an Air Pump;
Tom Stoppard (1937- ). Rosencrantz und Guildenstern Are Dead; Travesties; Arcadia;
Timberlake Wertenbaker (1951- ). Our Country’s Good;
Arnold Wesker (1932- ). Chips With Everything; Chicken Soup Trilogy; The Merchant;

7. Commonwealth Literature (20. Jahrhundert)


Fleur Adcock (1934- ). “A Surprise in The Peninsula”; “Country Station”; “The Ex-Queen Among the Astronomers”; “Against Coupling”; “Poem Ended by A Death”;
John Agard (1949- ). “Listen Mr. Oxford Don”;
Agha Shahid Ali (1949- ). “Postcard from Kashmir”; “A Wrong Turn”;
Margaret Atwood (1939- ). “Progressive Insanities of a Pioneer”; “Morning in the Burned House”;
James Baxter (1926-72). “On the Death of Her Body”; “Jerusalem Sonnet, I”; “The Ikons”;
Louise Bennett (1919- ). “Jamaica Oman”; “Bed-Time Story”; “Proverbs”;
Edward Kamau Brathwaite (1930- ), “Ananse”; “Negus”;
Jean ‘Binta’ Breeze (1956- ). “Spring Cleaning”; “Testament”;
Allen Curnow (1911-2001). “House and Land”; “Landfall in Unknown Seas”;
David Dabydeen (1956- ). “Two Cultures”; “Nightmare”; “Elegy”;
Fred d’Aguiar. (1960- ). “Letters from Mama Dot”; “Mama Dot Warns Against an Easter Rising”,
Bruce Dawe (1930- ). “Life Cycle”; “Homecoming”;
Nissim Ezekiel (1924- ). “Background, Casually”; “The Patriot”;
Michael Gilkes (1933- ). “Prospero’s Island”;
Lorny Goodison (1947- ). “On Houses”; My Late Friend”; “For My Mother (May I Inherit Half Her Strength”;
Yasmine Gooneratne (1953- ). “Big Match, 1983”; “This Language, This Woman”;
Alamgir Hashmi (1951- ). “So What if I live in a House Made By Idiots?”; “Inland”;
Linton Kwesi Johnson (1952- ). “Inglan is a Bitch”; “Doun de Road”; “Street 66”; “Reggae fi Dada”;
Robert Kroetsch (1927- ). “Stone Hammer Poem“;
Una Marson (1905-1971). “In Jamaica”; “Kinky Hair Blues”; “Cinema Eyes”; “Nigger”;
The Mighty Sparrow (Slinger Francisco) (1935- ). “Dan is the Man in the Van”;
Mervyn Morris (1937- ).“The Pond”; “Narcissus”;
Les Murray (1938- ). “Blood”; “Quintets for Robert Morley”;
Mutabaruka (1952- ). “Dis Poem”;
Grace Nichols (1950- ). “One Continent/To Another”; “Your Blessing”; “Thoughts drifting through the fat black woman's head while having a full bubble bath”; “ Mystery”; “Abra-Cadabra”; “Tropical Death”;
Christopher Okigbo (1932-1967). “Siren Limits”;
Okot P’Bitek (1931-82). “Song of Lawino”;
M. Nourbese Philip (1947- ). “She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks”;
Peter Porter (1929- ). “A Consumer’s Report”; “Annotations of Auschwitz”; “Eat Early Earthapples”; “Soliloquy at Potsdam”;
A.I.K. Ramanujan (1929-93). “Small-Scale Reflections on a Great House”;
Wole Soyinka (1934- ). “Abiku”; “Telephone Conversation”;
John Tranter (1943- ). “The False Atlas”;
Derek Walcott (1930- ). “Ruins of a Great House”; “Nights in the Gardens of Port of Spain”; Auszüge aus Omeros;
Phyllis Webb (1927- ). “Marvell’s Garden”;
Benjamin Zephaniah (1958- ). “A Modern Slave Song”; “Dis Poetry”;


Ama Ata Aidoo (1940- ). Anowa;
Athol Fugard (1932- ). Sizwe Bani is Dead;
Percy Mtwa/ Mbongeni Ngema. Woza Albert!;
Wole Soyinka (1934- ). Death and the King’s Horseman; The Lion and the Jewel;
Derek Walcott (1930- ). Dream on Monkey Mountain;


Chinua Achebe (1930- ). Anthills of the Savannah; Arrow of God; Things Fall Apart;
Peter Carey (1943- ). Illywhacker; Oscar and Lucinda; The True History of the Kelly Gang;
J.M. Coetzee (1940- ). Foe; The Life and Times of Michael K.; Disgrace;
Anita Desai (1927- ). Clear Light of Day; In Custody;
Buchi Emechata (1944- ). The Joys of Motherhood;
Miles Franklin (1879-1954). My Brilliant Career;
Amitav Ghosh (1956- ). The Circle of Reason; The Shadow Lines;
Yasmine Gooneratne (1953- ). A Change of Skies;
Nadine Gordimer (1923- ). Burgher’s Daughter; The Conservationist;
Kate Grenville (1950- ). Joan Makes History;
Wilson Harris (1921- ). Palace of the Peacock;
Keri Hulme (1947- ). The Bone People;
Jamaica Kincaid (1949- ). A Small Place; Lucy;
Joy Kogawa (1935- ). Obasan;
George Lamming (1927- ). In the Castle of My Skin; The Emigrants;
Doris Lessing (1919- ). Martha Quest; The Golden Notebook;
David Malouf (1934- ). Antipodes; Remembering Babylon;
Gita Mehta. (1943- ) Snakes and Ladders;
Alice Munro (1931- ). Lives Of Girls and Women;
V.S. Naipaul (1932- ). A House for Mister Biswas; A Bend in the River; A Way in the World;
Rasipuram Krishnaswami Narayan (1906-2001). The Financial Expert; The Vendor of Sweets; The Painter of Signs; ausgew?hlte Kurzgeschichten;
Ben Okri (1959- ). The Famished Road;
Michael Ondaatje (1943- ). The English Patient; In the Skin of a Lion;
Caryl Phillips (1958- ). Crossing the River;
Raja Rao (1908- ). Kanthapura; The Serpent and the Rope;
Jean Rhys (1890-1979). Wide Sargasso Sea;
Arundhati Roy (1961- ). The God of Small Things;
Ken Saro-Wiwa. (1941-1995) Songs in a Time of War; Sozaboy; A Forest of Flowers;
Vikram Seth (1952- ). A Suitable Boy;
Zadie Smith (1976- ). White Teeth;
Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1938- ). A Grain of Wheat; Petals of Blood;
Patrick White (1912-1990). The Tree of Man;
Rudy Wiebe (1934- ). The Scorch-Wood People.

8. Anthologien (In Klammern ist die Signatur des Bandes der Universit?tsbibliothek Bamberg angegeben)

Allgemeine Anthologien

The Arnold Anthology of British and Irish Literature in English. Ed. Robert Clark & Thomas Healey. 1997. (45/HG 770 LG 6287)
Die Englische Literatur in Text und Darstellung. Ed. Raimund Borgmeier. 10 vols. 1982?86. (45/HG 770 FH 8754)
English Humanism: Wyatt to Cowley. Ed. Joanna Martindale. 1985. (40/HI 1191 FL 9169)
The Faber Book of London. Ed. A. N. Wilson. 1993. (40/HG 781 LE 9950)
The Modern Age: Literature. Ed. Leonard Lief. 1981. (45/HG 770 FH 5002)
The Oxford Anthology of English Literature. Ed. Frank Kermode. 6 vols. 1973. (45/HG 770 EI 572)
The Practical Imagination: Stories, Poems, Plays. Ed. Northrop Frye. Rev. ed. 1987. (45/HG 770 FG 7215 (87))
Romanticism: An Anthology. Ed. Duncan Wu. 1994. (45/HL 1500 LF 3738)
New Writing. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury a.o. 1995ff. (40/HN 1500 LF 9327)

Englische Lyrik

British Poetry since 1945. Ed. Edward Lucie-Smith. 1985. (45/HM 1570 FN 1443)
The Collins Book of Love Poems from the 16th Century to the Present Day. Ed. Amanda MacCardie. 1990. (40/HG 812 LC 7325)
Eighteenth-Century English Poetry: The Annotated Anthology. Ed. Nalini Jain & John Richardson. 1994. (45/HK 1420 LE 9940)
English Poems/Englische Gedichte. Ed. Dieter Mehl. 1981. (40/HG 810 FD 9054)
English Poetry: Eine Anthologie für das Studium. Ed. Arno L?ffler & Eberhard Sp?th. 3. Aufl. 1998. (41/HG 810 FH 8769 (3))
English Verse. Ed. William Peacock. 5 vols. 1972?1977. (40/HG 810 EI 314)
English Verse 1830?1890. Ed. Bernard Richards. 1980. (45/HL 1570 FG 7741)
Everyman's Book of British Ballads. Ed. Roy Palmer. 1980. (40/HG 813 FK 1197)
Everyman's Book of English Love Poems. Ed. John Hadfield. 1980 (45/HG 812 FG 7496)
Everyman's Book of English Verse. Ed. John Wain. 1981. (41/HG 810 FH 6881)
The Faber Book of Comic Verse. Ed. Michael Roberts. 1980. (40/HG 782 FG 4537)
The Faber Book of Parodies. Ed. Simon Brett. 1984. (40/HG 880 FL 3561)
The Faber Book of Political Verse. Ed. Tom Paulin. 1986. (45/HG 781 FP 1802)
The Faber Book of Religious Verse. Ed. Helen Gardner. 1986 (45/HG 812 FO 3357)
The Faber Book of Twentieth-Century Women's Poetry. Ed. Fleur Adcock. 1987. (45/HG 812 FP 4512)
Modern Poets. Ed. Jim Hunter. 5 vols. 1968?81. (45/HG 810 FH 5621)
The New British Poetry 1968?1988. Ed. Gillian Allnutt. 1988. (45/HN 1570 LF 4207)
New Poetry. Ed. Ted Hughes. 9 vols. 1975?83. (40/HN 1570 FA 2938)
The New Poetry. Ed. Michael Hulse. 1993. (45/HN 1570 LF 4545)
The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry. Ed. Richard Ellmann. 2nd ed. 1988. (41/HM 1570 ET 619 (2))
The Oxford Anthology of English Poetry. Ed. John Wain. 2 vols. 1990. (45/HG 810 LC 9280)
The Oxford Book of Comic Verse. Ed. John Gross. 1994 (40/HG 812 LF 1470)
The Oxford Book of Contemporary Verse 1945?1980. Ed. D. J. Enright. 1980. (45/HN 1570 FG 7304)
The Oxford Book of English Traditional Verse. Ed. Frederick Woods. 1983. (40/HG 812 FK 2830)
The Oxford Book of Local Verse. Ed. John Holloway. 1987. (40/HG 812 FP 3259)
The Oxford Book of Narrative Verse. Ed. Iona Opie. 1983. (40/HG 812 FK 5132)
The Oxford Book of Short Poems. Ed. P. J. Kavanagh. 1985. (40/HG 812 LD 2637)
The New Oxford Book of Christian Verse. Ed. Donald Davie. 1981. (45/HG 812 FD 9172)
The New Oxford Book of Victorian Verse. Ed. Christopher Ricks. 1987. (45/HL 1570 FP 3251)
The New Oxford Book of 18th Century Verse. Ed. Roger Lonsdale. 1984. (45/HK 1420 FL 8436)
The Penguin Book of Contemporary British Poetry. Ed. Blake Morrison. 1987. (41/HN 1570 FP 3204)
The Penguin Book of English Pastoral Verse. Ed. John Barrell. 1982. (40/HG 812 FK 9615)
The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry. Ed. Jon Silkin. 1979. (45/HM 1570 FB 8840)
The Penguin Book of Oral Poetry. Ed. Ruth Finnegan. 1978. (40/HG 812 FD 3550)
The Penguin Book of Poetry from Britain and Ireland since 1945. Eds. Simon Armitage and Robert Crawford. 1998. (45/HN 1570 LH 3085)
Poetry in English: An Anthology. Ed. M. L. Rosenthal. 1987. (45/HG 810 LG 8579)
Poetry of the 1890s. Ed. R. K. R. Thornton & Marion Thain. 1997. (45/HL 1570 LH 3078)
Poetry 1945 to 1980. Ed. Anthony Thwaite. 1983. (40/HN 1570 FK 1477)
Poets of the English Language. Ed. W. H. Auden. 4 vols. 1952. (45/HG 810 FB 6246)
Victorian Women Poets: An Anthology. Ed. Angela Leighton a.o. 1996. (45/HL 1570 LF 7576)

Englische Essays und Prosa

British Pamphleteers. Ed. Reginald Reynolds. 2 vols. 1948?51. (40/HG 880 FE 1991)
Englische Essays aus drei Jahrhunderten. 1983. (40/HG 828 FK 2399)
English Critical Essays (16th, 17th & 18th Centuries). Ed. Edmund D. Jones. 1975. (40/HG 828 EI 363)
English Critical Essays (19th Century). Ed. Edmund D. Jones, 1971. (40/HL 1575 EI 974)
English Critical Essays (20th Century). Ed. Phyllis M. Jones. 2 vols. 1956?58. (40/HG 828 FB 7541)
English Prose. Ed. Henry Craik. 1968. 5 vols. (45/HG 823 EN 236)
Modern English Short Stories, I?III. Ed. Hans?Christian Oeser. 1986. (45/HM 1616 LE 7776)
The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Expository Prose. Ed. Arthur M. Eastman. 1980. (45/HG 828 FH 2142)
The Oxford Book of English Detective Stories. Ed. Patricia Craig. 1990. (45/HM 1617 LC 6300)
The Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories. Ed. Michael Cox & R. A. Gilbert. 1986. (45/HG 823 FO 8521)
The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales. Ed. Chris Baldick. 1993. (40/HL 1573 LE 8677)
The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories. Ed. Tom Shippey. 1992. (40/HM 1613 LE 7272)
The Oxford Book of Short Stories. Ed. V. S. Pritchett. 1981. (45/HG 827 FD 9174
The New Oxford Book of English Prose. Ed. John Gross. 1998. (45/HG 823 LH 4065)
The Penguin Book of First World War Prose. Ed. Jon Glover. 1989. (40/HM 1541 LC 6428)
The Penguin Book of Modern British Short Stories. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury. 1987. (45/HN 1618 LA 3088)
Selected English Short Stories. Ed. Hugh Walker. 2 vols. 1965?67. (45/HG 827 EI 370)


Die englische Satire. Ed. Astrid Swift. 1974. (45/HG 880 FH 9015)
English Poetic Satire: Wyatt to Byron. Ed. G. S. Rousseau. 1972. (45/HG 812 FA 9570)
English Satiric Poetry: Dryden to Byron. Ed. James Kinsley & James T. Boulton. 1966. (45/HK 1420 LI 13035)
English Satirical Poetry from Joseph Hall to Percy B. Shelley. Ed. Hermann Fischer. 1970. (45/HG 812 EA 303)
The Oxford Book of Satirical Verse. Ed. Geoffrey Grigson. 1980. (45/HG 812 FG 7671)
The Penguin Book of Satirical Verse. Ed. Edward Lucie?Smith. 1967. (45/HG 812 LG 8336)
A Vein of Mockery: Twentieth?Century Verse Satire. Ed. James Reeves. 1973. (45/HM 1571 FA 4168)

Irische Literatur

An Anthology of Irish Literature. Ed. David H. Greene. 2 vols. 1974. (40/HG 777 FM 2712)
Contemporary Irish Poetry. Rev. ed. Ed. Anthony Bradley. 1988. (45/HN 1570 FG 4471 (88))
The Faber Book of Contemporary Irish Poetry. Ed. Paul Muldoon. 1986. (45/HM 1570 FN 8114)
The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing. Ed. Seamus Deane. 3 vols. 1991. (45/HG 771 LD 6626)
Great Irish Short Stories. Ed. Vivian Mercier. 1991. (45/HG 827 LG 8406)
Irish Literature: A Reader. Ed. Maureen O'Murphy. 1987. (45/HG 771 FP 3648)
Modern Irish Drama. Ed. John Harrington. 1991. (45/HM 1220 LD 2370)
Modern Irish Poetry: An Anthology. Ed. Patrick Crotty. 1995. (45/HN 1570 LF 8351)
Modern Irish Short Stories. Ed. Ben Forkner. 1980. (45/HN 1618 FH 7172)
The Oxford Book of Irish Short Stories. Ed. William Trevor. 1989. (45/HG 827 LA 9684)
The New Oxford Book of Irish Verse. Ed. Thomas Kinsella. 1986. (45/HG 810 FN 8702)
The New Younger Irish Poets. Rev. ed. Ed. Gerald Dawe. 1991. (40/HN 1570 FH 9510 (91))
The Penguin Book of Contemporary Irish Poetry. Ed. Peter Fallon. 1990. (45/HN 1570 LD 2185)
The Penguin Book of Irish Short Stories. Ed. Benedict Kiely. 1985. (40/HG 827 FN 1445)
The New Picador Book of Contemporary Irish Fiction. Ed. Dermot Bolger. 2000. (40/HN 1613 LF 4862
Soft Day: A Miscellany of Contemporary Irish Writing. Ed. Peter Fallon. 1980. (40/HN 1500 FE 9597)
Thousand Years of Irish Poetry. Ed. Kathleen Hoagland. 1981. (40/HG 771 FK 4312)
Trespassing: Poems from Ireland. Ed. George MacBeth. 1991. (40/HN 5753 LD 2977)
The Writers: A Sense of Ireland. Ed. Andrew Carpenter. 1980. (40/HN 1511 FE 9367)

Schottische Literatur

Scottish Literature: An Anthology. Ed. David MacCordick. 2001. (45/HG 771 LI 10599)
The Best of Scottish Poetry: An Anthology of Contemporary Scottish Verse. Ed. Robin Bell. 1989. (40/HN 1570 LB 6621)
A Book of Scottish Verse. Ed. Maurice Lindsay. 1983. (40/HG 771 FL 6015)
Dream State: The New Scottish Poets. Ed. David O'Rourke. 1994. (40/HN 1570 LF 5352)
The Golden Treasury of Scottish Poetry. Ed. Hugh Macdiarmid. 1948. (41/HG 810 FA 8448)
The Mercat Anthology of Early Scottish Literature, 1375-1707. Ed. Ronald D. Jack. 1997. (40/HG 771 LG 9278)
Modern Scottish Poetry: An Anthology of the Scottish Renaissance 1925?1975. Ed. Maurice Lindsay. 1976. (45/HN 1511 FB 5384; new ed. 1986: 40/HN 1511 FO 6748)
The New Picador Book of Contemporary Scottish Fiction. Ed. Peter Kravitz. 1997. (45/HN 1613 LG 9346)
The Oxford Book of Scottish Short Stories. Ed. Douglas Dunn. 1995. (40/HN 1493 LF 4352)
The Poetry of Scotland: Gaelic, Scots and English 1380?1980. Ed. Roderick Watson. 1995. (40/HG 771 LF 6985)
Scottish Satirical Verse: An Anthology. Ed. Edwin Muir. 1980. (40/HG 812 FD 9156)
Voices of Our Kind: An Anthology of Modern Scottish Poetry from 1920 to the Present. 1987. (45/HM 1570 FP 7919)

Walisische Literatur

The Bright Field: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry from Wales. Ed. Meic Stephens. 1991. (40/HN 1570 LF 9205)
The Oxford Book of Welsh Verse in English. Ed. Gwyn Jones. 1977. (45/HG 771 EI 425)
The Urgency of Identity: Contemporary English?Language Poetry from Wales. Ed. David T. Lloyd. 1994. (40/HN 1511 LF 2782)

Kanadische Literatur

The New Oxford Book of Canadian Short Stories in English. Ed. Margaret Atwood. 1995. (40/HQ 4095 LF 8348)
The New Oxford Book of Canadian Verse in English. Ed. Margaret Atwood. 1982. (40/HQ 4090 FK 2822)

Australische Literatur

The Macmillan Anthology of Australian Literature. Ed. Ken Goodwin. 1990. (45/HQ 1080 LC 4560)
The New Australian Poetry. Ed. John Tranter. 1980. (40/HQ 1090 FO 7648)
The Oxford Anthology of Australian Literature. Ed. Leonie Kramer. 1985. (45/HQ 1080 FO 4119)
The Oxford Book of Australian Short Stories. Ed. Michael Wilding. 1994. (40/HQ 1095 LF 5212)

Neuseel?ndische Literatur

An Anthology of 20th Century New Zealand Poetry. Ed. Vincent O'Sullivan. 1995. (40/HQ 3090 LF 6595)
The Oxford Book of Contemporary New Zealand Poetry. Ed. Fleur Adcock. 1982. (40/HQ 3090 FI 9139)
The Oxford Book of New Zealand Short Stories. Ed. Vincent O'Sullivan. 1992. (40/HQ 3095 LE 8709)
The Picador Book of Contemporary New Zealand Fiction. Ed. Fergus Barrowman. 1996. (40/HQ 3085 LG 3443)