Introductory Seminars
Introduction to English and American Literature, recurring since W13/14
Tutorial Introduction to English and American Literary Studies, recurring
Graduate Seminars
Gender, Sex and Crime (Fiction), W24/25
Fashion and Identity in British Culture, S24
Nostalgia in Modern and Postmodern English Literature, W23/24
Alice in Wonderland as a Literary Phenomenon, S23
The Interwar Period in British Literature, W21/22
Undergraduate Seminars
Shakespeare's War of the Roses: The Lancaster Tetralogy, S24
The English Gothic Novel of the 18th Century, S23
Fighting a "truth universally acknowledged"? 200 years of Jane Austen's works, W22/23
Elizabethan and Jacobean Theatre, S22
British Golden Age Crime Fiction, S21
Experiencing, Processing and Remembering the Great War in British Literature, W20/21
British and American SF/F TV an its Literary and Cultural Adaptations: Situation "Doctor Who" and "Star Trek", S20 (with Dr. Mareike Spychala)
Jane Austen: Interpretation and Adaptation, S20
20th- and 21st-Century Gothic, W19/20
Visions of Egypt in the British Imagination, W18/19
Thomas Hardy, S17
True Crime Fiction, W16/17
Linguistics meets Literature: An Interdisciplinary Experiment, S16 (with Romina Buttafoco)
Contemporary Poetry from 1945 until 2015, S16
"Oh, hide me! There's my mistress!" - English Restoration Comedy, W15/16
Elizabethan Literature Beyond Shakespeare, S15
Dulce et Decorum Est: The Great War in English Literature, S14
Layers of Conflict in Hanif Kureishi's Works, W13/14
From Hamlet to Batman - 400 Years of Revenge Tragedy, S13
Reading Classes ("?bungen") and Supervision Tutorials
Shakespeare Reading Group (continuously since WS14/15)
Tutorial for Students of MA English and American Studies, recurring
Supervision Tutorial for BA theses in English Literature, recurring
Preparatory Course for Bavarian State Exam (English Literature), recurring
Key Texts in Literary Theory, recurring
Gender, Sex and Crime (Fiction), W24/25
LGBTQIA+ Young Adult Fiction, S24
19th-Century Women's Fiction, S23
Fighting a "truth universally acknowledged"? 200 years of Jane Austen's works, W22/23
Crime Fiction, Femininities and Masculinities III: From the 1960s to Today, S22
Crime Fiction, Femininities and Masculinities II: From 1900 to 1960, W21/22
Crime Fiction, Femininities and Masculinities I: The 19th Century, S21
20th-Century British Drama, part III, W20/21
British and American SF/F TV and its Literary and Cultural Adaptations: Situating "Doctor Who" and "Star Trek", S20 (with Dr. Mareike Spychala)
Jane Austen: Interpretation and Adaptation, S20
20th-Century British Drama, part II, S20
20th-Century British Drama, part I, WS19/20
Visions of Egypt in the British Imagination, W18/19
Spotlights on English Drama I, S18
Thomas Hardy, W17/18
True Crime Fiction, W16/17
Discovering the 19th-Century Novel, S16
Filmic Adaptations of 19th-Century Novels and Novellas, W15/16
Fanfiction and Fandom: Democratising Literature?, W14/15
Reading English Crime Fiction Beyond Sherlock Holmes, S14
"Thursday Group" - English Literature Reading Group, S14
Reading Power Structures in British Children's Literature, W13/14
Text Production, S13
Writing Workshop, S13
Speaking Skills, S13
Communication Skills, W11/12 (replacement from January onwards)