Prof. Dr. Christoph Houswitschka ?
(* 8.06.1961 - ? 10.02.2022)
Chair of English Literature: 2002-2022
Research Focus:
- Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur and English late medieval literature and culture
- Medieval reception in film and literature
- Law and literature of the late 18th century (e.g. John Thelwall, High Treason Trials of 1794)
- English literature and culture of the 20th century (e.g. cultural transfer and migration, Europeanisation)
- Kindertransport and Holocaust literature
- Contemporary Jewish-British literature
- Rewriting War: The Paradigms of Contemporary War Fiction in English (with Departament de Filologia Anglesa, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
- Literature and bio-technology

Prof. em. Dr. Klaus Peter Jochum ?
(* 19.01.1937 – ? 7.04.2022)
Chair of English Literature: 1978-2002
Research Focus:
- William Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama (Habilitation: Discrepant Awareness: Studies in English Renaissance Drama)
- Narratives from the 18th to 20th century
- William Butler Yeats (Dissertation: Die dramatische Struktur der Spiele von W.B. Yeats)
Interim Chair of Department
Dr. Nora Ple?ke
Interim Chair of Department: April 2023 - February 2024
Research Focus:
- Anglophone Kulturen, Medien und Literaturen (18. - 21. Jahrhundert)
- Urban Studies, Material Culture Studies, Economic Criticism
- Transkulturelle und Postkoloniale Theorie
- Mentalit?tsgeschichte und -theorie
- Materiale, mediale und kulturelle Geschichte des britischen Empires
- London- und Stadtliteratur; Stadt- und Raumtheorie

Dr. Katrin R?der
Interim Chair of Department: April 2022 - February 2023
Research Focus:
- Early Modern Literature and Culture: works of Fulke Greville, Sir Philip Sidney and Samuel Daniel, censorship, conceptions of authorship and subjectivity, Protestantism / Calvinism, representations of the Ottoman Empire and Islam in English drama, historiography and travel literature between 1580 und 1620, history of emotions and epic
- Narrative Literature, Ethical Literary Criticism and Hermeneutics of Existence: conceptions of happiness and the British novel (18th - 20th century)
- Disability, Gender and Affect Studies, Autobiography Studies: “Shame as a Performative Narrative Affect in Automedial Art by Female British Authors with ‘Disabilities’ and ‘Mental Distress’ (Research Project funded by DFG)
- Igor Baldoino
- In Bamberg: March 2019 - September 2023 (April 2017 - February 2019: visiting lecturer and graduate assistant)
- Touhid Chowdhury
- In Bamberg: April 2019 - M?rz 2023
- Chiara Manghi
- In Bamberg: May 2015 - September 2019
- Lisa Sch?dlich
- In Bamberg: October 2017 - September 2018
- Alexander Debney
- In Bamberg: September 2016 - September 2017
- Dr. Barbara Kehler
- In Bamberg: April 2010 - March 2016
- Dr. Johannes Weber
- In Bamberg: October 2008 - June 2014
- Professor Dr. Anja Müller
- In Bamberg: April 2002 - March 2010
- Professor Dr. Christoph Heyl
- April 2010 - March 2011